Sunday, September 8, 2024

President Hichilema holds talks with Polish President Duda


President Hakainde Hichilema held productive bilateral talks with Polish President Andrzej Duda during his state visit to Poland yesterday. The discussions centered on enhancing cooperation between the two nations, particularly in the fields of education and technology. President Hichilema emphasized that these talks exemplify the government’s dedication to fostering an inclusive and thriving economy for the mutual benefit of both countries’ citizens.

Expressing gratitude, President Hichilema also conveyed his appreciation to President Duda and the Polish people for their support extended to Zambian students at the onset of the Russia-Ukraine conflict. The President highlighted the warm and amicable relations between Zambia and Poland, expressing his commitment to further strengthening and deepening these ties.

In a social media post shared on the President’s official Facebook page, President Hichilema announced the successful bilateral meeting with President Duda and underscored their joint commitment to collaboration in various sectors. He acknowledged the significance of education and technology in driving economic growth and emphasized the positive impact such cooperation can have on the people of both nations.

President Hichilema’s state visit to Poland is part of his broader African Peace Initiative, aimed at addressing the ongoing situation between Russia and Ukraine. As part of this mission, he will also engage in discussions with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky in Kyiv and Russian President Vladimir Putin in Saint Petersburg. President Hichilema is joined by six other heads of state and government on this critical diplomatic mission.


  1. Ati ayenda ku Russia to talk about the Ukraine war.

    Nkani yamu ndeke wapa njinga angenamo bwanji?
    Let him stay in warzone Ukraine for good. We need peace in zambia. A president who is quick to solve problems that don’t concern him yet his country can’t even manage to supply simple panadol in hospitals

  2. What is really of our President going to meet Zelesnky? That guy is just a comedian. The President should have gone to China and send Pilato and Elvis Nkandu to meet Zelesnky.

  3. This president is a let down. Why can’t he stay backhome and reflect on the cost of living Zambians are going thru.

  4. Like I said African leaders are clowns…do you guys even remember the so called speeches they give at UNGA in New York…blah blah blah blah after wasting tax payers money…Africa is cursed….We have the Julius Malemas who are just attention seekers and puppets like Ramaphosa and HH

  5. The nonsense written in many of the comments shows the ignorance of many Zambians and Africans.
    Hence the reason most of the world do not respect us.

      FOR THE NEXT 50yrs min

  6. Excuse me? He expressed gratitude for the help given to Zambian students during the war in Ukraine? Hello! Didn’t we see videos of Africans being refused entry into Poland? Africans being told to wait as white refugees were given preferencial treatment? Anyone can search for said videos on YouTube. That Polish President is as racist as they come, even the EU Human Rights court has ruled against them.
    We should have maintained our neutrality.

    • Sucking up to Muzungu because he is a Muzungu. We all know those guys are very racist. One of them travelled all the way to South Africa to kill a black freedom fighter Chris Hani because he didnt want a black government. He thought the killing would derail the transition from a white-minority government.

    • And just today, Racism allegations were flying as a South African plane with security forces was denied disembarkation in Poland
      South Africa said on Friday a plane carrying the security personnel accompanying President Cyril Ramaphosa on a peace mission to Ukraine was held up in Poland, in an incident that sparked a diplomatic squabble.
      Polish authorities were not allowing those on board to disembark, according to South Africa. So Yeah Zambia can learn racism from them. And perhaps our president will stop sucking up to bazungu

  7. The Kenyan President said the best time for African Presidents when they go to Europe and meet European Presidents is when they shake hands and take pictures….”when am shaking hands with Putin please take pictures “….even their so called photographers knows when to click the shutter button or when to open the aperture…

    • Ruto is one if the most pan African presidents in african history. He is not a stooge of the west like some other African leaders.

      Ruto, kagame, Mseveni, tsidekeni, geingob, lurencoa…we need more of such
      For all their faults least they have self respect being African and won’t accept being demeaned.

    • Yayi ba Mwata none of those you have listed are pan Africanists. Tell me any Pan African cause they are championing right now. Or any pan african ideology they have manifested in their speeches. None. The last Pan Africanist was Gaddaffi. After his death African leaders have been lost in corruption or in tunnel visioned goals that benefit themselves and some small communities. Africa needs leadership and it is missing.

  8. I told one fool yesterday on LT that……….

    The African delegation to Russia know they stand no chance in changing the direction of the war………..

    However, that region represents tremendous business opportunities for zambia

    He reads headlines and believes everything………

  9. I told one fo000ol yesterday on LT that……….

    The African delegation to Russia know they stand no chance in changing the direction of the war………..

    However, that region represents tremendous business opportunities for zambia

    He reads headlines and believes everything………

    • The biggest fooooooool here is one who makes up his own stories from his unknow sources when Foreign Affairs Ministry already stated what Hakiande was going to do in Europe…why should they hide about stating that they are going for business that in itself is political point.
      But our Spaka can see other things in his crystal ball ..he sees everything like Sitayi, the blind old witch woman with hyenas in Shaka Zulu TV series. Oh man can see untold visions…please put down that HH koolaid you are sipping everyday.

    • You Spaka are the one who is thick as two short planks, you dont even know what a Water Cycle is? You think Kariba dam is filled to from water from the ground that suddenly appears from a rock in the ground.

    • When I said the presidents knows full well that they can’t change the direction of the war……….

      That there are other business opportunities to pursue…….

      With the western sanctions , do you think it would be a good idea for the forigne ministry to say they are going on a business tripe ????

      Boy , you are thick.

    • Tarino Orange
      “.You Spaka are the one who is thick as two short planks, you dont even know what a Water Cycle is? You think Kariba dam is filled to from water from the ground that suddenly appears from a rock in the ground…”

      You need more than primary school science to argue with me.

      It’s you that thinks solar power can replace hydo…….not.

    • What President goes to seek business opportunities in a war-tone country?

  10. Our President thinks he is a US Special Envoy surely what business do you have in Poland? Do you ever see a Polish President visiting Africa..he has no interest in doing what so ever to vist Africa. Polish are a resourceful people they had those T72 Russian tanks in their armoury updated to a far better standard than the Russians, they did the same with the AK47 assault rifle updated to suit their requirements; they were still not satisfied they went one set further and designed their own assult rifle from scratch called MSBS Grot C which is the classic configuration of the MSBS-5.56, with a folding and retractable stock.

    • Apart from that useless information about tanks……..

      You ask what business the president has in Poland ???

      Poland is an important raising market and andchas technical ability to train Zambians……..

    • Spaka – Let me tell you that whatever Poland has to offer Zambia can be obtained from Western Europe…please dont preach to me about emerging markets. You are like a child who messes the floor in his haste to clean up uses his soiled pants to wipe of mess thereby creating a bigger mess.
      Dont try to justify a useless trip…HH is not running a business.

    • Look how thick you are……….

      Who told you Poland is an emerging market ???

      Poland is the 5th largest economy in Europe.

      They have immense technical skills zambia can learn from.

  11. African input on this conflagration is for formalities as we could have been judged in the future for doing nothing

  12. Harcopolo on a voyage of discovery, sent by his masters to rally Africa towards the west on the conflict. This one will be kicked out of AU if he’s not careful.

  13. Trump is anti Gay…anti useless Globalization…anti useless United Nations…Trump wanted to get rid of the Useless United Nations Hq from New York because he knows its full of bullcrappp…..criminal Sleepy Joe Bidden is flying the Gay flag at the white House….2024 am voting for Trump

  14. Worst of space. You are failing to solve your own problems in Africa, you go and solve problems in western countries. That is the worst hypocrisy. CAR, Somalia, Sudan are butchering each other. As Africans, we have failed to find a lasting solution. But we go and intervene in wars in Western countries. Let us put our continent first than thinking about other continents. This is hypocritical way of solving issues.

    • If you look at the pictures from Sudan you wont have a dry eye. People are suffering fleeing a war and there is practically no international body to help them. Wounded children walking in the hot desert are dying as they flee the war and I cant see a UN flag anywhere! You see only journalists reporting on them.
      Meanwhile the US has spent $40 billion on arms for Ukraine. Ukraine which was their enemy a couple of years ago when Trump was bullying that comedian led govt. What has made Ukraine important?

  15. Lusaka times, when are you going to start moderating these comments. People need to stick to issue at hand and not negative person attacks everyday. You know and see this every day. We, Zambians and Africans in general are always bringing down ourselves. Please do something about this. There is a lot ignorance being spilled on this forum everyday. This is not to be mistaken as free speech.

  16. Why do we often struggle to provide constructive comments despite being considered learned individuals? Could it be that personal unhappiness affects our ability to do so? Or perhaps our inclination is to attack at any cost—how foolish is such behavior? ……………..It is indeed unfortunate that sometimes, even among learned individuals, we fail to deliver constructive comments. There can be various reasons for this phenomenon, and personal unhappiness could be one of them. When we are discontented or dissatisfied in our personal lives, it can influence our overall mood and mindset. Consequently, this negativity may seep into our interactions, leading to less constructive and more critical or confrontational comments ………………………..

  17. An example of constructive feedback: “President Hichilema, we appreciate your diplomatic approach to how you would like to forge partnerships and develop Zambia. However, I have noticed that in your diplomatic discussion, you failed to raise the issue of how Zambia’s students were ill-treated when they were in Poland. This indicates a leader’s failure to address critical issues pertaining to its citizens. Could you please explain to the citizens whether this issue was raised with your Poland counterpart?”………………

  18. HH seems to know nothing outside privatization. He does not know any History as can be seen by his many policy blunders from Western Sahara, Ukraine stance, and shaking hands with racist Poland. He should get proper advisors instead of quarrelsome Zambia watchdog editors

  19. Iam very disappointed with this tourist of ours. When leaving the country we were told that he is going to Russia. What is he doing in Poland! You can’t trust a liar.

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