Sunday, September 8, 2024

Elephants terrorise villagers in Sesheke’s Kolongola area


Residents of Kalongola area in Sioma District are living in fear as a herd of elephants are wreaking havoc in their community.
A resident, Namakando Muyoba explained that for the past months, the elephants have been venturing out of their natural habitat, causing damage to the farmers’ crops and posing a danger to the local population.
Ms. Muyoba expressed worry as most of their vegetable gardens and maize fields have been eaten and trampled on by the animals.
He said the community is now faced with hunger.
“All our crops are destroyed by the elephants in the field, we don’t know how we will survive in these coming months, “she said.
The residents, however, called on the Government to consider the community with relief food to alleviate the hunger situation prevailing on the ground.
Meanwhile Sioma Constituency  Member of Parliament Kaliye Mandandi while addressing the community assured them of getting help from the Department of National Parks and Wildlife (DNPW) to find a solution to the challenge.
Mr. Mandandi revealed that the elephant population in Sioma district has increased hence the need to crop or transfer the animals to other parks.
” You know there is need to look into this matter, the elephant population has increased but the area is too small, a solution needs to be found by DNPW to avoid loss of lives,” he noted.
The lawmaker disclosed that from last year 10 lives have been lost as  result of  human and animal conflict in the district.
Mr. Mandandi urged the villagers to exercise caution and to report any elephant sightings or incidents immediately.


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