Sunday, September 8, 2024

Government pledges good road network in Western Province


Western Province Minister Kapelwa Mbangweta has assured the people of Western Province of an improved road network in the area.

Speaking shortly before officially opening the 2023 Provincial agriculture commercial show held at Kapulanga agricultural show grounds, Mr. Mbangweta said government places higher premium on road infrastructure development as good road networks contribute to positive economic transformation of the country.

Mr Mbangweta pointed out that with the increased Constituency Development Fund-CDF per constituency will bring about rural development.

The Provincial Minister said as the country continues to grapple with climate change, the government is sensitising farmers to adopt smart agriculture farming through growing drought resilient crops such as Cassava, Sorghum, and Millet respectively.

Mr Mbangweta has since assured farmers in the Province of early delivery of farming inputs to farmers before the onset of the rains.

Earlier, Western Province Agriculture Cooperative Society Chairperson Joseph Mungandi said the theme for this year: Inclusive Economic Transformation resonates well with the country’s resolve to employ various agricultural techniques to bring about sustainable economic development in the nation.

Mr. Mungandi stated that Western Province has arable agricultural land which if well harnessed can eradicate high poverty in the province.

He said the poor feeder road network in rural areas is the hindrance to farmers in terms of access to the market.

The 2023 agriculture and commercial show attracted people from all walks of life.


  1. Please stop pledging and get to work. You are in government now, so no need for more promises. Or Sh!t, I forgot that people do not eat roads.

  2. ayo mano ya mu opposition ba upnd twapapata. You’re in Govt to work. You were suppose to hit the ground running, but busy Nama pledges Nama promises.

  3. Just another solemnly promises to keep us quiet!! Just start working on the project and half along the line show us what you are doing not just talk without any sign of foundation!!

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