Sunday, September 8, 2024

Two Arrested for assaulting Nurse


Police in Chifunabuli District in Luapula Province have arrested and jointly Charged a father and son for assaulting a health sfaff at Chibuye Rural Health Centre.

Confirming the arrest, Chifunabuli District Commissioner, Stanley Mukosa said the incident happened on July 17, 2023 at around 09:00hrs.

Mr Mukosha has identified the victim as Webster Mumba 26 a male nurse at the health facility.

“I can confirm that police yesterday arrested two people for assaulting a male nurse at Chibuye Rural Health Centre, the male nurse has been identified as Webster Mumba aged 26, Mumba was assulted  while on duty,” he said.

The District Commissioner, has identified the accused as Davies Kabengele 51 and Cornelius Kabengele 18 of the same area.

He disclosed that the victim had in June officiated at a football match between Chibuye home and Nsombwela and had given a yellow card to Cornelius Kabengele who was playing for the home team which he said angered him.

Mr. Mukosa revealed that the accused continued to threaten Mr. Mumba and had at some point followed him to his place of work where he threatened to kill him by burning his house while asleep and on July 13, 2023, Mr. Mumba had gone for a football training around 16:00 hours were Mr. Kabengele continued threatening him forcing him to report the matter to the Community Crime Prevention Unit (CCPU).

“The matter surrounding this assault is that some time back in June, 2023, Mr Mumba had officiated a football match between Chibuye Home team and Nsombwela team and had given a yellow card to Kabengele nick named Commander who was playing for the home team much to his displeasure and the accused started threatening to cause harm to Mr Mumba which we believe has now resulted in this assault case,” he said.

The District Commissioner revealed that on July 17, 2023 while still working, the Community Crime Policing Unit and Mr. Mumba followed Cornelius Kabengele at his shop with the view of making an arrest but he became violent and jointly started beating him with his father.

The victim sustained a knee injury, a red eye and chest pains, a medical report has since been given and the two will appear in court soon .


  1. These Dirambas. They think they can flash yellow cards anyhow. if it was in Wusakile he could have never left the stadium.


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