By C.Chibomba
On 20th September 2011 the people of the Republic of Zambia will be going to the polls to cast their vote on who should have the right to rule them for the next 5 years.
The Contenders
10 political parties have put forward presidential candidates. Several more parties chose to sit out these elections, having read the landscape and seeing the writing on the wall which, to all intents and purposes, gave them the reason to believe that it was best to abstain.
Most pundits, including the majority of pollsters, have put their money on Rupiah Banda to take the day.Banda is the current President and is the candidate for the ruling party, the Movement for Multi-party Democracy (MMD)He has tirelessly criss-crossed the country taking the message of development and more development if re-elected. It is evident that his message has been well received judging from the huge crowds seen at his campaign rallies. The opinion polls have consistently favoured Banda with outcomes of between 42 and 48%. His chances of retaining the presidency have not diminished.
Michael Sata is the candidate put forward by the largest opposition party, the Patriotic Front (PF). He is performing reasonably in the opinion polls, garnering results of between 30 and 38%. Sata stood the best chance of ousting Banda from the presidency when his party sat in a political pact with the United Party for National Development (UPND) for a period of about three years. The Pact adopted a common strategy to build a strong force to fight the ruling party at the polls. In due time, the Pack showed signs of wooing voters to its side. Believing that the Pact was headed for election victory, some elements in Sata’s Patriotic Front became greedy and contrived to ‘allocate’ themselves positions in a perceived future Government. This enraged their partners in the Pact from the UPND and thus the Pact crumbled and diminished Sata’s chances of ascending to the presidency. Sata is now desperately trying to pick the pieces but has a hard task to dislodge Banda.
The third largest party in the country is the United Party for National Development (UPND) and its presidential candidate is Hakainde Hichilema. As the junior partner in the erstwhile Pact, the best he had hoped for was as Vice President to Sata. With the collapse of the Pact, Hakainde has heaved himself up as a possible contender to the highest office. Unfortunately for him, his party is parochial and has support only in one part of the country. It is a massive task for him to penetrate the rest of the country and there is little hope that he can be a threat to either Banda or Sata. The opinion polls give him a lowly 13% of the vote. His best chance would be to go into alliance with one of the larger parties, particularly the MMD who are the likely winners this year.
Then there are the other seven parties. What is most significant about these parties are their fancy names. They are basically also-runs with no real hope of upsetting the order of things. For the benefit of a complete picture, these other parties in contention are:
The Forum for Democracy and Development (FDD). It is the only party whose candidate is female, Edith Nawakwi. Nawakwi was once a Minister of Finance whose appeal has been to women to come out in numbers to vote for her. This is a long shot because, while women voters are in the majority, it is unlikely that the will deliberately vote for her simply because she is a woman. Party leaning normally holds sway when voting.
The National Movement for Progress (NMP). This is a new party hardly a year old formed by Ng’andu Magande. He also once served as a Minister of Finance and only formed his party after being hounded out of the ruling party when he fell out with the elite. His chances of success at the polls are next to nil.
The Alliance for Democracy and Development (ADD). Its president is Charles Milupi who vacated his seat in Parliament as an independent member to form his party just over a year ago. He successfully defended his seat in a by-election and came back to Parliament as party president, the only member representing his party. His popularity is limited to his constituency and is unknown elsewhere in the country. He has no chance of success in the presidential race.
The Heritage Party (HP). Godfrey Miyanda a former soldier, is the head of this party and its presidential candidate. Miyanda once served as the country’s Vice President and broke away from the MMD to form the Heritage Party hoping to ride on the fact that 90% percent of the population in Zambia is Christian and the country has a constitution which declares it a Christian nation. Even by a long shot, none of this is likely to win Miyanda the presidency and so his campaign is largely futile.
The United National Independence Party (UNIP). This is the oldest political party in Zambia fashioned by the first president, Kenneth Kaunda. His son, Tilyenji Kaunda is now at the helm and is hoping to walk in his father’s footsteps by also becoming President. Alas, his is virtually an impossible task. UNIP collapsed in 1991 with the introduction of multi-party politics. The party went into oblivion to the extent that in the last parliament, it had only one representative in the House who, interestingly, has since defected to the ruling party. UNIP has no significant support anywhere in the country and only pride drives its leadership to keep its name afloat. Kaunda might as well not be contesting the presidency.
The Zambian for Empowerment and Development (ZED). This is one of the several parties created recently merely to congest the free democratic landscape knowing full well that there’s was a futile exercise with no hope of landing the ultimate prize. Its leader is Fred Mutesa, a University don with radical ideals which cannot appeal to a population interested mainly in having food at the table and decent schools to send their children to. Mutesa’s vision of a utopian Zambia only understood by his students at University will not win him any votes. He stands no chance.
The National Restoration Party (NAREP). This is a party formed just over a year ago, whose appeal is mainly to the youth. The leader, Elias Chipimo Junior, is the youngest presidential candidate, a rising young lawyer, whose father, Elias Chipimo, was once a prominent politician, banker and diplomat. Chipimo’s ambition is to exceed his father’s achievements and become President of Zambia and so fulfil the adage that says the youth are leaders of tomorrow. He has preached this message mainly to the youth attempting to convince them that he time for the youth to lead has come sand so they should vote for him. The reality of the situation is that even the combined votes of all the registered youth would not win him the election.
The other two parties are really not worth mentioning. At best, they are ‘one-man’ parties and do not add value the political landscape in Zambia. They are, nevertheless, good for the democratic outlook and dispensation in Zambia. There is fair play politically. Everyone is accommodated, everyone is heard and everyone is given an equal chance to participate and have their say. Only the votes to cast on 20 September 2011 will decide who will be the next President of Zambia.
It’s worth noting that Zambia’s prevalent brand of politics is very personality driven, with many of its leading politicians building cults of personality based on messages that resonate with their followers. Many of the parties have not held democratic conventions and have leaders who have been attempting to be president for the last ten years. In the case of the two largest opposition parties the PF recently held a general party convention, the first in its ten year history. But this convention was characterised by autocratic decision making from the top, with Michael Sata choosing how positions should be allocated across the board. In the past the party did not even bother to attempt to practice any real internal democracy, its leader is known for his autocratic tendencies, suspending and appointing members at will. Since Anderson Mazoka’s death, Hakainde Hichelima the new leader of the UPND has not held a party convention either. Without transparent governance mechanisms it is difficult to tell how the opposition parties could meaningfully change the political landscape as far as corruption and transparent governance is concerned. With many of the opposition parties filled with disgruntled ex-MMD members it is also difficult to say how much they would actually change the socio-economic environment for the better.
chwela!!! chwelelelelelelela
on the watch
may you own soul go back to some english class , rest in that class instead of leasting there
It is apparent that L.T is an MMD tool that is used to present MMD and R.B as the winners of this election, but the fact still remains that L.T and it’s one sided writers will not determine the outcome of these polls. the Zambians will and the truth is P.F and Michael Chilufya Sata will emerge victorious. L.T, continue misleading your pay master Banda but the truth will prevail. DONCHI KUBEBA ba MMD ati nipabwatoooo…… VIVA P.F VIVA M.C SATA….
Notwithstanding the fact that Zambia is a democracy, our people deserve better and MUST only be guided into a successful future on ideology- Either one believes in money -capitalism, to drive the country forward or one believes in humanity-Socialist/communism or a mixture of capitalism&socialism/communism or better still a combination of ” Humanism, Socialism and communism”. So, utmost Zambia should only have 4 political parties with 4 different ideologies to compete for presidential elections and NOT the 10 we are witnessing in 2011…..this will just spoil votes and later create APATHY in our people and a destruction of our democracy ( people will lose confidence in our political system). Vote out leaders who cheated Zambians by not giving them or enacting a new constitution.
It is apparent that L.T is an MMD tool that is used to present MMD and R.B as the winners of this election, but the fact still remains that L.T and it’s one sided writers will not determine the outcome of these polls. the Zambians will and the truth is P.F and Michael Chilufya Sata will emerge victorious. L.T, continue misleading your pay master Banda but the truth will prevail. DONCHI KUBEBA ba MMD ati nipabwatoooo…… VIVA P.F VIVA M.C SATA….
Vote out leaders who cheated Zambians by not giving them or enacting a new constitution-BILL OF RIGHTS. Vote out leaders who amended the Anti-Corruption Act so that they can steal -Bloody thieves!! Isn’t it a shame, the same leaders who cheated zambians are now begging for VOTES from the very people they cheated?? Shame!! VOTE THEM OUT, OUT, OUT!!
No matter what you say, P.F is emerging victorious. MMD is dead and buried. This is our time and this is our victory. Zambia is not a one party state. We Zambians reject the perpetual rule of one political party called MMD. We want change and change is what we are getting this week. Viva P.F and His Excellency Mr. Michael Chilufya Sata, President-elect of the Republic of Zambia. Pabwatooooo…… Donchi Kubeba…
Peaceful zambians since 2 day the campains r finished,my apeal goes 2 all the standing presidential,mps,councilors nd independent candidates,that they shud all please pray 2 GOD in heavern so that these tripertie elections will go well nd fare. Good luck 2 u all.
No matter what you say, P.F is emerging victorious. MMD is dead and buried. This is our time and this is our victory. Zambia is not a one party state. We Zambians reject the perpetual rule of one political party called MMD. We want change and change is what we are getting this week. Viva P.F and His Excellency Mr. Michael Chilufya Sata, President-elect of the Republic of Zambia. Pabwatooooo…… Donchi Kubeba…
It’s P.F’s Victory.It’s Zambia’s victory. Viva Patriotic Front. Viva President Michael Chilufya Sata.Goodbye MMD. It was a displeasure having you as our ruling party. Rest in Peace MMD. You really messed up our beloved Country. We will never miss you. As for you Banda, you have over stayed your welcome. We made a mistake to put you in office and now we are correcting it by booting you out. “Donchi Kubeba….”
It’s P.F’s Victory.It’s Zambia’s victory. Viva Patriotic Front. Viva President Michael Chilufya Sata.Goodbye MMD. It was a displeasure having you as our ruling party. Rest in Peace MMD. You really messed up our beloved Country. We will never miss you. As for you Banda, you have over stayed your welcome. We made a mistake to put you in office and now we are correcting it by booting you out. “Donchi Kubeba….”
I absolutely agree with No.5 You people at LT are MMD cadres. Your bias against PF and your blind support for MMD is sickeningly unprofessional. In case you didn’t know, nobody takes your journalism seriously. You publish dishonest articles as you pander to your corrupt leaders inMMD.
It is IMPOSSIBLE for PF to form the next government when backroom deals are right now going on between MMD & UPND.
(A) HH knows he cannot win but can only increase the number of MP’s in parliament (B) HH has categorically said he is willing to team up with MMD if that’s what it takes to STOP Sata.
Nothing wrong with being MMD cadres. it is a party of choice since Rupia took over. the foo’ls at the Post have decided to join the fellow demagogues in the patritic foo’ls and noone cares a bit. if PF win the presidency i will be the first to congratulate them. as we are now that is looking very unlikely.
How refreshing it would be on Wenesday! New party, new president and rats scampering in all sorts of directions.
Editors to be arrested for crimes againest Zambians L.T, ZWD, Daily Mail, Times Of Zambia, and ZNBC. Individual : Chanda Chimba, Rhupia’ cabinet and sons, VJ and William Banda
PF win is next to zero
#11, you sound like you are ready for the POST website.
The Canoe has sunk
Senior Citizen is now siting on the fence after all the ranting.. Come out man. Dont hide as if you never existed.
MMD will fall from glory they are forgetting the letting down of the nation. E.G. no medicines in the hospitals, not paying farmers on time, turning a blind eye to blatant corruption…….. My friends the list is endless but I you know what I mean.. It’s time for change….. When you get a moment check out Dandy Krazy on youtube Search for DONCHI KUBEBA enjoy!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Good and Sad News: Sad News first, The UNIP era kind of politics is going into extinction on Tuesday. William Banda the Murderer, Bwezani Nkngole Banda, Sata Silufya, Mwanga vernom, Mukondo Lungu, Kavindele Savimbi, and the like minded are losing the election. The good news: HH comes in and makes new changes to national management and governance. Cheers mama Zambia Vote HHH vote new blood vote , vote for accountability an transparency. Watch jv AGAINST RIGGING
Go voters go. Win for Zambia
The author is without any grate of doubt an MMD stooge going by fact that he only has good things to say about his party despite the blatant, glaring and bollixed way they have messed up for 20years. While the article demonizes the PF despite its effort to democratize internally, the author fails to appreciate the protocols and rules that govern each political party.
Since the formation of MMD especially at the time rupiah took over the reigns of power the MMD has devolved in its democratic norms.
There is no democracy worth mentioning in the MMD that is above and beyond what is going on in PF given that it does not only have the advantage of incumbency but has been in existence for 21years. Rupiah has a wrap sheet of failures as long as one’s eyes can see both in govt and parastatals
I believe the author has not head of Abraham Lincoln and his political struggles and failures before becoming President and how his presidency is still revered admired and well respected by the American people to this day.
Let us be fair in our analysis. articles like this one will not make us appear blind over the misery we see and experience day in and day out under MMD misrule.
Not worth reading..
Lets wait & see!
What is the specific purpose of this discourse. It seems the author did not know the message they were trying to put across. I cannot make sense of it.
This is just a MMD/UPND article, who cares
Why do PF cadres come to LT just to insult. why don’t you go to your Post newspaper and sing praises to Sata and Mmembe.The Post could use a few more comments.Having said that may the best party win and keep the peace Zambians.Remember- ONE ZAMBIA ONE NATION
Keep on cheating yourselves Sata will never be president of Zambia. Most of us who voted for him in the last elections cant make the same mistake because this time we have sufficient information about him. Even this donchi kubeba slogan is entangled with evil activities and some people might not know. To say the least voting for Sata is voting for War and anguish in this country. Let fools vote for him for me i cant make the same mistake !!!!!
That is you and stop this kachepa. Zambians decided to bring in MMD, Zambians will decide to remove MMD on Tuesday. No pay for you batata.
@ #20 Pounds and Pence. Cheers mate. I like the bit where he says mu Chipatala tamwaba nemiti. Clever!!! Credit to Dandy.
The greedness in the opposition PF and UPND will cost ZAMBIA a great chance to experience new leadership at the polls to be held after tommorow.May God help zambia choose a leader who will take the country foward for the benefit our future and that of our children including our grand children.
@ 29 PF Mutale “.Keep on cheating yourselves ..” is indeed the appropriate message to these most admirable and gallant Patriotic Fighters. They have fought nobly, albeit to no avail. I do feel very sorry for them.
Democracy has taken root in Zambia and in the next few days the CV of democracy in Zambia will be strengthened further regardless of results. Chibomba’s observation is of substance worthy to note.
Most parties only exist on paper without any ideology at all. This include so called major opposition parties. Constitutions of these parties do not exist. After elections all parties including the victor have to undergo a rennaiscence process targeting new young leadership. The strategy of existence will depend on this process because of new ideas, innovative thinking, & complexity of geopolitical emmergence on the world stage. Parties that ignore this process do so at their own peril & will die naturally. This is solution to an ever changing complex political environment locally & world.
this article is extremely bias and unprofessional!!!
@35 Say something of substance unless you haven’t got what it takes to intellectually comment on the article which has given a roosemay of existing parties in Zambia. Talk to us.
@29 differing in opinion or policy implementation does not entail u to call us FOOLS ,umwana eshada antasha nyina pa for PF lets show that we are not fools,charity begins at home.
At last Mr Sata wil b incharge of govt on thur. All MMD supporters on this blog r outside Zambia so my fellow respected PF supporters lets not waste times responding to their rantings because we r in the driving seat. Lets wake up early on tuesday. SHHHHHH!
Yes we are outside Zambia and we wish Zambians all the best. If they vote wrongly, they will cry for another 10 years like they did under Chiluba. Chiluba and Sata killed Zambian economy with one stroke. Zambia Airways died, government owned companies like ZCCM collapsed, all para-government given away to family members like biscuits on a silver platter.
Vote for Sata and the devil will be with you to your graves. Sata and his PF are only looking for a last chance to steal the copper money that is now coming in. He is telling bullshit about hating the Chinese, in actual fact he loves them, but he cannot share that with the local Zambians. Sata is hosted by Zambians abroad on his visits to the UK. They all expect jobs back home as their retire. Vote for the devil PF and suffer like hell.
@22&23 so you are comparing sata to abraham lincoln,ni treason iyo chinnyo cha should be comparing sata to ettienne tshisekedi.
@22@23 usundila mu sha bola chikkala,shilya ishisangwa pa siga siga, pa rainbow nangu mu dolphin, pantu inkeche yamano iisangwa mu ohagans,times,monalisa nangu fye club zone teti
ulechita ifimano fya mu pf yakuleka na wemwine kuimwenamo fye umulandu wa class.any way ni kusiyana siyana.
dooooonnnncchhhiiii kuuuuubbbbeeeeebbbbbaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!
This article has been authored by a boot licker. You will be surprised come wednesday HH can not be rated so low that he only gets 13% of the total votes. This article lacks objectivity and the author has lamentably failed in his analysis. Let us hear from other sensible writers not this trash
If u think mmd I wining y write such an articles?
Tuka beba pa Tuesday. Viva pa bwatoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
Fact 1: 2001 election result for Sata = 3.4%Fact 2: 2006 election result for Sata = 29.37%Fact 3: 2008 election result for Sata = 38.64%Speculative guess: 2011 election result for Sata > 40%
I am not voting for him, but you cannot escape reality: Sata is more popular now than he was in 2008. RB benefited from sympathetic vote for Levy in 2008. It is HIGHLY unlikely that RB, on his own steam, will get anything like the 40% he ‘got’ in 2008.
Firm prediction: 1. All minor candidates put together = 10% of vote. Nawakwi & Miyanda < 1% each; 2. HH = 15%3. RB = ~32 +/- 2%4. Sata = 43 +/- 2%
Practical application of this knowledge: 1. Vote for progressive young man to encourage him to persevere and wait for 2016 for his victory (Chipimo?); 2. Pray that Sata will not be overly vindictive.
This reminds me of Christmas in the UK. After all the excitement of shopping, euphoria and looking forward to it, on Christmas day people just stay home, actually in doors and everything is at the standstill. the run-up to the elections was more exciting and I don’t care who wins to be honest!!
It was especially exciting to know who was wetting the bed, who was n’t performing in bed, who was a drunkard, a bitch, who had not respect for the elderly, who was allergy to have collapsed and the list is endless.
People were also urged to admire bums, chieftanesses were threatened with dethronement and all that
They say little minds think of persons,average minds think about events and great minds think about ideas.Therefore with zambian politics not being issue driven but personality driven therein lies our self chosen hangmans rope and it is choking us.
MMD vuvuzela’s they will all disapear on tuesday.
Both MMD and PF are mudala parties. Have a good look at the men at 74 still fighting for power in government, when the actual retirement age in Zambia is 55 for men and women. Sata and his Vice are both reaching for the grave – RB and his vice are just the same. The vice president has a runny tummy each time he trys to address a crowd of voters – why would anyone want to vote for these. Whoever is voted into power they will take this opportunity and run the economy further down. How can a developing nation like Zambia fail to creat jobs for people when there is so much to do? Road and the whole infrastructure need repair. How are there no JOBs in the country?
Iam a zambian who was born on the copperbelt from a Ngoni father and a Luvale mother. Iam 48 years old, and I feel very Zambian than most people, knowing that most of you feel the same. Right now it is my prayer that Zambia should come out better than it has ever been after electins. I live in the US in Orlando but that does not make me special, iam still Zambian. Iam not there to vote, but who ever has that right, please, do it for the betterment of Zambia.
Unfortunately, Zambian politics are politics of the belly and henceforth, it is not even worth trying to analyse it. Having said this, one should not however forget that, it is a well documented fact that, every decade or thereafter, change is always inevitable regardless of what situation is tenanble at the time.
” Time will tell….time will tell ….time alone long will tell….” I want to be a priest.I am ready to stay away from the fruit of life. And One the Faza tested the fruit and went crazy. He could not manage to even spit out the fruit’s seed. He wanted it to be there in the mouth all the time and even forgot the vows of celibacy…….Faza walya. So now we at the threshold. I am longing for the results. As now it is clear as to who will win these elections. TB Joshua has refuted claims by serio and pathological liers that the Phrophet had predicted that the opposition would win these elections. It is instead RB RB RB …….Ana faza walya……permanently expelled from the catholic church…………..
Time will always tell as it keeps ticking. At one time it was 2 months away. But today it is only a matter of hours. Let us keep cool….and reflect. I have prayed for our country and I know That god will Protect us and give us the right leader.
God will never forsake us.He can never give us this mad man Sata as President.He side-stepped him 2001,made him lose in 2006 and 2008.God will defeat him for us even this time around. Zambia can not and will never be put in the hands of this lunatic,never.
Yes MMD is unfortunately wining thanks to Sata’s ganja smoking greedy brains. If HH was in a pact with either PF/MMD he could have won
It will be foolish for any of the the three leading contenders RB. Sata and HH to plug this country in a cycle of violance just for sake gaining political power. The three should undrstand that Zambia is not for three people and their hench men and women but for all of us. They should tame their cadres and allow us vote without any intimidation. We listened to their campaign rallies and it will be up to each individual voter to decide who to vote for. If RB’s strategy to win by fraud and use security forces to surpress the majority then he will end at ICC.Same applies to Sata if he thinks he claim victory by nmaking false allegations in order to incite the unemployed youth and use for unrising he will not spared same appeal to HH. Please keep to your wonds and save us BLOODSHED NO NO NO
First-class story indeed. We have been searching for this content.