Sunday, September 8, 2024

Chipangali in wetland agriculture boost


Government has delivered two thousand, two hundred by 50 kilogramme bags of fertilizer for wetland agriculture in Chipangali district in eastern province.

The inputs which are under the Department of Community Development, are meant to be distributed to vulnerable but viable farmers to venture into gardening.

Acting District Community Development Officer, Levitson Nthara, said that the district received 1000 by 50 kilogramme bags of Compound ‘D’ fertilizer and 1,200 by 50 kilogramme bags of Urea to be distributed to 1, 200 farmers.

Mr Nthara said the district also received 1000 by 5-kilogram bags of maize seed, cabbage and tomato seeds for the same programme.

He noted that the aim of the department was to help the farmers increase food security and income in households.

“We are happy that the government has given us these inputs under the wetland farming because this will help farmers increase their food security and also their income,’’ Mr Nthara said.

He urged the farmers to put the inputs to good use if they wanted to have food at household level.

Chipangali District Commissioner, Paul Sakala, said the inputs came at the right time to allow farmers to plant early.

Mr Sakala noted that farmers who had the interest in wetland farming should be prioritised when distributing the fertilizer and seed to reduce issues of some of the inputs being sold.

He observed that there were a lot of farmers in the district but few were into wetland farming.

‘’ These inputs should be given to farmers who have interest in gardening because we do not want to see a situation where farmers start selling after receiving the inputs. There are a lot of farmers in the district but very few are into wetland agriculture,’’ Mr Sakala said.

The District Commissioner, noted that farmers who ventured in wetland agriculture made more profit that those who waited for rain fed agriculture because they could harvest more than once in a year and make more profit.

Meanwhile, one of the farmers, Moses Banda, commended the government for giving the farmers inputs for wetland agriculture.

Mr Banda urged the government not to stop giving farmers inputs for wetland agriculture but increase on the packs to defeat hunger in households.

Each farmer is expected to receive one ‘D’ Compound bag and one Urea bag of fertilizer, a bag of seed and seed for vegetables.


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