Sunday, September 8, 2024

Emmanuel Mwamba spends night at Emmasdale Police Station after abduction


Outspoken opposition politician Information Mwamba spent Wednesday night in police custody at Emmasdale Police Station in Lusaka after he was abducted by unknown people at a Car Wash in Woodlands area.

Mr Mwamba was picked and beaten up around 16:30 Hours after he took his car for washing by people who did not identify themselves.

He was bundled in a car and driven to Woodlands Police Station where he was detained by Police who confiscated his mobile phones.

Mr Mwamba was later transferred to Service Headquarters where he was asked to surrender passwords to his mobile devices but he refused.

Around 20:30, Mr Mwamba was moved to Emmasdale Police and a charge of Publication of Information was indicated in the Book at Reception.

His Lawyer Makebi Zulu has confirmed that Mr Mwamba has not been told why he was picked up.

“It’s very preposterous for the Police for even request for a password to Mr Mwamba’s mobile phones, we are happy that he stuck to his guns and refused and they even threatened to charge him with obstruction of justice,” Mr Zulu said.

Mr. Zulu said he will be going to Service Headquarters to seek audience with the Police Command to ascertain why his client was abducted and detained.


    • This is very poor reporting. How can unknown people take someone to Woodlands Police Station and he gets detained. Then these people move him to Police headquarters?
      “He was bundled in a car and driven to Woodlands Police Station where he was detained by Police who confiscated his mobile phones.”
      What are journalists scared of reporting? If you cant report get out of the industry.
      Police have as is now usual, detained another opposition member. Yes they are only arresting opposition members. Never the ruling party members. When did this ever happen in Zambia? All arrests are now political, later they are criminalised. Idi Amin has taken over our nation. I m not joking. I never thought we would deteriorate to this level

  1. To all those gullible monkeys who fell for upnd diasporans lies and persuasions to vote for upnd, we hope you are seeing the injustice of your f00Iish decisions. We never saw such blatant abuse of the laws and police to persecute Zambians under our rule. Let hh be reminded that power is not infinite. 2026 he will be out. I will personally deal with him. Fuseke

    • Just keep quiet imbecile when you where all over assaulting and grabbing properties with impunity like a mad dog.

    • Another site reports that you have been summoned for contempt of court for failure to surrender your Diplomatic Passport.. How true is this?

    • Charles you are just an ignorant small chikarla. If repossesing any land I repossessed was illegal then why haven’t the courts ruled as such?

      @sanga don’t believe everything you read. You think if I held on to such a document under the rule of these tribalists I would be free? They would have me arrested by now. I don’t need a diplomatic passport. I am well known to the countries I travel to. My name speaks for itself in dubai , Russia to name a few

  2. The crooks involved in generating and publishing seditious materials should be arrested and be made to spend nights in cells. Falsehood syndicates and gassing can’t help any political party to bounce back into power. CK, sampa and gbm, please avoid being in the ka………of tayali, Emanuel and …….No

  3. Waiting to see what they have against him. A mobile phone is personal property the same way my studyroom is. Police can get a court order to search a private home if they reasonably suspect that I have been up to no good. Why not a mobile phone then? It’s as much private property as my file of personal documents kept in paper form.

  4. “a charge of Publication of Information was indicated in the Book at Reception. His Lawyer Makebi Zulu has confirmed that Mr Mwamba has not been told why he was picked up.”
    A bit confusing ba writer. Is Publication of information an actual offence? Also, if this charge of publication of information was actually already recorded in the so called “Book at the Reception” why did his lawyer (Makebi) not simply tell his client what was written in the book ?

    • Kikikikiki I have never heard of such a charge. Is the writer serious? Is this charge in the penal code?
      a charge of Publication of Information? Then ZNBC, LT, ZANIS, Diggers, Watchdog, Lusaka Sun should all be charged

  5. From the word go, mwamba has been a crook.our late great lawyer never tolerated such people and practices. Remember, mwamba at one time ran away from the the thorns of law under the new deal of partric levy mwanawasa. Please arrest and incarcerate the baggers

  6. I don’t like Mwamba but this is nor the way to go. Police should have issued him a call out first so that he appears to answer their accusations then if still not satisfied with his answers and if they have enough proof against him that’s when they can arrest him and charge him. Mobile phones cannot be accessed unless you obtain a search warrant.

  7. Everything will be clear in the due course of time, people should not jump to conclusions on either side.

  8. The ‘police’ dont need you to tell them your password they can unlock your phone provided they get a court order to that effect then zicta can set in….

  9. ” after he was abducted by unknown people at a Car Wash in Woodlands area.” That is not true. It is Police who abductedf him

  10. Kikikikiki I have never heard of such a charge. Is the writer serious? Is this charge in the penal code?
    a charge of Publication of Information? Then ZNBC, LT, ZANIS, Diggers, Watchdog, Lusaka Sun should all be charged

  11. Why are you failing to decipher the information? EM was picked by UPND cadres who are working in liaison with the police service. They are following those challenging the govt on governance issues. EM has made the ND govt uncomfortable on radio and other media channels. Lesa abe naiwe Emmanuel Mwamba, BMW won’t rule Zambia forever.

  12. …..he turns with the ball and runs away with the ball from a ball drama….jumping and ducking…. the crowd rise and stand on their feet with a roar to see this ball case as it moves to the corner kick spot.

  13. Are we back to the KK “Shushu” days? What a failed project this country called Zambia is!
    It’s difficult whether to sympathize with Mwambwa or condemn his treatment by this pretend govt of laws… but regardless of what Mwambwa did in the past, there’s surely no need for this govt to stoop to his level and detain him unlawfully.
    “With great power comes great responsibility”!

    • He’s out on police bond now after being charged. Since he’s talkative, something should soon come out of his big mouth. Why did they pick him up? He now knows.

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