Thursday, January 16, 2025

Police to arrest any person in possession of offensive weapons at rallies


Police have warned that they will arrest any person found in possession of offensive weapons at political public meetings.

Assistant commissioner in Charge of Operations Solomon Jere says political party cadres who have developed a habit of wielding knives, machetes and stones at any slight provocation will face the wrath of the law.

He says police will not tolerate the use of weapons especially as the country goes to the polls next month.

Dr Jere also urged members of the public to report any violence to an emergency call center which has been set up at the police headquarters.

On Sunday machete wielding Patriotic Front cadres kept vigil at their rally held at the Freedom Statue in Lusaka.

Other cadres where armed with catapults.

During the same rally PF Secretary General Wynter Kabimba directed party cadres to hit back hard at political opponents if provoked.

And Inspector General of Police Francis Kabonde has warned politicians and members of the public against circulating rumours that border on national security.

Mr. Kabonde told a media briefing on Friday that the police will deal firmly with anyone found spreading rumours orally or through the print media.

He says spreading false information has the potential to bring anarchy and civil unrest in the country.

He has dismissed allegations by Kanyama constituency PF candidate Colonel Jerry Chanda that the ruling MMD has invited soldiers from Zimbabwe to reinforce ahead of the tripartite elections.

Mr. Kabonde says the allegations by Colonel Chanda are currently under investigations.

He has appealed to Zambians not to take seriously any rumours and avoid being excited over the current political debates among political players.

The Inspector General of Police further urged political parties and candidates not to go to the extremes in their political campaigns as this can lead to provocation and intimidation.

Mr. Kabonde says the Police will provide maximum security to all political parties before, during and after the elections, adding that it is not true that the Police have been impartial in dealing with erring party cadres.




  2. Police officers should immediately be allowed to use tasers on anyone carrying and blandishing unauthorized weapons in public places.If a suspect has a gun, and is becoming violent police officer should use his gun also to nail him down.

  3. This so-called rumour about Zimbabwean security men being in Zambia is not a rumour at all. And I wonder why Kabonde is talking about investigating Chanda. It is himself Kabonde who should be investigated. Kabonde should learn to think before publicly saying anything, breaking stinking wind without thinking carefully. It is only a few days ago when he said to whoever he was talking to that he had no problems about asking Zimbabwean police to come and help maintain peace during elections. What did he think opposition political parties were going to think about his statement, did he expect them to celebrate? What kind of an i d i o t is Kabonde kanshi? He is the one causing electoral violence and should be fired!!!! His head is full of rotten garbage rather than brains…

  4. It is only a few days ago when he said to whoever he was talking to that he had no problems about asking Zimbabwean police to come and help maintain peace during elections. Ba kuta kite does that statement mean the police from Zimbabwe have come, its you bwana who need brain surgery

  5. Don’t accuse people who sympathize with others to be paid. If so why don’t you get yourselves some bloggers and pay them handsomely like we are paid you claim. These are strong sentiments losers tend to give in bid to get an injunction from clown-ship, you buffoons!

  6. Arrest not only those wielding pangas, catapults and other weapons at rallies but anywhere in public. Even Mr Sata declared guns as part of his assets but he did not carry them to the Supreme Court for display. So where do these UNIPist PF cadres get their guts from, sort them out now, tomorrow may be too late.

  7. #1, We saw those PF UNIpist tactics of accusing others of being paid to blog as early as January when you were still in the PACT. I actually told your colleagues then that it is PF which was paying people to blog, so don’t waste your time my dear, that is a stale tactic!

  8. The police will earn public confidence if they’ll wioll stick to their word and arrest everyone with dangerous weapons

  9. Police have lost public confidence especially from opposition PF who have restrained themselves for a long time from retaliating when provoked and or attacked by violent MMD hooligans.
    Police have not shown impartiality and diligence in the application and enforcement of the law.
    How long have PF members appealed and even begged for police protection from MMD hooligans?
    It had to take PF leadership to firmly instruct their members to protect themselves and hit back at MMD hooligans decisively for the MMD police to come up with their resolve.
    We didn’t need one section of society to vow to take the law in their hands for the MMD POMBOZI to wake up to their responsibilities… kabalwe imwe….JUST DO YOUR JOB PROFESSIONALLY

  10. The leaderless UNIPist PF party has capitulated on violence, it seems it didn’t pull the sympathy that they miscalculated they would receive. Instead they received all round condemnation even from their own NGO allies. This evening on the 19hours ZBNC TV News, Guy Scott and Lubinda were captured in Kabwata urging their supporters to renounce violence and report all provocation to the police! Okay that is good, but talk about flip flops this is surely the ultimate, even their cadres must be confused at this directionless leadership.

  11. Looks like the arsenal of PF strategies is now exhausted. From Kabimba’s battles in court to pangas, from calling for change by accusing others of being UNIPist to an admission by Guy Scott that PF is actually UNIP One Party State, nothing worked. What next self confessed UNIPist PF?

  12. Not too long ago Kabonde failed to act against violence on Nawakwi and told the nation that t to hreatening violence is not a crime,how do  people forget.This whole violence thing is being perpetuated by police.MMD is the causer of violence but police always protect them.Kabonde is just a heap of trash gabbage

  13. This MORON MONKEY CHIMPANZEES called Kabonde and JERE are stooges of the MMD. They only comments in the NEGATIVE about the opposition party members. MMD is the ONLY VIOLENT party in Zambia. The fact is RB is a foreigner and is involved in all sorts of violence related involving the MMD just to keep himself in power. What a SHAME!!!!

    If KABONDE and JERE are not steady, they may plunge Zambia into ANARCHY and political violence just because of their incompetence and BIAS toward the opposition political parties.

    YOU monkeys Kabonde and Jere, why can’t you arrest your FOREIGNER relative William Banda for his use of weapons in political violence related in Zambia?

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