Sunday, September 8, 2024

Lusaka Residents give President Hichilema triumphant welcome


Scores of Lusaka residents braved the cold weather to eagerly await the arrival of President Hakainde Hichilema, who returned home from his successful two-day working visit to France. During his visit, President Hichilema engaged in crucial negotiations, including discussions on the restructuring of Zambia’s foreign debt.

The residents gathered along the Great East Road, hoping to catch a glimpse of the President and show their support. People of all ages lined up, waving and cheering as the presidential motorcade made its way towards them.

Those who were interviewed expressed their admiration for President Hichilema and voiced their confidence in the bright future of the country’s economy. The debt restructuring news has sparked optimism among the residents, who see it as a positive step towards stabilizing and revitalizing Zambia’s financial standing.

President Hichilema reciprocated the enthusiasm of the crowd by waving back at the cheering residents. The chants and slogans in support of the President created an atmosphere of excitement and anticipation.

The debt restructuring agreement is expected to alleviate the burden of the country’s foreign debt, providing relief and creating opportunities for sustainable economic growth. President Hichilema’s efforts in securing this agreement have been widely praised, with many commending his dedication and commitment to addressing the nation’s financial challenges.

As the news of the debt restructuring spreads, it is anticipated that confidence in Zambia’s economy will be restored, attracting both domestic and foreign investments. This renewed trust in the country’s financial stability opens doors for potential collaborations and partnerships that can further drive economic development.

The debt restructuring success sets the stage for the implementation of comprehensive economic policies and initiatives aimed at addressing key challenges, such as unemployment, poverty, and infrastructure development. President Hichilema’s administration is expected to prioritize these areas, working towards inclusive growth and social welfare improvements.

Additionally, the debt restructuring achievement sends a positive signal to international financial institutions and potential investors, instilling confidence in Zambia’s commitment to responsible fiscal management and debt sustainability. This newfound stability will create an enabling environment for economic diversification, job creation, and increased trade opportunities.

Looking ahead, the government under President Hakainde Hichilema’s leadership is expected to capitalize on the momentum generated by the debt restructuring success. Efforts to strengthen key sectors of the economy, such as agriculture, mining, manufacturing, and tourism, are likely to be prioritized to foster sustainable growth and create employment opportunities.

The debt restructuring agreement will also provide the government with more fiscal space to invest in crucial infrastructure projects. Improving transportation networks, energy systems, and telecommunications will not only enhance connectivity within the country but also attract more investments and stimulate economic activity.

Furthermore, the successful negotiations in France have showcased Zambia’s commitment to responsible debt management, which will enhance the country’s creditworthiness and credibility in the global financial market. This, in turn, may lead to more favorable borrowing conditions and increased access to international financing for developmental projects.


  1. Now Iam sure Zambians are going crazy. You celebrate someone for getting your kaloba extended! Unprecedented idolatory! Only the likes of Idi Amin and Mobutu would bask in this.
    Mulibe vo celebrator? Iwe chi Kamanga mu FAZ tell Chipolopolo to come back with the trophy next year so that we can celebrate genuine achievements

  2. Now Iam sure Zambians are going crazy. You celebrate someone for getting your kaloba extended! Unprecedented idolatory! Only the likes of Idi Amin and Mobutu would bask in this.

    • Kodi Mulibe vo selebuleta? Iwe chi Kamanga mu FAZ tell Chipolopolo to come back with the trophy next year so that we can celebrate genuine achievements.

    • The creditors say, instead of paying in two months, you will pay in ten years. By which time your time will be gone as person in charge will be gone!

    • Well done Mr president………

      The masses have reason to be optimistic…..

      Some sad bloggers don’t understand the significance of this occasion.

      Forward 2031……….

    • Stop lying ba LT: Lusaka Residents give President Hichilema triumphant welcome?
      Its “Lusaka UPND cadres give President Hichilema organised welcome”
      You make it look like the whole thing was spontaneous. UPND organised these cadres and civil service budgets were diverted to this welcome party

  3. Mulibe vo celebrator? Iwe chi Kamanga mu FAZ tell Chipolopolo to come back with the trophy next year so that we can celebrate genuine achievements

  4. What wrong with us Zambians yes its a good thing but not something to celebrate or dance about…celebrate in 2-3 years its just premature!!

    • I have been posting to say the same thing but LT has trashed my posts. May be State House Watchdog team has told them what to allow on their site

    • I thought Hakainde would be embrassed by this but oh no…. its like failing to pay your bills and the bank extends your repayment dates you come home and your wife throws a party.

    • Well done Mr president………

      The masses have reason to be optimistic…..

      Some sad bloggers don’t understand the significance of this occasion.

      Forward 2031……….

  5. This where you find clueless drumbeaters dancing wildly like that blogger I wont name as I am not in the mood today!!

  6. Zambians, this event will be celebrated for few more months. Then we shall celebrate the signing of MOUs and lastly a keynote speech.

  7. Well this is the country with the ignorant majority and also a political strategic to make people think there is anything happening, this is total stupidity and ignorance of our majority Zambia and organized by cadres who donot even understand the implications at all.

    The debt that is being talked about as I told the PF with a thinking leadership , this can be sorted out within five years or less , but not to do the business as usual and being back into economic slavery , wakeup Zambians, can some one tell any value for this stupidity

  8. This is indeed a momentous occasion……..

    We had every faith in the GRZ delivering on the unsustainable debt burden……….

    Against a chorus

    ‘ go to China ‘

    from the doomsayers………most who have never run a successful business

    This is moment of joy……..its Saturday and I will toast to this.

    Congratulations GRZ…….

  9. No one is interested in this sell out hh and his self praises. We are busy following developments in Russia. We stand with our brothers and sisters in Russia and PF supports the official Russian military and not that drunk wagner mercenary bought off by america like they have bought hh. Fuseke

    • If you stand by your brothers in russia why dont go and support
      the Wagner group is advancing on Putin who is now lost as to whats going on
      Put you money where your mouth is
      Donate another $ 10,000 that you so fond of talking about

    • Go to hell and get a life. You live only to respond to my posts. Such a sad life. Fuseke. Go and play around with your fellow gay upnd supporters and leave us real men to fight the evil western influences. Non patriots like you who lost your citizenship cannot understand what it means to be a patriot.

  10. The ” go to China ” brigade…….

    are not happy the president and GRZ pulled this off and did not go cowering to China with his tail between his legs……..

    Some dont understand the notion of every goverment of a country is free to chose its allies………to best suit the times and the prevelling situation.

    The ideological sentiments will not develop the country,,………….

    Relations with China remain an important cornerstone of Zambian forigne policy…….

    • But there will still be negotiations with China to conclude the deal and HH did not go there, not because it was not necessary BUT because we (Zambia) had undertaken (signed) to have our debts resolved under the Common Framework Agreement for debt restructuring so we could not act bilaterally with China outside the Common Framework Agreement. Besides, we had also engaged Lazard and Case &White to discuss our rescheduling requests with creditors! That said, our docility to allow Western powers to come and badmouth China on our soil and to be identified as the African bulwark for the west against China is ever WORRYING!!

    • Chinese President could not attend the circus, which drew the agreement without involving the multilaterals. The same Lizard Frerres consultants they condemned have helped us achieve paper agreement. And our politicians want to get all the credit.

  11. It’s good to return and enjoy the same nonsense.
    People have been duped into believing that we have been given money and the loans written off. I’m not in economics but from my humble understanding we have simply been given a breathing space…. everything remains the same.
    Unfortunately the president is grabbing at every straw in order to salvage his plummeting popularity.

  12. Lets get back to work…we need to focus on working hard and not dancing for handouts…this is not an achievement but of course in Africa we celebrate handouts and freeloading which is exactly the opposite with the western world

  13. Kaizar Zulu. You are right. Our comrades need to be mobilized to behelpen like they assisted us. Mind you Russia has a vast reserves of minerals, gas and oil. Like they did to Gaddafi. They kissed him. Killed him and stole all the oil. Libya is today shanty compound. While some years ago the citizens did not even need to work. They weervaar getting highest incomes. Best scholarships. While African workers were always welcome.

  14. Right now the government has not been servicing any of its foreign loans but we have still been borrowing more. What is there to celebrate as nothing will change apart from accruing more interest which we will still pay in future.

  15. If you want to hide anything from a black man put it in writing….and the problem we have as Africans is we don’t have time to analyze critically and think for ourselves….we have the physical ability/strength but yet we go begging and celebrate when someone gives us ka something….in Zambia when you give someone US$2000 to start business and call him in 3 months time and ask him what he did with the money….stories after stories but the only thing they’re good at is receiving that notification on their mobile phones that Grant Kolala has sent you US$100….like i have been saying Lungu messed up but need to grow our own economy with our brains and God given natural resources….BE CARE WITH A NAKED MAN PROMISING YOU A SHIRT

    • Its a neverending cycle You borrow, you default, cry for amnesty, debt is restructured, a President Mwanawasa comes in who is prudent with spending and economy picks up, RB takes over manages well, after all that hardwork we elect a President with zero knowledge about spending who goes on a shopping spree. We need more policies with more oversight to control govt spending and borrowing unlike what was happening in the last 10 years. More oversight from technocrats not dull MPs like Bowman or Munir Zulu.

    • @Tarino some of you have overrated Mwanawasa. He didnt do better than any of our lazy presidents. He just got lucky that HIPC came and helped him erase Zambia’s debt otherwise he was equally hopeless. With good prudent leadership we should have been a Middle income country by now

  16. And by the way do know on what was agreed upon….”the so called fine print”…..i can go to a dealership tomorrow and put down a small down payment and walk out with a 2022 Lamborghini….but a few months down the line i will realize that i was duped by the car sales man….ZAMBIANS THINK IMF HAS GIVEN THEM FREE 6 BILLION DOLLARS….someone needs to educate them

  17. Very soon i will be retiring from the diaspora so i really want things to improve back home in Zambia…not just a band aid fix

  18. Instead of telling lies like in the campaign speeches, one should with a level head take time to explain to the people the advantages and the implications of this. “achievement”. Because very soon people will be disillusioned when they start feeling adverse impacts of the so-called successful trip.

  19. Can the IMF come forward and tell Zambians the condition of this so called “deal”…i hope Zambia is not screwed

  20. To be honest, please mark my words, this is the GRZ, since independence, with the lowest technical and intellectual skills to manage debt and maintain social sector. No drugs even Panadol. What guarantee do we have they will improve the cost of living AND ATTRACT INVESTORS? So far the social sector has collapsed despite them not paying debt to the creditors. Do they have a plan to implement the frame work they have agreed to? Anyway, propaganda will no longer mask their shortfalls.

    • We have managed to organise party cadres to welcome our president so as to hoodwink his ego into thinking he is an achiever. We have organised dancing girls at the airport just like we did when we welcome the British Queen in 1970 something

  21. IMF will soon demand for cost reflectiveness of social service or products:
    mealie meal(already started)
    health services(already started, now NHIMA dependent)
    Get ready friends

  22. So Zambians want to declare a 6 months Holiday just dancing and celebrating more Kaloba and more misery ahead

  23. The sad part is 90% of those dancing and celebrating have no idea what debt restructuring is….no clue…some of them think IMF has given Zambia free money….its very easy to deceive the gullible….you can’t convince them otherwise…after Watching Macron and the IMF director failing to answer Ruto question then i knew that this will end in tears….looks like Zambia is now screwed forever

  24. Am laughing sure you’re busy celebrating,five years from now you be in real poverty with that deal of $1.4 billion from IMF deal & plus $1.3 billion which was received already in august loan [kaloba],serious dance will today and tomorrow welcome more problems in future.

  25. I remember when our KK refused to return to return Zambia to multiparty politics….cadres danced all night, everyday.
    Under pressure our KK accepted to return Zambia to multiparty politics..cadres danced all night everyday.

  26. Farmers need help to produce more food. Use some borrowed money for this national purpose, not for airport dancing displays.

  27. Brainwashed people are welcoming someone who they do not even know what he alone has agreed to. Do we know what he has agreed to? The privatization thief is well known for auctioning things. Let him show us what he agreed with IMF and what this deal means. Gullible people are cerebrating things that they do not even know. HH has managed to form a cult that do not use the brain to think.

  28. Almost every opposition leader poured scorn on those efforts by GRZ…….

    Almost every hater poured scorn on those efforts…….

    The clique were sure… deal without a trip to China.

    Proving the haters and the dull opposition
    wrong is worthy of celebrations……..

    The 2.8 million and growing have full trust in HH……….

    Forward 2031……….

    • And there it is right here where you get it twisted in your little brain…you think if we requested for Hakainde to go China and he did not go this deal will not go through the two are not even related Eurobonds are mostly commerical loans and Chinese loans are baliteral Loans via Chinese EXIM Bank. You are like a little teenage boy using words like “hater” and grouping everyone who has diverse views as a “clique”…in your little pea sized brain you think we are sad that the deal has gone through. You need to grow up.

    • @Spaka..

      Never mind this clique on this blog. PFailures have gathered themselves around this blog to become relevant and “DUPE” Zambians that debt restructuring is not important. They themselves spend over $5Million Dollars to hire “LIZARD” from France to speak on their behalf but he lamentably failed.

      HH negotiates for debt relief in a short period, and they are deeply ashamed down their hearts. They are trying to “BREATH” lest they choke with envy.

      Don’t mind them. FAILURES THEY ARE.

  29. Simply put Zambia had no money to service the huge debt left by PF and have enough development objectives. After all this same package the PF goons fought so hard but failed to achieve it. Now they are castigating there fellows for achieving what they failed, what a shame…

  30. Brainwashed by bazungu for Africans to think that they’re poor and yet they natural resources worth octotrillions not knowing whst to do with it and ending up giving it to the west for free BE CAREFUL WITH A NAKED MAN PROMISING YOU A SHIRT…

  31. Kenyan President Ruto asked Macron and IMF director a very simple and straight forward question and they both failed to answer…like i said before the West has been getting away with abusing and enslaving poor countries for hundred of years and unfortunately we have Uncle Tom as a President who is willing to auction Zambia…if i remember during campaign HH said going to IMF is like auctioning Zambia…so what has changed today, remember that interview with Costa Mwansa…HH said he will grow the economy without enslaving Zambians with debt….anyway let me concentrate with my hustle and prepare for my retirement

  32. A smart person has just convinced dumb people that he will be extending the period in which they will repay a debt they owe and they give him a thunderous welcome. You can’t make this up…we spent nearly a year to refinance $6 billion but we turn a blind eye to $100 billion leaving our country very year. Buti chalo chilina meno.

  33. 99.9% of the people who turned up at the airport didn’t understand the meaning of debt restructuring let alone the deep end Bally has put us in. The 3 year grace period the creditors have given Bally is to let him prepare for his smooth exit of office in 2026, and then the next govt will bear the blunt of debt. They know Bally won’t win the polls in 2026 looking at the many economic mistakes and the human rights record.
    Zambia has suddenly become a playground of geopolitics between the West and the East.

  34. kkkkkkk so the debt is being pushed forward mmmm it is forward. And what kind of debt is this?,is it the rates that has been reduced or is it the extension. If it is the later then these are gimmicks of IMF to the favorite of the animal farm.Well good to see the kwacha appreciating hope it will continue.

  35. Yaba. Kwena ku Zambia ekwaba ifikopo ba group 3. Who told them that the debt is gone? How do you celebrate debt restructuring without reading the new conditions? What if they extended and increased the interest rate? Why even go to France when the bulk of debt is with China? Did China move to Paris?

  36. Zambians are so overjoyed by HH’s presidency after the ten dark years of PF misrule,poverty and corruption.

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