Sunday, September 8, 2024

Stray lion kills livestock in Senga Hill


A stray lion has killed eight livestock in Senga Hill District of Northern Province. Davies Makali of Mungomba Village told ZANIS in an interview that the beast killed four of his goats which were in a kraal.

He said the lion also killed two goats and two pigs in Tukuta village on 21 April 2023. He said the lion ate all the major parts of the carcass of two of his goats and only left the head and trotters.

Mr Makali said the other two goats only had their stomachs eaten. He disclosed that the community immediately reported the case to the department of national parks and wildlife.

“We informed Officers from the department of national parks and wildlife who came to the area,” he narrated.

Mr Makali said he has lost his goats and has since appealed to the government to consider helping all the affected people in the area to restock the livestock.

He also appealed to officers under the department of national parks and wildlife to kill the beast which has been terrorizing animals in the district.

And Department of National Parks and Wildlife Senior Warden for Northern Province Lackson Ng’andu has confirmed receiving reports of animals being killed in Mungomba and Tukuta villages.

Mr Nga’ndu explained that two officers were dispatched to the area to access the carcasses in the two villages.

He disclosed that it has been difficult for officers to do their job because most of the people temper with the remaining carcass.

Mr Ng’ndu urged members of the general public in Senga Hill district to desist from tampering with the animals suspected to have been killed by the beast to help the officers conduct their assessment well.

He said officers have since left the area after receiving another report that the lion has been spotted in Chimbola village in Mugwi district.

“I also want to appeal to people to be security conscious and protect their livestock,” he added.

Mr Ngandu cautioned people not to move in thick forests and ensure they also move in groups at night to avoid being attacked by the lion.

Last month a stray lion was spotted in Senga Hill and Mbala districts respectively which also killed livestock in some areas.

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