Thursday, October 24, 2024

Amos Chanda’s Case Record Can’t Be Traced


Simutambo Sakala, a Senior Court Clerk, has confirmed that the case record of former Presidential Press Aide Amos Chanda went missing from the Lusaka Magistrate Court’s Registry between May 2020 and October 2022.

During her testimony before Lusaka Resident Magistrate Irene Wishimanga, Ms. Sakala stated that both Amos Chanda’s file and the file of former Executive Director of Road Transport Agency (RTSA), Zindaba Soko, have been lost and remain untraceable.

Ms. Sakala’s testimony was given in relation to a case where Amos Chanda is facing charges of theft and destroying court evidence.

According to the allegations, between May 12, 2020, and October 1, 2022, Amos Chanda, in collaboration with unidentified individuals, stole a case record that belonged to the Republic of Zambia.

The missing case record pertains to a previous matter where Amos Chanda was charged with corruption alongside Lusaka businessman Walid El Nahas and former Road Transport and Safety Agency Chief Executive Officer Zindaba Soko.

The Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) later entered a Nolle Prosequi in the case, indicating a decision not to pursue further prosecution.

The revelation of the lost case record raises concerns about the management and security of important legal documents within the Lusaka Magistrate Court’s Registry.


  1. When we tell you that Zambia is in the hands of the Mafia you insult us. Isn’t it under the Mafia that court records are lost? It’s only under the Mafia that inmates are able to impregnate their spouses. In Zambia now money speaks louder than words. The person that delayed the construction of the Manyumbi Toll Plaza is now a big boss in the UPND. These people are the same

    • Too many people aren’t worried about what Zambia has become. When some of my fellow citizens say that CDF projects are a game-changer, I appeal for caution. The safest thing to say is that they’re promising. Let’s wait and see what quality we’re getting.

    • Something like this happened when MMD was in power where the police & prosecution deliberately stole files of the accused because they had no evidence against him after blowing trumpets and just making up stuff to “fix him.”

      Therefore, they had to withdraw the case due to a missing file as a “get out” from the fuss they created, afraid of being embarrassed before the high court judge. I hope its not the case with Amos Chanda.

  2. Ive also said we a nation of thieves many times
    now the question is how do you root them out ??
    Ministers corrupt and even worse are the police followed by some courts
    very little hope for which ever party that rules
    Money is everyones god not religion

  3. Does this mean Amos went and stole the file or what happened,if so is there any evidence to this matter kkkkkkkkk kkk kkk zambian courts today i wish i was in Malawi mmmmmm

  4. The statement says the period is between May 2020 and April 2022. I can bet my bottom dollar that the stealing of the records was done immediately after August 2021 when the thieves realised that there was a new broom in government

  5. Its not the first time. We should just be surprised that it KEEPS happening. Chinondo investigated docket missing is so common judges and magistrates should know what to do. In the first place why dont they store these docket records both on computer and in physical copy? It just shows how our police force is uninspired and under-resourced

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