Sunday, September 8, 2024

Mpika accident death toll increases to eight


Muchinga Province Health Director David Silweya says the death toll has increased to eight (8) in the Mpika road traffic accident involving a TAZARA Passenger Train and a Likili Public Service Bus which claimed six people on the spot.

And Muchinga Province Permanent Secretary Henry Mukungule has told the Zambia News and Information Services (ZANIS) in Chinsali that Government regrets the rise in the death toll.

Mr Mukungule said the provincial administration in Muchinga is concerned with the increased fatal road traffic accidents in the province.

The Provincial Administration in Muchinga Province says it is saddened by the death of six people in a road traffic accident that happened on July 2 and has since sent a message of condolence to the bereaved families and wished the injured passengers a quick recovery.

“Our hearts go out to the families of the deceased passengers and wish all the injured passengers a quick recovery,” said Mr. Mukungule.

Mr Mukungule said government will ensure that the injured victims receive the best treatment.

The Provincial Permanent Secretary has further warned and cautioned motorists to observe the road traffic rules and regulations which include road signs on the highway which can help save lives.

He further thanked the Ministry of Health for the quick response during the time of the accident adding that the health personnel performed their duty diligently.

And Dr Silweya said the two patients that were referred to Lusaka for further medical treatment died yesterday at the University Teaching Hospital (UTH).

The Provincial Health Director added that from the 68 accident victims that were admitted only 19 are still admitted and receiving treatment.

“The 19 are stable and responding well to treatment at both Michael Chilufya Sata and Chilonga Mission hospitals,” said Dr Silweya.

He further commended officers under his charge at both Michael Chilufya Sata Hospital and Chilonga Mission Hospital for working tirelessly and ensuring that accident victims were attended too swiftly.

Meanwhile, the police command in Muchinga Province has recorded eight (8) fatal road accidents during the long weekend.

Muchinga Province Police Commissioner Kaunda Mubanga said the province has seen a reduction in the number of accidents compared to the previous holidays.

Mr Mubanga attributed the reduction in the number of road traffic accidents to the measures put in place and the presence of police officers that were on the ground.

Mr Mubanga also described the Mpika accident as an unfortunate accident saying the driver could have avoided it by stopping before crossing the railway.

On Sunday afternoon a TAZARA Passenger train collided with a Likili Public Service Bus.


  1. The driver and the Company must be taken to court
    Bus companies get away too lightly and must be sued big time
    Their insurance cover is for the mininum Im sure
    Let their be a test case by the survivors

  2. The only was to reduce this is increasing sentences of reckless drivers like this, charge them with manslaughter and also make Directors of these companies liable they too contribute by putting pressure on the drivers to overspeed.

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