Sunday, September 8, 2024

Body of South african man who drowned in Victoria falls flown home(updated)


The body of a South African national aged 42-year who drowned at Victoria Falls was flown to South Africa yesterday, Southern Province police commanding officer Lemmy Kajoba has said.

Mr Kajoba said in an interview that the fire brigade in Livingstone successfully retrieved the body and was flown to South Africa yesterday.

The deceased was a director at Bell Dewar was attending the firm’s annual conference in Zambia at the Victoria Falls. He is said to have gone out for an early morning walk alone. He appeared to have lost his footing and drowned at Victoria Falls up stream around 09:00 hours on Sunday 16th October.

Southern Province police commanding officer Mr Kajoba said the deceased’s body was caught up in rocks before falling in to the gorge.

Meanwhile, Mr Kajoba said a 17 year old girl of Maramba township drowned at the Victoria Falls boiling point around 18:00 hours on Saturday.

Mr Kajoba said Juliet Mwamba of house number ME 171 Maramba who was in the company of friends slipped off while walking on the rocks near the river.

He said the body of the deceased was retrieved by the fire brigade and it was lying at Batoka hospital mortuary.


  1. Too bad, more safety measures have to be put in place. Two deaths in a space of less than a week is not acceptable. RIP

  2. I wish Zambia could develop a proper CSI unit… In as much as this man may have slipped and drown, the fact that nobody saw it, and it was in the morning him being a boss and foreginer only calls for serious suspicion and forensic investigations. Otherwise MHSRIP and Mwamba’s too. :-<

  3. I can not blame anyone, neither the deceased nor their company/friends on this. I was there last year in october, the place ins’nt safe. Being a shimaini, I know how a safe place looks like. The place is really a hazard, no guard-rails, no nothing. There’s no safety at all. Some *****s just stand by the gate and collect revenue, where the money goes, no one can explain. can someone look into this?

    This is the 21st century where people’s safety should be a no.1 concern. I blame the min. of Tourism fimo fimo uko.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. I grew up in Stone and I can relate well top the hazards presenting at the Falls. As a kid we would go to the boiling pot and would muck around the place trying to jump on rocks as the tides swept back and get the thrill when we get all awash with the forwards tides. Those rocks have been smoothed by the constant rubbing of the water back and forth and what we did was compete idiocy and they need urgent safety attention at that place. Like yday!

  5. I nearly fell in from within 100 metres from the gate due to slippery rocks on the path.
    There is no railing and anybody can suicide there with ease.

    I have photos to always show the path is very close to the edge and many people will die until safety measures are put in place.

  6. Sorrows to the families who will now go through a grieving period.
    I hope the funeral costs for the Zambian victim is fully funded by the tourism department.

    If not there will be a civil case.

  7. Whenever there are serious issues with my business partners and girlfriends, I take them to Livingstone on a fully paid excursion…

  8. no wonder people go to Zimbabwe to see ‘our’ falls, do we need a rocket scientist to come and recommend enhancement of safety at the falls?
    vic falls is the major tourist attraction in zambia yet its never looked after…
    hope the new goverment will look into this problem.

  9. Safety measures should be put in place.At Niagara falls in Canada there is a barrier around.A korean student stood on the railing for a kodak moment slipped from the handrail into the chasm.When rescue divers went in to look for her, they stumbled upon an unknown body of a man.It is likely that unnoticed deaths have occured at Vic falls also.The best safety measure is to put a hand rail and warning to the people.So sad RIP Clinton and Mwamba

  10. Indeed that place need serious safety measures put in place.I almost witnessed a tragedy there some six years ago at the boiling pot.Safety first before the mula bane.

    • Just wait… there will be cases of negligence soon especially in the case of the South African. Zambians never realise that its in their right to sue the management if business places are not safe. MTSRIP

  11. And how is this headline news its not like it was suspected homicide or he was attacked by a wild animal?? LT sort yourselves out even when there is news drought!!

  12. THis is embarrassment pa zed sure,,, please set cameras in dangerous points that will help u in future to give a clip and give a good explanation. Who knows if it was an accident or susd  for Mr. Clinton ….May the soul of OUR sister and Mr Clinton rest in peace.

  13. I also slipped at the boiling point about 10 years ago.Most of the areas at the falls need safety barriers.They should consult the mine safety department or safety department in the government(if there is any) for advise or else we are going to loose a lot of lives.
    As we will be jointly hosting an international tourism conference with Zimbabwe let this be sorted out as soon as possible.looking at the knife edge bridge,hopefully it it inspected frequently.SAFETY FIRST.

  14. Safety is always a problem in Zambia. Traveling on buses is a death trap. I have been on both Zimbabwean and Zambian side and it the Zambian side is so dangerous. The Devil’s pool is another place where steel rails should be put in place in case. We want tourists to come but the news going out to the world is not good. It is scaring the tourists. Let the new govt attend to safety issues quickly. Warning signs should be put in place and penalties should be imposed on those who fail to obey them. The slippery areas should be fixed and inspected regulary. Tourists should only go to Vic falls with tour guides and no one should be allowed to go there alone.


  16. Sorry about this sad story. A Zambian died recently in a bus accident. SADC conntries should help one another in good time and times of grief. When the Zambian died they were asking for money to ship the body back to Zambia. Let us have some agreements of what we need to do to serve our people.

  17. Victoris Falls is such a dangerous location with virtually no safety measures in place. I was last there in July and was appalled at the lack of rails by the falls and the slippery rocks and terrain. It is a serious safety hazard! You cant’t help thinking that after all these years and fee collections, this is the best we can do? The new Government and Minister of Tourism should look into this matter, lest we start losing even more tourists to Zimbabwe.

  18. The zambian side of the falls wavery very unsafe! As u walk to the last point the path on the outer side hahas almost no railings the water iss gushing at u from all sides and its extremely slippery we almost felt like wwalked the path to heaven! ( Pun intended)

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