Opposition MMD Members of Parliament who have been appointed to Government by President Sata have pledged to deliver to the expectations of Zambians.
Nyimba Member of Parliament Forrie Tembo has praised President Michael Sata for appointing him as Deputy Minister of Information, Broadcasting and Tourism.
And another MMD Chilanga Member of Parliament Keith Mukata who has been appointed Deputy Minister of Commerce, Trade and Industry says he is humbled by the appointment.
Mr. Tembo says President Sata’s inclusion of MMD MPs is a clear sign that he wants to live by his promise of reconciling the nation after the September 20th tripartite elections.
He says the main task of every politician should be to deliver service to all Zambians.
Mr. Mukata says President Sata’s decision to appoint him from the opposition is a clear indication that he is in a hurry to develop the country with the participation of every Zambian.
In his appointment of Cabinet and Deputy Ministers President Sata has appointed six MPs from the former ruling party, MMD.
These are Nicholas Banda of Kapoche who is Deputy Minister for Agriculture and Livestock, Forrie Tembo of Nyimba, Keith Mukata of Chilanga and Josephine Limata of Luampa who is North-Western province Minister.
Others are Livingstone MP Katombola Lukulo who has been appointed Southern Province Minister and Katuba MP Dr Patrick Chikusu who is Deputy Minister of Health.
Good, please work for Zambia and its people for all’s benefit. Be honest and let your dealings speak for themselves.
Ba moderator, have I been banned from posting on your site? Why?
Good strategy, they will soon defect to PF to add value to paliament
President Sata mean well for Zambia. We all need to give him support.Who thought he can appoint ministers from MMD after all the insults by MMD.
……I didnt know that Sata refuse to drink bottled water for a very patriotic reason, that he will only dink that water when Zambians have access to clean water.Time for you to provide clean water Mr President.We actually have no water in most parts of lsk. People are forced to pay in excess of 20 million ZMK to drill and put up water tanks.
“Opposition MMD Members of Parliament who have been appointed to Government by President Sata have pledged to deliver to the expectations of Zambians.” They just have to…who can refuse such an offer???
Positive indeed, thats what we need.Zambia is for all zambians and its the duty of zambins to work together if Zambia is to develop,,,,one Sata one Zambia…!!!one for all,all for one!
kulibe he knows that he has minority in parliament and bringing former MMD on board will mean more new PF with the goal of eventually getting majority in parliament and PF’s agenda forward.not healthy for democracy at all.I dont agree
odd one out u are mate
Good President,never seen this before.You have done something in 3 days,others took 20 years to do nothing.Man of action,may the good Lord continue to give you the direction.
Good, please work for Zambia and its people for all’s benefit. Be honest and let your dealings speak for themselves.
Sata did not want his PF MPs to work with the MMD government when he was in the opposition. What has made him change his mind?Why include MMD MPs in his government?Why didn’t he just pick MPs from his PF?This man is so self-centered.What if the MMD opts to do what he(Sata)used to do to the ruling party,how would he feel?Is this the “DO TO OTHERS AS YOU WOULD LIKE THEM DO UNTO YOU?”
you really are bitter mate
Those MMD or UPND members appointed to the cabinet should be on their guard not to be compromised by their new appointments.Remember first and foremost you are the opposition and duty bound to provide checks and balances to the administration.Your first loyalty is to the zambian people then Sata comes 2nd.You are our eyes and ears to check on any abuse of resources.
why is he creating rebel mps ..?this is crazy!
Why didn’t he also appoint some from UPND? Just shows that MMD MPs don’t have integrity.
UPND Under 5’s are arrogant like their tribal leader.UPND will never rule zambia.Sata will rule upto 2021 then chipimo will take over.Who would vote for a tribal tea party apart from Tongas and disillusionals?
These are politics of poverty where the ruling party appoints members of the opposition to weaken the opposition. This is the same tactic Mwanawasa employed. The opposition MMD members have accepted these positions, not because they want to contribute to national development, but because they want to serve their own selfish ambitions. It’s a shame to see such a practice being perpetrated by Mr Sata who vehemently opposed the same practice in the previous regimes.
“Deliver to the expectations of the Zambians my foot!” Poverty stricken chaps looking to exploit the nation for their own selfish whims!Â
If Sata opposed this practice in the past, why is he doing the same thing? Did he oppose it out of principle?
If MMD appointed opposition MPs when they ruled, did they do it out of principle? How they respond will tell.
Is this practice allowed in the new constitution? If not, will this practice cause the PF govt to not deliver the new constitution so their interests can be served? In other words, are we having the new constitution soon?
Way to Go. Way to Go Mr. President. U have our support and ala those Mp’s from the opposition go into Govt., with a clear mind set to help develop Zambia. We need your numbers.
UPND will never rule this country!!! these chaps are arrogant, tribal, bitter and stupid.. pf has done it without them!!!! UPND has to change their top leadership!!! sakwiba sikota would have been a better bad egg!!! well meaning zambians.. lets not allow tribalism!!