Sunday, September 8, 2024

President HH meets Catholic Bishops


President Hakainde Hichilema on Friday met Catholics Bishops at State House.

President Hichilema engaged the Zambia Conference of Catholic Bishops (ZCCB), led by Most Rev. Ignatius Chama, Archbishop of Kasama and President of the ZCCB.

His Grace Archbishop Chama was accompanied by the Right Rev. Charles Kasonde, Bishop of Solwezi, who also serves as the Vice President of the ZCCB.

Also present were Most Rev. Alick Banda, Archbishop of Lusaka, Rt Rev. Bishop Evans Chinyemba, Bishop of Mongu, and Rt Rev. George C. Z. Lungu, Bishop of Chipata.

According to President Hichilema, the meeting was conducted in a warm and friendly atmosphere, characterized by love, mutual respect, and a spirit of brotherly dialogue.

In his Facebook posting, President Hichilema expressed happiness at the outcome of the meeting in which both parties agreed to maintain ongoing engagement in the future.


  1. The same churches or religious beliefs you use to support your dislike for gays, remember they are notorious for being gay and touching little boys. So why follow the teaching of those going against their own words? Legalise lgbt in zambia!

  2. Mixing politics with religion is why we Africans cannot be taken seriously. The church doesn’t vote, its the people you should be more worried about

  3. 1. Historically, in most nations, the reason why politicians have often intimidated priests and church leaders not to get involved in national matters per se – is because church leaders often speak for the poor, which politicians forget when they taste power. For instance, Mother Theresa left her country Macedonia at 18yrs to go and live in Calcutta/ India where she did so much good for orphans and all over the world. She raised millions from all over the world and chose to live an extremely simple life in Calcutta. However, politically powerful people loathed and hated her. They hated her because she embarrassed them for failing the poor, while politicians bankrupted and plundered nations for personal gains. HH had no choice but humble himself before these priests.

  4. 2. Politics comes from the Greek word Politika. It means affairs of the city, which means a set of activities that are used to make decisions in groups, society or cities. HH swore on the Bible when he became president. We use the Bible in courts to swear to the truth. You cannot separate *politics from *religion. The bigger part of religion is that politics is embedded in religion in all holy books. They are two sides of the same coin. The only drawback is that people use politics to get power, forget their duties and abuse power to steal and destroy another human being

  5. “Poly” means many and “tics” means small blood sucking insects.So be careful mixing church + politics with these kinds HH.

  6. ichilema knows that his failed graph presentation was kak. HH has failed to deliver his promises on fuel, mealie meal, fertilizer, borrowing, agriculture, mining and free education up to University. The praise singers are singing on CDF because they are building cheap toilets from CDF and pocketing the rest. CDF will never build anything bigger than what ECL, Sata, Mwanawasa, KK managed to build. Can one build something bigger than the Kazungula bridge from the one class room blocks being constructed by UPND Imenda cadres?

    • The great thing I admire about HH is that he has brought about a very different way of thinking and doing things’This is very irritating to those who are used to be static.’He has overturned tables and some people cannot cope but insult.We have passed through seven presidents now but some poeple;s thinking is still the same.Perspectives,motivations and personalities are still the same.Jesus Christ!

  7. The church must stay out of politics, because these are the same gangs who were supporting lungu and PF.
    To me these bishops are a reincarnation of Judas Iscariot.

    • Since when did these people become Judases? Especially Arch Bishop Mpundu, these Judases sided with Hichilema….then it was okay I suppose?

  8. The beauty of Democracy is that new thinking is always on the horizon and that human beings may differ but always under the same law. Never should we be static, innovations are our daily bread as humans. Despite being under the same law, it is the responsibility of every person to really and move towards one common good of our society so that we can develop in unison as a country, Zambia.
    It is always important to welcome new ways than to live in ancient times that condemned people for their thinking. Today we can see plainly as people go into space, though it may not appear easier, but as a human race, we continue to exercise our thinking and moving into the future. Are we not the future of yester-years.
    Yes we are and we should not stop improving our society for the future.

  9. Has this president joined Lucifers now that he is banqueting with them I can see him in the middle of Lucifers what has really happened with our respected man the plot one resident , the only thing about him is that he doesn’t mean what ever he says.
    Catholic bishops must very careful because he will shut their mouths with brown envelopes , and that will the end of peaceful Zambia have you ever heard any church body saying anything about his miss rule! they are silent as if all things are going normally.

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