BARELY a month after the MMD lavished the Zambian electorate with an expensive campaign involving branded T-shirts, chitenge materials, vehicles and bicycles, the former ruling party now says it has no money to hold a convention to elect its president, Rupiah Banda’s successor.
MMD deputy national secretary Chembe Nyangu says the former ruling party has no money right now to hold an extraordinary convention to elect a party president.
But MMD Copperbelt provincial chairman Joseph Chilambwe has insisted that the party should find money to hold a ‘mini-convention’ to ensure that the majority members participate in choosing Mr Banda’s successor.
Mr Nyangu said the MMD will use the current practice in which the party’s national executive committee nominates a leader to act as party president before the next convention is held.
“We have just come out of elections and we only held our national convention in April this year. In the absence of resources, we will use the practice of allowing the national executive committee to elect a leader in an acting capacity in between conventions,” Mr Nyangu said.
[pullquote]“There has been no written application except for Mr Moses Muteteka (Chisamba member of Parliament), who has come out clearly that he wants to stand,” Mr Nyangu said[/pullquote]
He said MMD members should be mindful of the cost implications of an extraordinary convention and allow its NEC to nominate a leader in an acting capacity until the party secures funding to hold a national convention to elect Mr Banda’s successor.
Mr Nyangu said members should understand that the MMD needs to re-organise but cannot do so without transport as the police have seized its vehicles. He said the NEC has in the past nominated leaders to act as party presidents in between national conventions in accordance with the MMD constitution.
Mr Nyangu said the MMD did so in 2002 when Levy Mwanawasa took over from Dr Frederick Chiluba and in 2008 when Mr Banda was nominated acting party president after Dr Mwanawasa’s death.
“Without resources, they will have to do with the current practice,” Mr Nyangu said.
But Mr Chilambwe said money should be found to ensure the majority members participate in choosing Mr Banda’s successor. “The issue of money should not bar us from using a broad-based approach to elect our leader and that is why we as leaders should find means to do that,” Mr Chilambwe said.
He said the MMD started consulting its structures on the Copperbelt on the leader they want to take over from Mr Banda because it wants all members to participate in the process.
Meanwhile, Mr Nyangu says the MMD has not yet received any applications from members wishing to contest the party presidency. “There has been no written application except for Mr Moses Muteteka (Chisamba member of Parliament), who has come out clearly that he wants to stand,” Mr Nyangu said. He said all members in good standing are free to apply for the position of acting party president before the November 9, 2011 deadline.
Broke lelo? u *****s spent hundreds of millions just a few months ago, and now u wanna claim to be broke, u need to show us where the money u spent 4 campaigns came from, *****S
The source of the cash (GRZ) is no longer accessible.
This is more than clear evidence that the money they were flashing just before elections was gotten ilegally or stolen. This is an admission of guilt and police should move in an not just confiscate bicycles and vehicles, but arrest a few people so they can start singing songs about where and how they stole.
Former minister of finance Musokotwane comes to mind immediately. They should also take self appointed MMD campaign master Henry Banda’s passport before he runs away like his brother.
Nyangu’s lips are red from kissing dust. Wina mambala aza lila.
MMD Ma Rubbish thieving party, am not a PF or UPND supporter but they have survived without government coffers to steal from. MMD is true dying quicker than I thought.. thanks to Labi
Totally Pathetic.They should just close shop and allow the MPs to defect to other parties..
MMD is truly dying quicker than I thought.. thanks to Labi
Totally Pathetic.They should just close shop and allow the MPs to defect to other parties..
Sorry bunch of thieves
I’m like WTF the MMD is broke?Who would have guessed?… now my calendar after Mon & Tues always says WTF but not in this case.
MMD died with Chiluba.
They are still talking about members in good standing these fools never learn and no 1 real engineer that campaign was not worth hundreds of millions but hundreds of of billions which they must account for.
I m surprised as well, these *****s are still using terms as members in good standing, that term costed these fools, so many fools were kicked out of the party due to the same, anyway wonders shall never end.
The Police job has now been made easier with the revelations so far
MMD failed to settle rentals with NAPSA ??? and then
Campaigns money for all the luxuries came from ??? and finally
MMD failing to hold conventions.
It amazing how people have a short memory. MMD is not a business but a party. Don’t you remember MMD holding events to raise the money? And don’t you know that most of MMD assets have been illegally taken over by this paranoid government? Don’t just yap for the sake of it. MMD has always depended on donations from the word go and will continue to do so, and so does the PF.
It is just that when you are in power, anywhere in the world, you are more likely to attract larger donations , especially in young democracies. That is just how politics work and don’t be blinded by your illusionary emotions. These are facts. Political parties all over the wold have to deal with lobbyists
This is Lazyness, work up and walk on your feet. Just addimit that you are BROKE.Who do you think will donate to thiefs like you as a party. Your Time is over and dont think you will resarect again. May be to give you an idear there is one president whose money has not worked much, try Mr Hakainde Hichilema, he might help you.
You have really misplaced your linguistic skills supporting MMD. You now look like an *****.
Please stop your lunacy you literally know nothing apart from licking! You pricks were eating with both hands hence your idiocity has left you nothing! The whole bunch of those leaders have squandered billions which they can easily organize a convention, but they are simply scared of their own shadows and hence they cannot dare call for a convention. But as usual pricks like you just lick even the shit lies from Master Mad Dogs!
Bootlicker shut up and leave this space for serious contributors please! We do not need pathetic chaps like to continue justifying nonsense!
@ MMD Chief bootlicker……I agree but their poor management skills is clearly evidenced in their failure to pay rentals, lack of an account to settle unplanned events (exactly like what has happened ….lost elections…not in power to be able to attract larger donations as you yourself explain) . Their list of priorities is all messed up.
Broke a.sses
Start a bicycle auction for MMD
That will raise some funds
mmd should just join upnd. it is in black and white that if they fail to do it they may as well forget about politics.
But why not ask Banda am sure he has the money, all those campaign materials t-shirts, bicycles etc common be serious Bwezani assist the party.
A two day convention can be possible. Delegates can come with their own rations period. Let people choose the leader not a handful NEC NO.
This is what happens when you don`t seperate Party from government if it`s true. You can`t be buying a billion bicycles, Ifitenge (dressing even trees) and vehicles today only to be broke tomorrow! I just have a feeling MMD are playing it safe/clever here.
@Bootfimofimo I am working on all the posts you posted on things like this. I remember you calling Sata a self impossed President and that the PF could not even hold a convention. But yes you are right it`s hard when you are in opposition and it will only get worse for MMD now that the Cho Ncho man is going to work with PF.
RB Nafuti Nafuti. Chwe chwe chwe chwe!! I`m lovin` it!!!
The Eye, respect yourself. dont talk about my father like that. you are a :(|)
Which Party is not broke? UPND has never held any following their tribal election where HH was elected presidio since then no convention was held. What of PF it took them more than ten years to hold a mini convention this year. what is wrong with my party saying it’s broke, you wait a minute we will come back we are still mourning the loss,give us time plse.:((
William Banda has enough money just talk to him nicely.
NEC has intentions of choosing HH as caretaker.
And what happened to all the well-wishers and friends of MMD?! Did they all abandon ship and got into the boat?!
Yangu tata wesu, this is what happens when you rely on crooked deals like NAPSA to fund the functions of a Political Party. Twenty years in power, you guys took things for granted and lost the initiative to privately fund-raise for the party—-govt financial loopholes are closing up really quick for you, aren’t they?.
Bwana Kachingwe, I don’t see MMD’s financial situation getting any better without govt ministries to screw over anymore. Just hope your loud-mouths “Impis” like MMD Chief Bootlicker and Senior Citizen can get off their rear-ends and put their “money” where their mouths are!
Good luck MMD, hope you don’t die a slow death like UNIP did.
Magande has been vindicated.
When they were jostling for the presidency, RB demonized the man who made MMD tick. He came to power with his curbs who looted anything possibly within their reach. It is rumored they were even controlling government contracts. Even at a time when civil servants salaries were late, the government was paying these guys billions for fictitious supplies. Today, the party is broke, but RB and sons are filthy rich. This guy didn’t come to serve, he can to enrich himself. Zambians, let us learn to put national interest above self or individuals. If we are not careful, history may repeat itself as it always does.
Magande has been vindicated.
When they were jostling for the presidency, RB demonized the man who made MMD tick. He came to power with his curbs who looted anything possibly within their reach. It is rumored they were even controlling government contracts. Even at a time when civil servants salaries were late, the government was paying these guys billions for fictitious supplies. Today, the party is broke, but RB and sons are filthy rich. This guy didn’t come to serve, he can to enrich himself. Zambians, let us learn to put national interest above self or individuals. If we are not careful, history may repeat itself as it always does.
I rest my case
BLUNDER : SATA Appoints Corruption-Convict XAVIER CHUNGU As PS
REPUBLICAN President has appointed forgery-convict and corruption fugitive Xavier Chungu as his Permanent Secretary for Luapula Province, highly-placed sources at cabinet office revealed yesterday.
And President Sata has appointed Emmanuel Mwamba the late former president Frederick Chiluba’s spokesperson as his permanent Secretary for Northern Province while renowned marketer Augustine Seyuba will be Western Province Permanent Secretary.
If the above information is true then I don’t know where we are going as a country. We dont need the likes of Xavier. He has a bad name already.
The MMD iz sinking in quick sand. Watch this space. There iz no need for a convention just to suit timez.
Surely if the story of Xiever Chungu appointment is true then Sata should stop preaching about corruption since he has embraced the very insitigators of it. We haven’t forgetten the Zamtrop account which chungu used to loot the national cofas neither have we forgetten his testimonies on how he and chiluba splushed funds from GRZ resources. What is Sata thinking and why disappoint us so early. I tend to shudder when i think about my country’s future. We definitely need a saviour. May God help us.
Yah sure it’s like reappointing Dora Siliya from Min. of Transport to Education. I have no problem with Seyuba he is a renowned Marketer
Mwadya Mweka Daddy (MMD) has just succumbed to a very simple universal Law, whatever goes up must come crushing down. This Law is Immutable!!
If MMD spends money on conventions where will they get extra money to pay lawyers who should defend them for the crimes they committed during their time?
iyakwa Xiever ninshi ba Sata bacita over and we can’t support that move. We don’t people with record of corruption to occupy government positions. Bwana president if that is true please reverse that one otherwise you will go faster than you came.
MMD thrived on stealing from government money – tax payers money. That is no more!!!
pf learn from mmd mistakes . u have bn put into power cos of your promises . plz listern to pipo and my advice to sata dont be cheated by pipo sorrounding u . mmd downfall has come cos they depended on govt reources not from thier own resources . thay cant say they are unable to have convetion due to funds : funds are there , y not ask RB , DORA SILITI , William Banda ,KABINGA MPANDE , EVEN THE CHIEFS WHO WERE BEHIND THEM . PLZ DONT FOOL PIPO.
#10 MMD Chief Bootlicker,
You know it, every Zambian knows it that your MMD and its leadership especially under Rupiah Banda will forever be remembered for plunder, corruption, chain of scandals, vote rigging and making Zambia a police state. Chief Bootlicker, why can’t you sometimes keep quiet when you have nothing of substance to talk about? Can you comment on the thousands of bikes and others things hidden by your former ministers led by Musokotwane? What about the involvement of Rupiah’s sons in scandals?
Hope Sata knows that he had not delivered anything sofar as promised, if xaviour story is correct, then i wonder what corruption he his fighting,anyway he will be judged as well, did RB ever think he can rule Zed for three years? Mr Sata shud ask himself such questions, im still PF and ready to change my mind anytime.
# 10 no wonder you want a marriage of inconvinience with HH so yiou can SUCK him of his wealth for the 2016 campain. Imwe namupwa, kwasila. KAFIKENIPO!
I hope the Xavier story is just that, a story….because if its true then what the President has been singing and preaching about at sermons and other podiums will be rendered useless and pointless. This is a major disappointment so soon, other minor ones we have tried to forgive, overlook and indeed accomodate BUT this is too big to ignore.
Yaba, kwena bane mwachita disband bwangu.
MMD are not creative enough..PF has been in opposition close to two decades and it survived…MMD must work with the pipo to get going…..the key to this is leadership… at the moment they dont have it..hence the need to sort out the leadership first…then get the pipo on board to suppport the ‘MMD second Vision’….if pipo support u they wil volunteer to get the clock ticking again..
all the campaign material were from Malawi…..cant they go there now?
CHKUBABE, You have the right to express yourself BUT NOT at the expense of other people’s REPUTATION and spreading LIES. Mrs Muyunda is my Mother and certainly the so called Mukela Muyunda is NOT my brother and he is NOT RELATED to our entire family in anyway. I resent strongly to your careless self-expression which is DEFAMING our family name. My family (which includes the late President Mwanawasa family) have always been at the forefront of fighting corruption in our beloved country. Kindly make amends to your comments and an apology would help.
If the Chungu story is true as being appointed PS then I give up on the PF Government. How honestly can you appoint someone who the last time I checked as yet to be cleared by the courts. This better not be true
Very Foolish??? Get some money from William Banda he had Billions. You can also Sale your vehicles and Bicycles. or Shitisheni Ifitenge Nama T shirts.
Damn how could we trust such a party? Ok Contribute, Mutati, Dora, George Kunda, RB’s Children bwabutuka? You guys stole a lot.
I thought one of the requirement of leadership in Zambia was no criminal record.has President Sata started freeing these plunders. voice of reason am equally very disappointed as well
The MMD to elect a replacement of RB must come from the people and this must take place . The issue of financial resources to hold a mini convention shoulg not be used to put a leader by current NEC leaders who failed to read and convince RB that things were not well in the nation. Only the general public can put a widely acceptable leader. Its true MMD Bootlicker is right that lobbying of funds and donations are the main soueces of funds for parties. This happened to Unip, now to MMD and this too willl happen to PF. The only difference is that MMD is a people’s party with a national character where as others such as UPND, PF are personal driven party. This is demonstrated in how one man decides{not leading) to the exclusion of legal considerations. Yes MMD has to re organise.
Mr Nyangu was just imposed on that position by RB and so we would listen to Moses Mutetteka’s progressive views than talk about funding as a prerequisite to holding a true and fair representative leader. Surely well meaning MMD members can sacrifice to hold this important meeting and this happened during the Garden Motel meeting and issues of funding were not mentioned Today if people like Nyangu are as transparent as beliefs of MMD state, reasons being advanced are null and void. The rebranding of MMD starts from here who is gonna lead and enthuse the general membership. Eventually all NEC members have to voluntarily stand down and pave way to new young leaders with new thinking and innovative way of running the party and re align ourselves with complexity management emerging in the
Lastly, I will hold a day’s mourning for Zambia and Zambians if what I hear is true that Exaviel Chungu is now Mr Sata’s confidant and working for him, My heart goes out to mother Zambia how she has suffered grief under people like Chungu. Sata is really a serpent of old. May His Almighty have mercy over Zambia.
Look at this bloggers
Kaunda=Zambia Airways; Chiluba=Aero Zambia; Mwanawasa=Zambian Airways; Banda Zambezi Airways; Sata=Ubwato Airways or something like that. Another Airline is coming watchout.
Awe @ peace it’s call ”Air Mukwai” that’ll be Sata’s airline.
State house is now the Garden of Eden & deception is now clear from the King Cobra. who will trust Sata now?
@10 Yes its not a business but it should be run like one; to keep the wolf out of the door; h/q rent and staff have to be paid for, so you need a revenue stream ie. membership subscriptions, other assets and sympathisers’ donations to balance the books.
This is a very typical example of a former African ruling Political Party which was living beyond its means it rare to see this in say the States ie Republican Party or England with Labour Party now in opposition as they don’t depend on government resources to function.
And this is the party that was sniggering at other Parties two months ago, they thought they were too big to fall and never learned from UNIP back in 1991 which had so many assets it couldn’t afford to maintain.
Good riddance!!!
l have withdrawn my support for Sata and his PF.These guys are not serious with fighting corruption and mark my words Sata’s rule will be the worst chapter in this country’s history.
a new crop of bloggers has imaged. It is called bitter haters
Look who is talking. Stupid fools. Why can’t you borrow from RB and his son you dry cunts!!!!
hey man, did you just learn how to spell certain insulting words????????
With this revelation by Nyangu that the MMD is broke, I appeal to the president to appoint a commission of inquiry or to constitute a committee to audit MMD extravagance before the elections. MMD can not be broke today when just this September, they were the richest political party in the Southern African region. Who amongst us locals and visitors in Zambia did not marvel at their expensive campaigns. If trees and and ZESCO electric poles could speak, they were going to rule Nyangu out of order because like human beings they were also dressed in imported chitenge materials. What about the campaign vehicles which were bought? Is it not a rich person or organisation who can spend huge amounts on such vehicles and bicycles and remain comfortably cushioned by the balance?
Find a venue and name the day of the convention, real MMD supporters will come cycling their bicycles. Voting can be done in a day,you don’t need a week. Candidates should use their own resources to go around the country to sell their candidacy.
An acting MMD president won’t have any influence as long as he is not the republican president at the same time if that president is appointed by NEC. LPM and RB managed that scenario coz of the authority they had as a result of being president of Zambia at the time. Go for a convention if you want a legitimate leader to emerge
Baza munuyunya po chabe tundalama H.H, ba MMD mimbulu for sure
They are broke for sure, they have failed to pay rentals for their party officials accomodated in one of the plush residential areas of lusaka. Ba chimbwi.
Sad sad development. We need to have rules to oversee political parties – make sure we know where they’re getting their money from and perhaps set a maximum amount they can have. I think the states has a cap, but I could be wrong.
Otherwise this will happen again, and again and again.