THE National Restoration Party (NAREP) has observed that the announced Constitution-making roadmap by the Minister of Justice Sebastian Zulu beyond the 90 days will ensure that Zambians come up with a Constitution that will stand the test of time.
NAREP president Elias Chipimo Jr, however, said in Lusaka yesterday that the Government must come up with a clear roadmap that would guarantee a people’s Constitution. He said it would not be realistic to state that a people’s Constitution would be written within 90 days.
“We have always indicated that it was not realistic for the Government to say they would come up with a people driven Constitution within 90 days because it was not just feasible. So we are glad with the realisation that Constitution-making is not feasible within 90 days. “I am, however, restricted to comment because I have not yet seen the roadmap,” he said.
Mr Chipimo Jr said there was need for the Government to outline a detailed roadmap on the writing of a new Constitution. He said his party had some steps that it would recommend in the constitution making process to ensure that Zambians have a constitution that would stand the test of time.
On Friday, Justice Minister Sebastian Zulu outlined a roadmap to guide the Constitution-making process that would entail constituting a team of experts to carry out a comprehensive review of the recommendations by the Mvunga, Mwanakatwe and Mung’omba Constitution review commissions. The minister said this would be followed by a national referendum.
And a political activist Dante Saunders has welcomed the announced roadmap on the Constitution-making process by the Government. Mr Saunders said in Lusaka yesterday that Zambians had already spoken through the previous commissions and that the Government should now just proceed to put together a new Constitution. Mr Saunders who had been opposed to Parliament adopting the new Constitution said the current Parliament would be entrusted because the people’s views would be safeguarded.
[Times of Zambia]
Dear Elias,
When you said that you would campaign for the position of Republican president, most of us thought you were too much of a chancer. As the campaign got into top gear, we noted your tenacity, level headedness and ability to analyse situations. During the impasse when one Ngoni man was having serious difficulties to release power and position, you showed such maturity in your approach and remarks. Keep it up. I will further advise you to start picking the rich wisdom of the elders of all tribes including KK , MSC and Mr Sikota Wina, Mr David Matongo to properly groom you for the future.
wisdom from MSC??? u r joking Dreamer
How can he start picking wisdom from Sata when he is trying to pump sense into Sata’s heard. Didn’t he just imply that 90 days was a Sata’s non starter?
pompas chaps are not required in The leadership, We need leaders who are able to go to the grassroots, people who can go to chipulukusu,kwa nabwalya chiombo,sinazeze and all those impoverished places and be able to relate to those communities , not stuck chaps on high horses.
Chipimo must Listen to all the people not just a selected few in kabulonga and Urban towns
Wake up boy!
Hopefully, as long as its not another way to chewing allowances like MMD did! Billions of kwacha were paid out in form sitting allowances, but nothing came out. So guys be serious and do the work you have been assigned to do by Citizens.
Elias is trying to advertise himself. Its good.
doing things fast is totally bad, let them take time and have a good constitution for the people
Chipimo speaks sense.He is not disappoited but realized the facts of the matter
“He said it would not be realistic to state that a people’s Constitution would be written within 90 days.”
One would only point the finger at Sata as teh one who said it can be done within 90 days. How did sata come up with 90 days. Was he informed? If Sata really meant waht he said, did he base that on incorrect information? Was it wishful thinking?
Whatever made him think that and say that could be making him think and say things in other areas of governance. Where he is coming from is more important than what he does and says, for that is teh driving force behind him.
Chipimo ensure that you say something sensible twice in a month and after the constitution is out you should start touring different provinces believe me come 2016 you will be in plot 1. Remember to be recording whatever you say to the people beacuase talkative politician like you normally tends to forget the promises you make and voters like me have the longest memory. All the best future president.
This may just be another hope for Zambia. He seems to understand issues very well. My advice is don not mingle with corrupt chaps, just remain clean. We have been let down by MCS already due to his insatiable appetite for corruption. Ho w did he even think of Mwamba and Chungu as people that can help him fight corruption? Just how did he think like that. Was he just pulling our legs?
At least chipimo, you are proving to be level headed and It would be beneficial for Zambia when your party finally becomes the main opposition. The Zambian people have done away with MMD have given PF a chance to redeam Zambia. UPND has a desperate leader who opposes anything irregardless of ingenuity and really he has passed his sale by date. We need leaders like you and I hope you keep your comments to what really matters. I dont want to hear about the Gays or 90 days as that really are not issues affecting us as Zambians. Keep it up
Chipimo are you in support because you believe this is the way to go or just bacause you have to side with PF so you can gain political milage? When a polical statement is made at the level of a head of a state in parliament and hardly two weeks down the line, we learn that it is not possible or achieveable. Then we have a problem with the person occupying such a position; a number of things come to mind;
1. either the presdo is not ready for the task or he is not well informed
2. the president has wrong advisers or he does not listen to them
3.we are likely to have a poor constitution again as the president does not mean what he says
many other things come to mind and all these are not healthy for a nation, that should be pointed out.
CHIPIMO is better than i will be never be president mumba.go chipimo uyeselelako.
The roadmap is very good and should be supported. Coming up with a good constitution needs a sober approach and time to review existing Laws that needs to be amended or removed and where you should bring in new ones. This is not a joking matter and somebody should not think he can come up with this Document within 90 days. It’s madness and should not be entertained.
This is quite an impressive political attitude, pregnant with political maturity. These are the brains we need and not the Petty Tribalist is a cow-herder, HH. Keep it up
Chipimo cant be in state house before me. Ohhh! i forgot am only 31 and I need 4 more years! haaa! I am stil game
This is a future leader after PF.HH is a looser who can’t think wisely.His aim is to make sure is bantustan party goes to state house.We can’t vote for Haikavote Heka.
Viva Chips.We’ll need you if PF fails us.
this chap should just realise he will not rule till 2025..get some rest right now..unless we have a by election ..most likely 2013..hhahaha
I don’t like him and i don’t know why…..but he has not disappointed me every time he opens his mouth, he is simple and makes sense.
Elias ‘Slim Shady’ Chipimo
For someone who registered less votes than those that were damaged, this man is making too much noise. Talk is cheap and any fo=ol can pass as a wise man. The real test is in doing. Until then you are a nobody Mr “Riding on my fathers name” Elias
This man needs a medical check up. We are tired of medically unfit presidents
Elias Chipimo is notably sharp, mwandi, do what works for you. Am happy that you are modelling your party as a party for the youth. You have a good chance at being a serious contender one day soon!
Wow! though I did not vote for Elias, so far he appears to be the best before, during and after the elections. Keep up the pace, come 2016, you have my vote.
@2,Yes he has to get advise from wise elders from all tribes but how can one get it from Mohommod aka Sikota Wina, get a grip we have Given Lubinda up and coming lets keep PF in power things can only get better
Gagande 1 , Tell ur father Magande to come back to his senses and Join PF , BOZ is waiting for him, otherwise the man will be broke like Kavindele and he will not manage to pay your school fees in China, u will be a destitute and we dont want children of intellectuals to end up like other characters kids, Magande is a man that prospered Zambia to where it is now and Mwanawasa MHSRP had picked him to lead us except pipo in NEC wanamuchaya njuga.
Elias Chipimo Jr my advise to you is u must issue fresh statements not commenting on what is already good. Write articles of how u can contribute to national development , don’t just keep quiet for too long and comment on what any jim and jack would , their is no substance in that, we need fresh ideas such writing articles on governance, how we can find money for roads/infrastructure, medical services etc
Elias is and his party are capable of leading zambia the next term i dont vote but for narep i will vote.