Sunday, September 8, 2024

President Hichilema arrives in Ghana


President Hakainde Hichilema has arrived in Ghana for a three day state visit.

ZANIS reports that President Hichilema arrived aboard the presidential challenger aircraft at 10:38 local time in the company of first lady Mutinta, and was received by Ghanaian minister for interior Ambrose Dery at Kotoka international airport.

Minister of Tourism and Natural Resources Rodney Sikumba, Minister of mines Paul Kabuswe and other senior government officials were also on hand to receive President Hichilema in Ghana.

The Head of State is visiting Ghana upon the invitation of his counterpart Nana Akufo -Addo to enhance bilateral relations between the two countries.

President Hichilema is expected to hold talks with Ghanaian President Akufo -Addo on expanding trade and export, promotion of tourism and culture as well as youth and sport matters.

President Hichilema will also attend a state bouquet in his honour and visit the Valley View university where he will be availed the opportunity to unveil the commemorative plaque at the frontage of that university.

And in line with strengthening bilateral relations, the two Heads of State will further sign a range of memoranda of understanding in social and economic sectors to bolster trade and development.

About eight MOU are expected to be signed during the State visit ranging from mining, tourism, commerce and trade among other sectors.

President Hichilema will also tour the Zoomilion waste management plant that has provided employment to over 76, 000 Ghanaian youths.


  1. Oh nee. Now Ghana. Where is his next destination. Canada, Brazil or the onderzeer to to see Titanic undertaken sea. One way journey

  2. Let’s hope he took the Director of IDC to go and tour this Zoomilion waste management plant that has provided employment to over 76, 000 Ghanaian youths which is Sustainable Waste Management Solutions for homes, Businesses and Communities. IDC has never recorded any tangible profit..its no different to INDECO of UNIP days which was a loss-making entity.

    • This is the @Tarino I’ve known for many years,
      …….. and NOT the one that complains that HH hasn’t been to China!!!

    • I still believe he needs to visit China! He is wasting time with those muzungus who make him think he is better than he is.

  3. HH is Bemba they say “isoni ebuntu” translated a human being needs to have shame. Surely you condemned Lungu for travelling now you are a weekly traveler worse than any other president that has ruled this country. All the things you condemned while is opposition, you a doing the with a multiple of three. Let us take the price of mealie meal for example that stands at k250.

  4. hmmmm! what kind of traveling is this mwe bantu? Political affiliation aside, Mr. President this is not healthy. Zambia walitipwa with useless leaders. They over-promise but under perform. Where is the decency you claimed would separate your international travels to that of Lungu’s?

    • @Deja Vu I think embassies are a waste of money. Embassy staff do nothing except to shake hands with a foreign head of state. Tell me what development has happened in the Third World because of embassy initiatives? Zambia has registered zero, zilch, none. Yet these embassies are very very very expensive to run like we saw when Emmanuel Mwamba boasted about his salary. Can a Third world country like Zambia afford to give away hard earned forex to staff pretending to work? The money saved from closing down embassies would construct the Lusaka Ndola highway and build 10 hospitals in each province. Lets have an answer from loud speakers like Mwamba and Mukwita on this.

    • And “The money saved from HH cancelling unneccessary trips would construct the Lusaka Ndola highway and build 10 hospitals in each province.

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