Saturday, March 29, 2025

Zambia expresses reservations on Summit for Democracy Declaration regarding inclusion and gender diversity


Former Ambassador to Ethiopia, Emmanuel Mwamba, has revealed that the Zambian government has committed itself to the Summit for Democracy Declaration with reservations. The reservations relate to the hosting of the Summit for Democracy (African Session) in March 2023. The government of Zambia has expressed its reservations about the term “inclusion” and all its variations, “gender equality” and “gender identity,” “discrimination and exclusion on any grounds,” “marginalized groups,” and “sexual orientation.”

The Zambian government has declared that the term “inclusion” and all its variations entail the embracing of diversity, which may include sexual diversity, such as diversities relating to sex characteristics, sexual orientation, and gender identities. However, Zambia only recognizes two genders- male and female- in its Statute Book. The government reiterates that any other gender is not recognized by Zambia’s laws. Therefore, the terms “gender equality” and “gender identity,” wherever they appear in the Declaration, will be construed and interpreted in accordance with the Laws of Zambia.

The government recognizes that the words “any grounds” in the phrase “discrimination and exclusion on any grounds” can be loosely interpreted to include sexual orientation, gender diversity, and gender identity. However, the Laws of Zambia do not recognize sexual orientation, gender diversity, and gender identity as grounds for discrimination. Therefore, the words “on any grounds,” wherever they appear in the Declaration, will be construed and interpreted in accordance with the Laws of Zambia.

The government recognizes that the interpretation of the term “Marginalized Groups” is subjective. Still, it has been broadened to include Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, and Intersex (LGBTQI) people. The government declares that this form of sexual diversity is not recognized culturally or under the Laws of Zambia. Therefore, the term, wherever it appears in the Declaration, will be construed and interpreted in accordance with the Laws of Zambia.

The Zambian government recognizes that “sexual orientation” refers to a person’s identity in relation to the gender or genders to which the person is attracted. However, the government only recognizes heterosexuality and asexuality. Sexual relations engaged in by persons who are homosexual, lesbian, or bisexual are proscribed by the Laws of Zambia. Therefore, the government declares that it shall only recognize heterosexuality and asexuality.


  1. Reservations? And who made you spokesman for Zambian government?

    Pawa is sweet. Even hallucinating things.

  2. Ba LT just how confused are you? Do you have trained reporters and editors? This story shows you dont understand who speaks for the government.
    “Former Ambassador to Ethiopia, Emmanuel Mwamba, has revealed that the Zambian government has committed itself to the Summit for Democracy Declaration with reservations.”
    How can a Former Ambassador to Ethiopia no longer in government reveal the government’s commitment to anything including homosexuality? Readers shouldnt we be asking ourselves whether we are being given the truth here?

    • Mwamba is media friendly and always up to date with current matters. He even overtakes Ms. Kasanda, the face of UPND, in news dissemination.

  3. This not debatable both in traditional set up or in a religious set up. Let’s direct our energies where they are genuinely needed.

  4. Article heading and contents confusing. Anyway, trivial I know: But who came up with the order of these letters? Let me reorganize them for us all… BGILQT should be the acronym. There. I fixed it. Now where were we?

  5. All participants of that meeting needed to agree to that Declaration. But Zambia had reservations or concerns.

    America sent Kamwala Alice to Zambia with three objectives: Halt Chinese influence in Zambia, propagate Quire rights (which is always packeged alongside aid) and alienate Russia.

    Gayism, antiCaspian sentiments and Sinophobia were all officially rejected by the Zambian government at the Democracy Summit.

    Democracy comes in different shades and shouldn’t always be the American way.

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