Friday, October 18, 2024

Drug Enforcement Commission Seizes Over 1200kg of Cannabis in Northern Province


In a significant crackdown on drug abuse and illicit trafficking, the Drug Enforcement Commission (DEC) has announced the seizure of more than 1200kg of fresh cannabis plants in Northern Province. The revelation came during the commemoration of the International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking, held at Paramount Chief Chitimukulu’s palace in Malole, Mungwi District.

Mr. Nebat Njobvu, the DEC Northern Province Regional Commander, addressed the gathering, highlighting the commission’s successful operations in combating drug-related activities. He revealed that a total of 199 individuals had been arrested on charges of trafficking in over 80.5kg of cannabis.

Furthermore, Mr. Njobvu emphasized the joint operation carried out by the commission in the Musenga area, known for its notorious drug abuse practices in Kasama. As a result of the operation, 59 individuals were apprehended for various drug-related offenses.

The Northern Province Permanent Secretary, Mr. Bernard Mpundu, expressed deep concern regarding the alarming levels of drug and substance abuse prevalent in the region. He acknowledged the presence of a growing number of individuals referred to as “junkies” who engage in deviant and unacceptable behavior due to drug abuse. Mr. Mpundu underscored the government’s dedication to addressing this issue, urging all stakeholders to collaborate and combat drug abuse collectively.

Paramount Chief Chitimukulu of the Bemba people echoed these concerns, expressing distress over the increasing drug abuse problem in the country. The traditional leader noted with disappointment the easy accessibility of drugs to a large segment of the population. He sternly cautioned those involved in the cultivation and sale of drugs to cease their illicit activities immediately.

In addition, Paramount Chief Chitimukulu called upon parents and guardians to seek assistance from the Drug Enforcement Commission if a family member is struggling with drug abuse. He assured the community that the commission would prioritize the rehabilitation of drug users, helping them reintegrate into society as responsible and productive citizens.


  1. It’s just chamba mate. Perfectly legal for anybody’s enjoyment in many parts of the USA and Europe, and even legalised for medical reasons in Malawi. Why do we need to continue to pursue Ronald Reagan’s backward policies in 2023?

  2. Wasn’t cannabis legalized ? There was even talk of ZNS growing cannabis for export to earn foreign exchange. What happened?

  3. It must be legal to have marijuana now. Or hasnt our ever dozing parliament not yet passed the law?

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