Friday, October 18, 2024

President Hichilema’s Humility is Amazing


President Hakainde Hichilema on Saturday humbly gave his beloved daughter, Miyanda, in marriage to Meenda Milambo during a modest ceremony held at his farm in Namwala, Southern Province. His humility is truly admirable and heartwarming.

Contrary to expectations, where a wealthy businessman and politician like him would typically organize a lavish wedding at a boutique hotel, complete with private jets and high-profile guests, President Hichilema chose the serene environment of his village. He continues to lead by example, setting a positive precedent for his ministers.

Just a year ago, one of his trusted confidants and cabinet ministers, Hon. Gary Nkombo, also celebrated his daughter’s wedding in a similarly modest manner, deviating from the glamorous and extravagant displays we were accustomed to during the previous regime. This is the way it should be! We do not expect our leaders to flaunt their wealth carelessly, indulging their families and friends with luxury items while disregarding the needs of the less fortunate.

As someone who has closely followed and observed President Hichilema’s journey since he entered the public eye, I can attest to his unmatched simplicity and modesty. During a radio interview, he was asked why he continues to use his old vehicle, affectionately called “scolocolo,” when he could easily afford a fleet of brand-new, state-of-the-art SUVs.

His answer was simple yet disarming: “It’s just a piece of metal,” he pondered. “What value or benefit does an expensive vehicle bring to me? I am perfectly content with what I drive.”

Thank you, Mr. President, for being an exceptional role model. At a time when many of us have become consumed by greed to the point where we shamelessly hoard millions of cash meant for the impoverished in our homes, your integrity shines brightly.

By Prince Bill M. Kaping’a
Political/Social Analyst


  1. I think it’s nauseating to politicize Miyanda’s wedding and I’m disgusted by the comments and comparisons that are being made on various political platforms between HH and ECL. It’s up to each family to choose how they celebrate such events. We’re slowly losing it as a nation. Those in politics must realize that there’s a lot that happens outside of politics. Let them respect others. I’d like to congratulate the bride and the groom for joining us in this sacred institution of marriage

    • True this is humility at its best. Others could have flashed their wealth in an expensive location. I also find it well enough for the President to be applauded.

      Paul Simbeye

    • Totally agree with you and equally congratulate the newly weds.

      Let’s move away from politics sometimes.

    • Remember Lungu was always praised as humble. Our experience is that humble people never take Zambia anywhere. They just humbly steal. They humbly appoint psycophants in government thereby stealing our tax money to appease their bootlickers. Why not employ these in your own company if you are rich and have seen how useful they are? Dont use our government for your personal desires.

  2. He is a miser. Besides it is his own business how weds or buries his relatives. Nothing special here.

  3. The problem of being self obsessed and having praise singers is that even when your daughter marries, the news is all about you instead of your daughter. Hh is a greedy self obsessed insecure cretin. I pity the groom who will have to live under the control and shadows of this weird man hh. Fikapwa

    • I am not bitter. Actually I am supporting HHs daughter. This day should have been about her. Hh was busy live streaming the event. Let the daughter and son in law decide what they want on their wedding. Marriage like this don’t last. My daughter has had deep conversations about my behaviour towards her boyfriends and I am learning to respect her views and independence.

  4. A man who got his riches through shady privatisation deals is forced to act poor because he masqueraded as being down to earth during campaigns. Why live a lie? You stole millions from Zambians. We know behind closed doors your live lives of gluttony. Why be so hypocritical? The ugliest wedding of the year.

  5. Saw the title and immediately thought how ECL was called humble. I judged the contents of the article from the praise of being humble. That says nothing about a person’s character when it comes to politics in Zambia.
    Reading the article and you see the praise heaped on a human being. And if course, because the author knows some of us now skip his articles, the name came at the end, how disappointing.
    Most importantly, congratulations to the newly weds, I remember bashi Tasila’ father also had a modest wedding for his daughter when he was still President.

    • He would be like Thabo Kawana, a party cadre paid to spread propaganda and sing praises. Let him stay with us in the sidelines observing how the country is being governed.

    • So right Chiza Chirwa how can we allow our civil service to be misused like this and just be silent? We allow a party cadre to be paid to spread propaganda and sing praises in the name of government??? People are dumped in the Ministry of information as civil servants yet they are party cadres! It is immoral!It is theft of public funds! It is lewd. Using taxpayers’ money to reward your henchmen is not HUMILITY

  6. People are mixing akaso with humility. Someone with penguin hand will be mistaken to be humble, the two are different. HH needed to feed the guests sumptuously above the standards being reported here. Akose umupongoshi!

  7. What awful outfits! This ka mr kutumpa is just a miser nothing humble here! Why is this even news?

  8. Even if the president is a miser ……….

    Ni ndalama zake, si za nyoko…….

    Let him live the way he chooses………

    As long as his family is financially secure………

  9. Africans just like to over exaggerate……..

    In developed countries, leaders even ride bicycles to work………..

    If that happens in Africa, they will be called stingy……..

  10. Deja Vu

    ” So you are European ?”

    What a stupid question…….

    Are you an English person to be using the English language ??

    I dont have to be a European to see that Africans over exaggerate…….

    there is nothing wrong with a modest wedding, or ridding a bike to work, or using public transport is you are a leader

    • #Spaka…if HH had held this wedding at top Lusaka hotel with invitees from all over Africa, you were going to justify….. HE’S THE PRESIDENT BLAH BLAH

    • Dejavu

      What top lusaka hotel ??…..

      It’s not in his nature to spend big……..

      Stop smoking weed , you are incoherent and blabbering rubbish

  11. Us Zambians, do not have any moral standards to aspire to in terms of moral livelihood.
    Just look at houses we build, unlivable, like hills and yet we

  12. If he is a European or not is irrelevant
    The Fact is africans cant rule
    Is Our Africa not a good enough examole ??

  13. This looks expensive to me… what’s wrong with an expensive wedding when you can afford it… are now accustomed to poverty is it honorable to be impoverished, new UPND standards- poverty ..

  14. People who are humble are not vengeful. Hakainde very much wants to avenge the Lungu gang’s under the belt punches. With his own under the belt punches. Mumbi, Lungu, Kambwili, are all on the Bucket list

  15. A big shout to the usual suspects Deja Vu, Chiza Chirwa, Kaizar Zulu (real or fake), Spaka, Ayatollahs and Kadansa. Kaizar must stop insulting though coz there’s no profit!

    • Why pick on me? Everyone here insults. My comments wouldn’t be posted if they breached LTs rules. I speak the truth.

    • Thanks Bill. It makes me happy that you can read my comments on your articles. At least they are not in vain. Pray tell, how do you get published here? I would very much like to write a full rebuttal to some of the things you post.

    • @Chiza
      Normally a publication will solicit articles from you and tell you their price. Otherwise they may receive your un solicited articles and inform you of their pricing structure for you to agree to a payment then they publish. I notice that Zambian publishers dont want to pay perhaps because they dont appreciate the noble trade of writing

  16. I think anyone connected to PF should just shut up. PF and their gang of shameless thieves should just not comment on anything. This country was reduced to mannerless shameful behaviour. Imagine the former First Lady with a 400 000 stolen dollars cash scandal. These hypocrites, thieves belong to the inside of jails. That’s why they are so bitter and miserable. Look at how troubled all of them look now. Lungu looks like a 99 year old and Kaizar looks more and more like an old monkey

  17. How amazing! What a humble man! Humbler than Chagwa! Even forgets to wear his white gloves! Doesnt even use the challenger! Wont even live in State House cos its too grandiose! Cant even fire scandalous ministers like Masebo and Nkombo because hes too humble to admonish them! What humility! Rushing to Paris at the beckoning of Muzungu Makron! How humble

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