Thursday, March 13, 2025

President Hakainde Hichilema and Other African Leaders Meet Russian President Vladimir Putin


President Hakainde Hichilema, along with six other African leaders, is currently in Russia to meet with Russian President Vladimir Putin as part of the Africa Peace Mission. The purpose of their visit is to engage President Putin in finding a solution to end the conflicts between Russia and Ukraine.

Kennedy Kalunga, the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Information and Media, stated that the Africa Peace Initiative (API) is motivated by the humanitarian crisis and far-reaching consequences caused by the conflict. The disruptions to Africa’s commodity supply chains, rising costs of grain and fertilizer, food insecurity, and loss of life are some of the implications that have prompted President Hichilema to embrace the API. The initiative aims to create a conducive environment for economic and social prosperity.

Kalunga highlighted that President Hichilema, who recently assumed the chairmanship of the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA) and will assume the chairmanship of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) Organ on Politics, Defence, and Security Cooperation in August, will coordinate peace initiatives in the region.

President Cyril Ramaphosa of South Africa, who is also part of the peace-seeking delegation, conveyed a clear message to President Putin that the war in Ukraine must end. Ramaphosa outlined the 10 points of the African peace initiative, emphasizing the need for “confidence-building measures” and negotiations to resolve the conflict. He highlighted the negative impact of the war on the African continent and other countries worldwide.

During the talks, President Putin presented a list of reasons why he believed many of the proposals put forward by the African leaders were misguided. He reiterated his stance that the conflict was initiated by Ukraine and its Western allies before Russia intervened. Putin also expressed concern that Ukrainian grain exports, permitted through Russian-controlled waters, were not effectively addressing Africa’s food price challenges, as the majority of the grain went to wealthier nations.

Despite the differences in perspectives, Putin emphasized Russia’s commitment to constructive dialogue and expressed openness to peace negotiations based on fairness and the acknowledgement of the parties’ legitimate interests. Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov stated that Moscow shared the main approaches of the African plan, while Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov affirmed that Russia would continue the dialogue with the African countries.

The African leaders’ peace mission to Ukraine and Russia signifies their commitment to resolving conflicts and promoting peace in the region. Although challenges and differing viewpoints exist, the hope is that through continued dialogue, a peaceful resolution can be achieved for the benefit of all parties involved.


  1. His excellency Hakainde Hichilema is a peacemaker ,Zambia is at peace.The best option out of this quagmire is to find a way to rid Russia of its bloodthirsty dictator Vladimir Putin.

    • The only thing that lasts is peace because war has to end some day. So blessed are the peacemakers. I hope at the end of this peace mission they will agree a date for another meeting to discuss peace. The world cannot afford this diversion from global emergencies.

    • A Peacemaker who fails to encourage talks when Africans are fighting in Sudan or Ethophia….but when the white man says jump he asks without question “how high boss?” “Please tell me where to go I will drop everything I am doing for you boss”
      He is going to spend about 7 days away on fruitless mission just appease his muzungu masters.

  2. LT Your reports on this war have left out this: Putin threatens that Ukraine war could turn nuclear. He warned that in the event of a Third World War there will be no winners, including America.
    This as President Alexander Lukashenko revealed Belarus has received tactical nuclear weapons from Russia
    Putin has threatened that the war in Ukraine could turn into a nuclear conflict.

  3. .

    The 26th St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF) – Russia’s showcase annual economic and business event – is being held on June 14-17

    The number of the forum’s participants totaled 17,000 people from 130 countries this year, Kobyakov noted. He also said that 150 official delegations attended the event

  4. The 26th St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF) – Russia’s showcase annual economic and business event – is being held on June 14-17

    • many as 150 companies from 25 unfriendly countries are taking part in the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF) this year,

    • This chap Spaka has truly lost the plot…he thinks you can just change travel itinerary from Peace mission to business just like that. You name the specifis companies attending

  5. many as 150 companies from 25 unfriendly countries took part in the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF) this year, Adviser to President, Executive Secretary of the SPIEF Organizing Committee Anton Kobyakov told a press conference on Saturday.

  6. Mission impossible. Putin hasn’t changed his position. USA must change its position and strategy. How May lives will USA end in this world without concern but only because of their ideology?

  7. The disruptions to Africa’s commodity supply chains, rising costs of grain and fertilizer, food insecurity, and loss of life are some of the implications that have prompted President Hichilema to embrace the API. The initiative aims to create a conducive environment for economic and social prosperity.

    It’s high time Africa built their own industries that are gouging produce Fertilizers. We have a lot of fertile land in Africa, why can’t we grow enough food for ourselves?

    • It’s impossible to build anything for yourself if you are not fully liberated. Africans cannot build anything of their own until we get rid of all the imperialists interfering with our leaders and our sovereign rights. Stop assuming that we live in a free and fair world, if we did then DRC would have been the richest nation on this earth by far.

  8. The answer to stopping this war is for Russia to pull out of all Ukrainian land and then pay for all the destruction they caused in Ukraine. However, knowing Putin, this is a non-starter. He is good at escalating the conflict. I don’t know whether the commanders are telling him the truth about troop losses.

    • More than 8000 ethnic Russians have been killed in the Donbas region of ukrain in a war going back to 2014.

      There is a large population of ethnic Russians in S ukrain. The unkranins wanted to to erase their culture , that is how the war started in 2014.

      Putin says he is protecting Russians in the South of ukrain and avoiding NATO weapons on rusdian boarders

    • If Russia pulled out of Ukraine today US and its NATO puppets would send its long range missles and heavy armour right on Moscow’s doorstep…Putin has also gone in deep pulling out would a sign of weakness especially to his juniors and his military Generals.

  9. The only time a Muzungu will listen to a Mufilika is when they want something from you. This is an American and British w@r of superiority but in Russia, they have met their match and for the first time in history, the west are being exposed as to who they really are. Those two European w@rs should have never been called world w@rs because the culprits are the same.

  10. Mealie meal is now K 220.00 and in some places K 250.00. Around this time mealie meal price are supposed to be going because it’s harvest time sadly there is very little to harvest meaning the price of mealie meal will keep on going up.
    Zambians bought into lies by the chief of liars. Shameful
    He is now a tourist, wasting of public resources without mercilessly. I will not be surprised if he takes another trip outside the country next month. Meanwhile the people are suffering.

  11. The puppets should just turn back and sort out the problems in their own countries. Why should Zambia worry about grain with better climates than Ukraine/Russia. HH because of the love for white people mismanaged FISP, sold maize reserves and exported power. Because of what Ichilema agreed alone with IMF the cost of living is at its highest while his friends are digging copper for free without being taxed.

    • Russia starts from Europe and into Asia therefore it has a mixture of races. There are Russians who are Mongoloid. They arent bazungus or white or what is called Caucasoid. Russia has over 100 ethnic groups

  12. We told you that the clowns are just going there looking for handouts so that they can fill their pockets…they should be ashamed of themselves…..come and improve people’s lives in your own f*$#ucking$% countries you useless imbeciles….ready to waste tax payers money thats what they know best……useless and shameless criminals

  13. We told you that the clowns are just going there looking for handouts so that they can fill their pockets…they should be ashamed of themselves…..come and improve people’s lives in your own f*$#ucking$% countries you useless imbeciles….ready to waste tax payers money thats what they know best……useless and shameless criminals….

  14. A bunch of chimbwis with no plan…and Ukraine made them look like clowns….useless African Pompwes

  15. Spaka i know you’re feeling very ashamed of yourself….your small god HH is an embarrassment kikikikikiki wanyala

  16. Let those clowns come back and build toilets in their countries and clean their streets…a war torn Ukraine looks cleaner than Lusaka and Johannesburg

  17. When HH was shaking hands with Putin he signaled to his photographer to click the shutter button and open the aperture wide…..wasted tax payers money just for a handshake

  18. 11 million dollars of Zambia’s tax payers money wasted for a handshake with Putin…that money should have been used to create employment for the youths and clean our filthy capital city

  19. Every month trip outside,are now a money making thing. The behavior as if you don’t have someone to delegate is bad, this is how self centered people are. 37 trips this is way too much. Start sending delegates. Stay home until mealie meal is at K 50.00, fertilizer K 250.00, fuel K 12 per litre, people are dying like chickens in hospitals as a result of lack of medicines.

    • What farmer is going to sell his maize for k40 and fertilizer is bought at world price as is fuel so are we going subsidised these items and where do we get the funds to do so? Zambians should learn to work and nation build like other countries, instead they side under a tree and drink beer.

  20. Every month trip outside,are now a money making thing. The behavior as if you don’t have someone to delegate is bad, this is how self centered people are. 37 trips this is way too much. Start sending delegates. Stay home until mealie meal is at K 50.00, fertilizer K 250.00, fuel K 12 per litre, people are dying like chickens in hospitals as a result of lack of medicines. This is very disappointing

  21. @ Spaka, Cosmos, Tikki
    Tell the Zambian Government to disclose how much money was spent for this trip unless you don’t know how Presidents travel….Presidential trips are costly and HH in opposition used to Criticize Lungu and Lupiah Banda…do you know how many Zambians accompanied the Presidential….close to 100…now you do the calculations…and remember they’re all on massive allowances….and all those seeing off the President at the Airport are paid huge allowances and Government fuel….if you had 3000 people lining up at the Airport runway remember they’re being paid….and for Welcoming him back….more allowances…its not rocket science just ask Situmbeko to disclose the total cost…you will have a heart attack

  22. Ifintu fimo tuleyibwelamo fye. Russia Versus Ukraine, in short America and you think umusungu kuti aumfwa abantu bafita, uwafilwa ukuchimfya amafya yantu bakwata abene mufyalo fyaboo like zambia and south Africa mwebantu. Mubepelefye. Share worst of tax payers money. Ngani pf apaba upnd mamamamama

  23. Wrong is Wrong it shouldn’t be justified when HH is doing it…if it was wrong for Police to attack and brutalize its citizens during PF Bandits’ rule then it should be wrong if HH and his bandits are doing it….65 million kwacha vanished in thin air….what about 48 houses….what about the fire trucks i thought UPND said they had evidence of corruption and why is no one in Jail and now they went to Ukraine and wasted 11 million US dollars

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