Sunday, September 8, 2024

Given Lubinda refuses to take a plea in breach of parliamentary privileges case


The Vice President of the Patriotic Front, Given Lubinda, declined to enter a plea in the Lusaka Magistrate Court where he faces charges of breaching parliamentary privileges. According to the allegations, Lubinda failed to appear before a Parliamentary Committee between December 2021 and June 2022 after being summoned by Speaker of the National Assembly, Nelly Muti.

The charges against Lubinda stem from his criticism of Speaker Muti’s decision to expel nine Parliamentarians whose election results were nullified by the High Court. Lubinda was taken into custody on May 16, 2023, following the allegations.

During the proceedings at the Lusaka Magistrate Court, Lubinda opted not to enter a plea, arguing that his charge has become obsolete due to the passage of time, as per Section 219 of the Criminal Procedure Code. Lubinda’s defense lawyer, Jonas Zimba, further contended that Section 219 of the Criminal Procedure Code imposes a time limit for bringing offenses to court for summary trial.

Based on these legal arguments, Lubinda asserted that the Magistrate Court lacks jurisdiction to prosecute his case. In response, the state requested an adjournment to allow sufficient time to examine the matter thoroughly.

Consequently, the court adjourned the proceedings to June 27, 2023, when further deliberations on the case are expected to take place.


    • What did that biased Netty fatty did? There shall be complete freedom of speech for citizens. All elected persons are servants of voters. Learn to behave and be answerable to them, who not only elected you but also pay your salaries, globetrotting and pocketing hefty allowances for meaningless trips taken to cut deals with economic imperialists.
      Hail Comrade Lubinda and his lawyers, Hail suffering masses who are waiting to vote these vengeful vindictive Hyenas Hyenas.

  1. Typical of PF politicians who feel they can behave illegally with impunity and get away with it.
    They are so immature. Especially Given Lubina, the man needs to grow up.

  2. They have gone to consult their superiors. For the first time in the history of both Northern Rhodesia and Zambia the Speaker of the national assembly decided to debate a matter in favour of the government. We’ve become a laughingstock under the UPND. We have a wrong person in that position

  3. I not a member of Parliament but closely follow deliberations on TV. To say truth, the current speaker and her deputy(the guy) are not up to the task. The woman Deputy is far ahead of the two. She leads the debates in very mature and professional manner. Not those two. Namugala was far better.

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