Sunday, September 8, 2024

Criminals attack Chinese nationals in Chingola


Criminals in Chingola have shot and injured two Chinese nationals and got away with K200, 000.

The victims are identified as Tony Dong, aged 33 and Su Bei Qiang also a Chinese national aged 45 who sustained a gun shot in the stomach and a painful back after he was hit with a block.

The incident occurred when the criminals attempted to break into Calastone Technology Company along Lulamba road in Chingola on April 17, 2023 and around 22:30 hours.

Copperbelt Police Commanding Officer Peacewell Mweemba who confirmed the incident to ZANIS, said the two victims were rushed to Sinozam Hospital in Kitwe by fellow Chinese nationals, where they are admitted.

“Brief facts are that on the April 17, 2023 at around 22:30hrs about eight criminals who were wearing masks, armed with three pistols, others armed with pangas and an iron bar, jumped over the wall fence of the company and attacked the workers, including the guard,

The criminals later ordered one of the workers to awaken the victims who were sleeping in the house. In the process, one criminal who was near their room was gunned down by the Chinese. Whilst in pursuit of other criminals, the victim was also shot in the stomach,” Mr Mweemba explained.

Mr Mweemba said the criminals got away with a bag that contained K200, 000 cash, work permits and passports.

“Police officers rushed to the scene and found that other criminals had already run away but Police found the dead body of a criminal at the scene, who was shot at. They took the body and deposited it in Nchanga North Hospital mortuary,” he said.

Mr Mweemba said to ascertain what occurred, Police will review the CCTV cameras once the victims have been discharged from the hospital with hopes of identifying the criminals.

He said no cartridge was picked from the crime of scene and investigations will continue in the case.


  1. Sad event, the culprits must be arrested as soon as possible please. We can’t have such dangerous criminals roaming around. If some of you read my comments you will note that there is some sense in what I say, I mentioned a while a go about the dangers of drowning and why the DMMU should step up efforts in combating this, this I commented on even before we had so many deaths by drowning I equally mentioned a while back the dangers of idle youth (not necessarily Junkies)that stand alongside streets watching people, these are the same chaps who hatch sophisticated plans of robbery. The police must start to arrest loiterers with immediate effect or these acts of crime will increase. These youth you are seeing can be your worst nightmare if not giving discipline and guidance.

  2. Ctn…on the same subject of idle minds there should also be in place measures to see drinking taverns and places where beer is sold are closed off and not open to seeing the wider public whilst they are drinking, whereby those who are drinking in many cases also discuss and formulate criminal acts inorder to sustain their drinking habits.

  3. Is this a Technology company or a farm? You have workers on duty at 22:30 and the managers sleeping on site in the house and criminals climbing over the fence which can only mean that workers are locked in and you have the Chinks sleeping on K200,000 for what? Where is the Labour ministry to take interest in this?

    • This company is almost in the township. It works three shifts. Like all Chinese companies I have seen, residence is within the plant.

    • Why are you harassing the Chinese? And yet you want a bail out from them? What planet are you living on?

  4. The Question was What was the setup that workers were on duty at 22.30 ?
    And why was that amount of money being kept in the house ??
    It should and will be investigated Yet nothing will come of it,
    Chinese hummmmmmmmmmmmmmm

  5. The Chinese require counseling. They believe in cash. They carry loads of cash even in low income communities. A Chinese would carry a million Kwacha and bundles of dollars in the bag and walk about carefree. It’s not safe. They’ll remain targets unless they change.

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