Thursday, March 13, 2025



Chansa Mulila AKA “C. Chuwi” is a 15years grade 10 student at st marys secondary school , she is an evangelist,mostly ministering through music .

KAPA187: Firstly I think the people would like to know , since you are still in school , is music something you take seriously or is it just a hobby?

C.Chuwi: It being a hobby was when I was writing and before I accepted Christ as my Lord and personal Savior, but I now take it seriously because its more than rap ,its way more than it being hip hop ,it’s a ministry ,a command instructed by God that I have to obey

KAPA187: When did you get interested in doing music and why did you choose to rap as opposed to sing?

C.Chuwi: I started having an interest in music ,hip-hop to be specific ,at a tender age ,I got so much exposed to the culture thanks to technology…..why rap? because I got to relate to it, that’s how I got to heal ,we just “clicked” to say, especially when am having a really rough time ,but I can sing as well haven’t taken it serious though

KAPA187: Who motivated you to get started in music?

C.Chuwi: my motivation was 50cent & lauryn Hill can safely say thank you to them because a part of me today is because of them, enough respect for those who really know what hip hop is.

KAPA187: How did it feel the first time you heard a song that you had recorded ?

C.Chuwi: feeling was electrifying thanks to Tio  ,His a good big bro’ and very talented we thank God for him, as well as magnus mando for producing the song ,it was my first “sensible” song immediately after getting saved

KAPA187: Who inspires you both locally and internationally?

C.Chuwi: Inspiration locally is d’nEL because ,I mean c’mon you know a whole alot bout him looking at the interview lol ,his a good funny guy ,loving brother ,his all about God basically , is another guy who inspires me locally cause his also the reason why I started taking the rap seriously(before I got saved).I heard his song on radio on a hip-hop show and I was blown away, so I decided to join facebook and search for him and that’s how the story goes on ,basically he understands Good music

KAPA187:I like your song “Shut it down” . So do you write your own song , if so where do you get the inspiration?
C.Chuwi: Yes I do write my own songs, with the help of the Holy Spirit of course, I understand rap very well so thanks to the people I grew up with and all so its kinda like ” run’s” in my blood, Inspiration? Its Jesus, am so inspired by him cause his the reason why am justified, God’s grace through faith, it’s because of his son , the Cross….. as well as Paul because of how he defended his ministry ,would love to take up in his steps
KAPA187:Tell us something about you that not many know.
C.Chuwi: i love SpongeBob lol, very much

KAPA187: There are more and more people doing “holy hip hop , what do you say to those who say you can’t worship God through hip hop?

C.Chuwi: I learnt something on New Generation, thanks to Pastor Musuka ,Worship is not only slow songs but can be any genre e.g  jazz, house, hip-hop or whatever so I believe they should get their facts right about it because at the end of it all, God will always be worshipped regardless of genre.

KAPA187: What have been the best and worst moments in your music career?

C.Chuwi: I can’t really call it a career but a ministry… moment is when a 6year old boy came to hug me & tell me that he was encouraged by the song I ministered at some concert ,worst moment is when I needed so much help but no one could come through ,but those are trials to make me stronger….

KAPA187: 10 years from now do you still see yourself doing music.

C.Chuwi: Yes I do see myself doing music because as I said it’s a ministry so I don’t plan on stopping unless God provides something better but I love to make music so I don’t think so:)


 Shut it down


All about God

Listening to her music you wouldnt know she is only 15 years old.  If She stays focused and keeps getting better ,she  has a bright future ahead of her.



  1. Am sorry to reign down on this parade but did I miss the memo, why are all these young gospel musicians rapping in faux american accents? What happened to the good ol african gospel songs like amalumbo they played on sunday mornings? these kids are more american than the americans. I just cannot take this music seriously and i love rap music , if am going to listen to gospel i prefer yesu culture and choirs with the drums  . 

  2. In this Era Hiphop music appeals to a large no. Of the world were living in now with evil vices,the youth need to Know JESUS, and I b’lee this music is ministering to a no. Of them.If u don’t like it I”l just say that’s why ther’s variety out there u have a lot to choose from.sorry that it doesn’t minister to u but give us a Chance n embrace change.bless

  3. Chuwi,May the Grace of our Lord Jesus be upon you.Be original and don’t try to be American and parrot rehersed american english.The unfortunate thing is that many of the youthsare born originals but they die copies.
    Are we going to win the world for Christ with hip hop and rapping music?

  4. Red-genre doesnt matter i’l keep emphasising on this matter,the Word says go into the World n preach Christ.Wrong/right motive,we still have to get Christ known besides i got saved through music…hiphop/rap to be specific cause thats what i relate too,i repeat,this ministry is for our youth,the one’s lost……

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