Sunday, September 8, 2024

President Hichilema returns from Peace mission in Russia and Ukraine


President Hichilema and the 6 other African leaders concluded their peace mission on Saturday following engagements with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy and Russian President Vladimir Putin

In a significant and unprecedented diplomatic effort, the African leaders expressed their profound gratitude to the Presidents and peoples of Russia and Ukraine for granting them the opportunity to gain firsthand insight into the ongoing war between the two nations. This historic peace mission marks a milestone as it is the first time African leaders have ventured to the European Continent with the aim of advocating for a peaceful resolution to a conflict.

The delegation firmly believe that instability in any part of the world affects stability everywhere, emphasizing the urgent need for an immediate cessation of hostilities in Russia and Ukraine. The war has had devastating consequences, including food insecurity in Africa, loss of life, destruction of property, and forced displacement of individuals, impacting both nations and the broader global economy.

The African leaders, led by President Cyril Ramaphosa, engaged in constructive discussions with the heads of state of Russia and Ukraine during their peace mission. The leaders implored the two countries to swiftly engage in negotiations and bring an end to the hostilities, highlighting that history has shown that no war should endure indefinitely.

President Cyril Ramaphosa described the mission as a success, acknowledging the willingness of both the Russian and Ukrainian presidents to listen to African leaders regarding the impact of the ongoing war. While the trip itself may not immediately resolve the conflict, President Ramaphosa expressed hope that the proposals put forward by the African leaders would be seriously considered.

Among the proposals, the African leaders emphasized the urgent need for humanitarian assistance to reach the suffering population affected by the war. They also stressed the importance of the release of prisoners of war and the safe return of children who were taken out of Ukraine.


  1. These reporters! Ati President Hichilema returns
    It should be: President Hichilema visits Lusaka from his outpost in Europe
    He is barely here so he is just a visitor

  2. The headline on the visit of these African leaders was that there where being lectured by Putin on the war between Ukrain and Russia so my Question is what was the purpose of HH wasting tax payers money on this don’t see Kagame making such trips he is busy improving Rwanda instead of photo shooting

  3. Those civil servants who turn up to welcome him from his shopping sprees is this part of their job description? When do they ever do their work in their offices because they are in Kenneth Kaunda Airport VIP lounge for hours waiting for the presidential jet. Do they get paid taxpayers’ money for shaking hands with the president every two days?

    • He does not even shake hands anymore. He just raises his hands and walk past them as if they are not there. Whats the point going to welcome dressed in clean and well ironed uniforms!??

  4. He was busy messing around with desperate ukranian prostitutes now he is back to think about his next trip. Useless man. You should have left him in war zone Ukraine since he loves Ukrainians more than his own people in zambia.

    • Mlevi Kachasu

      1. How does this work? You insult Kaizer Zulu calling him a Black **SS. Then you mentioned the Bible that – [Blessed Are The Peacemakers]. That’s hypocrisy. It means you don’t believe in making-peace, because if you did, you would not call another human being such things. What does the bible say about insults? The English language has many words to express a point of view if you disagree with someone.

    • 2. Insults, hatefulness tells the world, a person is failing to manage their mind. It means you’ve surrender to another person to control your [Emotions], short for Energy-In-Motion. If a person cannot manage their thoughts & energy, then that’s the end. To develop Zambia – Lusaka-times must be used for Constructive-Criticism. Yes, we can critique HH; and insulting HH is very wrong.

      You cannot say you are for peace and yet you insult people as these are catalysts to civil and nation-to-nation wars

    • @@@ Mlevi Kachasu

      ………….You really do not understand yourself. Always using and hiding behind the bible. Why all this vulgar if you really are a man who quotes God and the Bible. Shame on you…………….

    • Thank you independent observer for flagging what I have always said about upnd thugs like mlevi and his associates. Most of these boys are based in diaspora including the likes of spaka and that other mad one calling itself tarino. They persuaded unsuspecting Zambians to vote for upnd and now they are here arguing amongst themselves. Some of them are now criticising the same hh they pleaded for us to worship and vote for. I warned Zambians not to fall for their lies but unfortunately we have many gullible people amongst. All you can do is be patient and wait for 2026, these boys will pay heavily

  5. “President Cyril Ramaphosa described the mission as a success, acknowledging the willingness of both the Russian and Ukrainian presidents to listen to African leaders regarding the impact of the ongoing war. ”

    According to Cyril the mission was a success because the muzungus opened the door for them…I said it that this mission was a waste of time and money.

  6. Airport runway Allowances …..11 million US dollars wasted….40 Ugandans killed including children and these clowns so called Politicians don’t even care….something wrong with African leaders

  7. I hope 2H now understands what he’s put himself in. Zambia has always been non aligned but he decided to align himself with ba kapond0 of this planet. Our garden boy mentality will be exploited by these ba zungu to the max so fasten your seatbelts, we are in for a rough ride. Soon they will send him to sort out Zimbabwe and Uganda (as if they need sorting)

  8. The Democratic Alliance in South Africa wants President Ramaphosa to explain the cost of this nonsensical trip to Russia….Can the opposition in Zambia also ask HH the price tag for the Russia trip….we need to start holding these leaders accountable…..wasting tax payers money

    • That is what democracy is about. There are no sacred cows in Democracy. Not even the president should willy nilly spend our money because he is president. Everything must be questioned. Where is the opposition?

  9. We need to arresting these useless African lenders….Ramaphosa and ANC have destroyed South Africa….and the problem with South Africa is that Julius Malema is just an attention seeker and he is a known criminal also…just like Zambia nothing has changed just colors from green to red

  10. Its surprising that Hakiande is willing and able to fly to the Eastern Europe and Russia to appease his muzungu masters in Washington but he will never fly to Beijing to see Xi which should have been the first trip in his presidency. This to me shows what is a prority for Hakiande…this is a man who would fly to Paris and London to discuss Zambia’s debt issues with them who we dont owe money directly. This man is a danger to the nations sovereignty.

    • # general Kanene

      Do you have a problem with #TARINO ORANGE telling the truth?? Do you want him to keep praising HH even when he sees mistakes all the time?? Thats the problem with UPND turning blind eye. If some one like TARINO ORANGE who supported HH, says the truth, you say he is an imposter

    • Chisha – Let’s get it clear I never supported UPND but pushed for change…I did critcise UPND in opposition. PF was a lawless party where a cadre could get away with murder and be pardoned by the Head of State.

  11. I expected the acting President, Mutale Nalumango, to be at the airport to welcome HH back home. Where was she?

  12. Jack Mwiimbu, that villager from Monze, wanted Zambians to believe that HH was picked to be part of the peace-making mission to Ukraine and Russia because he was one of Africa’s eminent President. What the Chibwantu drinking UPND politician forgot was that it was not HH per se who was picked but Zambia because of the role the country has played from the time of KK in peace-building. If any of our opposition Presidents were in HH’s position, Zambia would still have represented Africa on that peace mission.

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