Movement for Multiparty Democracy MMD national chairman Michael Mabenga has castigated the MMD North Western Province Executive for calling for his resignation and the stepping down of former President Rupiah Banda from the party presidency.
Mr. Mabenga says there is no way he will relinquish his position as chairman of the former ruling party. This follows the resolution by the MMD Provincial executive committee in North Western Province for former president Rupiah Bwezani Banda to relinquish his position as president of MMD with immediate effect and retires from active politics.
MMD provincial secretary Emmanuel Chihili says the executive further wants Mr Mabenga, and National Secretary Major Richard Kachingwe to resign on moral grounds for lamentably failing to run the party.
Mr. Chihili says the provincial leadership has also proposed that former commerce minister Felix Mutati assumes the MMD Presidency in an interim capacity as they wait for the extraordinary convention.
Mr. Chihili states that the MMD in Northwestern Province are not comfortable and happy with the way the top leadership is handling the party affairs following the painful defeat orchestrated by lack of foresight.
But Mr Mabenga says he will not relinquish his position because of a complaint from one individual. Mr. Mabenga in an interview with QFM radio has also doubted media reports quoting Mr. Chihili. He says the MMD has a procedure which should be followed and not rushing to the media to air grievances.
He adds that the MMD only went to the convention this year and that there is no way the party will organize another convention.
Now the recriminations begin
Too late, you were supposed to put Mr. Felix Mutati as the party president and presidential candidate for the last election but due to greediness you guys let RB now you are cry accept the reality you already chose RB at the convention choose the next MMD president at the next convention. It is only fair that you follow your party’s constitution.
As good as Mutati is as an economist, he has no presidential qualities.
Please, wait another twenty years.
The bootlickers are tired of supprting blindly and they are right. Mabenga, Dora, Rupia, Kachingwe, should leave and start to realise that their time is over. Stuborness shall not help the party. Next, MPs defect. Aaaaaaahooooooh
Please follow your right channels to resolve internal disputes. You are also a part of it otherwise how do you explain the rigging and attempted riggings which took place in Solwezi. The ballot boxes with rigged ballots are still there.
The observation made by the committe in Northwestern province is an echo made by Mr Michael Chiti that almost all the NEC executive of MMD should resign including the president R.B. Banda. They should not wait for Zambians particulary general membership of MMD to compel them to go. They should justify why they are needed in the party when they have mismanaged it leading to loss in the just ended elections. They have lost credibility in the party, failed to advise the president effectively and insular to general membership advice. They were de-touched with realities of what was obtaining on the ground. They have therefore become irrevant to the party and need to give room to new blood with new ideas, new thinking and innovative competecies to run the party.
Mutati is the only chap who can resuscitate this party.
Let the games begin! More Popcorns please! I`m Lovin it!
Nice one. Reminds me of MMDchiefbootlicker as he ate a lot of popcorn in the months leading to the elections. Ha!ha!ha!
We in the diaspora call upon all peace loving MMD members to call for RENNAISCENCE in MMD and revive the origin ideals of the party. We agree with the proposal that Mr Michael Chit assume interim president position as we take stock and analyse what went wrong and way forward. We appreciate what the new govt has embarked on among other things the inactiment of the new constitution to deal with the massive powers of the president to be bequenched to parliament. We call upon all provicial leadership to pass the resolution for current NEC to be dissolved because they were elected on guided democracy which is agaist the norms of any credible democracy. This is what will rejuvanet the party and provide new lease of life to move on and reclaim its rightful place in Zambian politics.
Mmd on the way to its grave. That’s the oppotunity HH is yenning for. A political mis calculator!
RB has continued his bully attitude of wanting to rule regardless other people’s desire. A president who loses an election never continues the leader of a party (ie- incumbent). Never has that happened. The party needs to rejuvenate and get rid of old bigwigs. The party is headed for an eventual collapse and am sure UPND will split as well into factions that are sympathetic and those that are intolerant to MMD. The greatest thing RB did in his three years was providing Chitenge materials to woment and T- Shirts to men, what a legacy-hahaha.
The ultimate end of mmd. i will follow mutati felix to upnd.
i thought rb resigned immediately after his unceremonios defeat to one mcs.
has he changed now? why, how, where? that address was not for mmd members alone, but was meant for all of us zambians. this guy thinks he can fight the cobra now that he is still at large. wait my ex thieving presido, the spitting cobra is on you and is about to strike. better watch out.
MAbenga is allergic to change
Viva felix Mutati!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 2016, here we come!!
This is the Mabenge I know – arrogant, unrepentant and 6 times more stu=pid even after defeat. To think these imbe=ciles once ran our country.
There is no need for another MMD convention to get rid of these losers. A vote of no confidence is allowed in the MMD constitution after which fresh elections can be held. The other provinces must also submit similar discontent
Ndate, bo Mabenga, time to go back home,
Felix is not presidential material..let them put Shikapwasha…hahahahahahahahahhaa
i think Felix is not the right person for such a high position. i would put him on the same level as HH when it comes to communicating with the masses. They are not charismatic.
Good evening
MMD had their chance to rule Zambia and they utilised it to the maximum. At least for now, Zambians will do well to cross them off their list and move on with. PF has a point to prove to the electorate and that is why they are so determined to deliver where MMD overslept. I’m sure that they will achieve a lot aswell. This is the beauty of democratic change. The opposition draws it’s strength from the weakness of the ruling party and becomes so powerful that it runs them into the desert
Greetings Nine Chale, well said.
VJ FOR MMD PRESIDO AND VEEP MAMA DORA. kikikikikikikikekekehahahahaha hoho
Sata has “ALZHEIMER’S DISEASE” and “HEART COMPLICATIONS” which are both eating him day after day. This is a well known issue within the party ranks and medical circles. MMD could just be buying time knowing that Sata will not last long and everyone is expecting another election.
Sata does not have so much time so he has to move very fast with his self made rule. The issue with that is that he is making so many irrational decisions without engaging his ministers or advisors. The president has be advised to avoid flying at all cost. If did he would exert high pressure found on high altitudes which could severely have a bad outcome.
You are a sick person very sick indeed
God will bless our president, he shall never die until he delivers. Long live his excellency
Ubepele u are not God. There have been people who have lived longer despite being deemed to be sick, longer infact than those that perceive themselves to fit and healthy
There is a trend in African Politics for leaders to hung on to power. I mean the only president who left power with credibility in Zambia is no one. All the four president that have preceded Mr Sata at some stage did not want to wilt from power, even mr Mwanawasa, It is argued he did lose but somehow hanged and, instead of moving when his health was failing him, decided to.
I know Mr Sata will do the same I am afraid
I also wonder what has been the pinnacle of news in the last 5 years
1. Mr Sata becoming the president?
2. The passing away of Mr Mwanawasa
3. The passing away of Mr Chiluba
4. Mr Banda losing the elections
5. The change of the Airport names in Zambia
I would say the last one. I am still reeling
What about Brown trying to cling to power
Cameron no fit for purpose and wanting all
You blacks outa here?
How about David Cameron promising the people of Britain a referendum, gains more ground because of this lie only to keep quiet about it after wining and realising it is not as easy?
Mushota go and spread your legs for the once per month moron!
Mushota.. you should just sit there in Glasgow and then pass comments on Zed happenings coz you lost my dear. I even wonder if you are who you claim CIMA student can not be that dull. Am in Scotland and would love to meet and prove it myself that you are who you are ..you loser
@Ex Post Journalist: You are wishful. Sata is fit and now that he has access to resource, he will stay in power. I do not like HH and RB but when it comes to issues of health, you are not being a true Zambia and not being humane by trying to announce opinion like fact and heavenly verdict on the lives of others. Who knows, if you are a man, you might have prostate cancer growing in you waiting to eat you in 5 years, if you are a woman, you might have a cancer awaiting to claim your life. You deserve to be raped by HIV infected homosexuals!
You are sick. How on earth do you wish for some to be raped and infected with HIV. Grow up
@ Mushota: You need to get your facts right. Use evidence and make quotes of such allegations. You are out of touch with Zambian affairs and you need to practice restraint. You went out of country and you probably did not take part in making history. You most likely are a perpetrator of voter apathy as well as defamation. If you are in Zambia, you are a big shame as you do not look at issues and policies but look at assumptive and tailored trends. You need exorcism!
25@ Luciferous Calyptus
There is nothing wrong with facing the truth. For sure no one is immune to any disease. I could wake up one day with some serious issues.
Unfortunately, there some diseases like ALZHEIMER that even if you get the best of the best in the medical world – nothing can be done. ALZHEIMER eats the brain and squeezes it to shrink. Mwanawasa had a medical issue. He had 2 Zambian Doctors, Two British Doctor and 1 Cuban Doctor and finally the French team but they all failed and the man kept pushing himself till death. This is not about wishing sata or someone to die but facing the reality.
Judging by your last statement about me getting raped by an HIV person that sums up how just an angry and frustrated person your are in your life.
Mushota’s love for Zambia is fascinating. She comments on most issues with so much passion.
The party is dead.They will never resurrect.Gone is the MMD
Mr Mabanga this is a part that won elections 5 times and the 6th attempt, it lost. Normally, the losing candidate must leave. Unlike in opposition where process of building take sometime, a losing ruling party has to regenerate itself. The village mentality of Mulobezi will not take MM anywhere. As for oldman, stay away and rest. You trusted tribesmen, sons and tribal cousins. Zambians have set the pace and PF learn from MMD.
RB must retire from active politics for him to benefit from the president retirement act. Let him go and start playing former President’s role
Free advice to mmd. Mutati is not presidential material and is not a natural organiser. He is full of retoric and cant play opposition politics for more 10 years cause my prediction is that pf might be in power for 15years.
These fools made MMD fall! Yet they still want to stick to the little power they have left! If i were ichi chi-Mabenga, i would resign on Moral high ground! These are the stinks, and Chi-Kachingwe who made MMD fall! As if not enough, the mathafacker was beaten pants down in Mulobezi! What a shame! They want milk all of whats left in MMD! they are adding value the party! Where are the young stooges in MMD, and why are they quite? MMD needs fresh blood to rejuvenate/invigorate the party. Otherwise, under these politically clueless clowns, MMD is going down, faster than UNIPin 91! Mr. CDF and Kachingwe must GO!
Mr. Mabenga, this is the time to listen to reason. You have just embarrassingly lost an election and you still don’t want to face the fact that it was a vote of no confidence in you and your leadership. Even if you had the last convention 1 week before the elections, you’re duty-bound to convene one (even if you call it whatever) in light of the election loss. The North Western provincial executive are talking sense but if you can’t see that, I’m afraid you’re forever burying your party which we need as a credible opposition to provide reasonable checks and balances. Shame on you Mabenga for your immature reaction!
Banda and Mabenga are both big headed,common sense dictates that they should have resigned immediately after Banda accepted defeat.But becos Banda with his UNIP mentality he wants to stay on until MMD is destroyed Kaunda did that to UNIP.Mabenga with his village mentality cannot accept that he was defeated by aboy of his son’s age something very shameful.Both of you heed what lovers of MMD are calling for,RESIGN.:x
Probably UPND can get RB since they want to protect him
As much as i dont like Mabenga’s character,he has a point,Bwalya Chiti resigned because he has been eyeing the MMD presidency since the first term of Mwanawasa (MHSRIP) Those pushing for Mutati are just being emotional,let them tell us how Mutati left ZESCO as FD.
If it waz not for the self-confession about drug-trafficking, VJ would have even been suitable to rule Zambia.
MMD iz very dead. RB can’t politik any more az he needz hiz pension. Maybe bring in thoze “adopted” conditional memberz like, Kavindele, Sekwiba Sikota, BY, Nervous Mumba and the like, az immune boosterz.
You people dont be in such a hurry to call for resignation of top MMD leaders.Do you knw what it takes to run a party.You need connections,organisation skills.Its not jst about mezmerising audiences with thrilling words.Chihili is too excited these days, this guy is jst a junior party official in nw prov.The media also should learn a lesson frm this .zambia as it stands it wako niwako.Look nw each province wants their fellow tribesman…this is dangerous.The media should desist with headlines like 92 Lozis detained,Lozi’s revolt this is not good reporting unless alienating tribes is our goal.
@Luciferous Calyptus,you are a bloodless reptile, how can you promote insanity at the expense of political opinion.Ex post journalist has the right to her opinion,bt for you to say she probably has canser which will eat her up and that deserve to be raped by homosexuals.This is unacceptable and unzambian.This is an insult to people with cancer as well as those with HIV/AIDS.we demand you apologise to Ex post journalist.We respect peoples opinions bt personal attacks we can not tolerate
Ex journalist should as well desist frm talking about people who are not here to defend themselves.Ex post journalist should not show her bitterness after been fired by NAmakando.let her stop putting parafin on fire.if you have genuine facts why not email them to LT.What has Alzheimer’s Disease got to do with mabenga.Plz keep to a given topic
#23 Ex journalist, This topic has nothing to do with Sata!
Leave shikulu alone Sata is fit to the born, God will see him leave another 20years plus…lesa talala pabana bakwe i tell you
Felix Mutati is absolutely the right man….. though am PF strong support, his one man PF should have pouched….. Good move if MMD wants to share power with UPND not 2016 somewhere in the future
gone is UNIP gone is MMD
RB came to distroy MMD why HH? Defending RB`s immunity,means supporting corruption.So HH being president means more corruption. Dont support HH and RB
End of MMD
The End of MMD
Yes MMD is finished in the same way HH and UPND are. Hahahaa
you guys here, do not display fake names, do not forget that it isjust a debate
Northwestern province is not an individual bo Mabenga, what people have observed in you makes them say what they have said, mind you they are your party members they clearly know how you do things;; what they have said could be the reflections from all the provinces
I would be very sad if a once venerable and noble organisation like the MMD does go the way of UNIP. Our country will be poorer for it. We need a strong opposition. The lesson we need to learn in Zambia is that it is only the strength of instituions and procedures which safe guard democracy. Personalities will come and go but a strong institution will endure. Clearly MMD and other parties need to make sure that they do not allow another outsider to come in and destroy the party. This is what happened. They allowed in RB, a UNIPist outsider, who had no love for the party. All he did was use it as a vehicle for his own corrupt tendencies.
Where is your vice president who could have taken over the reigns of power? The “Convetion voted” down the post of MMD Vice President! Thanks for the democratic ideals of the paty and its government in RB and his henchmen! And you want to set up a commision of inquiry as to why you lost? You guys are joking! I need some of the money please appoint me to that commision!
sctt ZED you are a fool
chanda chiimba you are sick in the head. fool
RB after his defeat stated that he was retiring from active politics. MMD should look for a new leader. Mabenga was dropped by Levy Mwanawasa because of corrupt practices.
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