Friday, October 18, 2024

Remove all street vendors across Zambia- Tembo


The President of the Association of Vendors, Traders, and Marketeers of Zambia, Fredrick Tembo, has applauded the Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development for removing street vendors from the Lusaka Central Business District.

The Ministry of Local Government has successfully cleared street vendors from the Lusaka town center.

During an interview in Ndola, Mr. Tembo expressed his belief that the removal of vendors from the Lusaka Town Centre was long overdue and should be supported.

He called for an end to street vending not only in Lusaka but in all parts of the country.

Mr. Tembo suggested that the removal of street vendors from the Central Business District in Lusaka should be extended to all parts of the country.

He declared that street vending must not be tolerated because people are avoiding markets to trade on the streets.

Mr. Tembo commented, “The Government has done a lot in putting up market infrastructure, so we don’t want a situation where we find vendors trading on the streets when markets are empty. Let vendors go to markets. As market leaders, we will be very happy to see vendors trade in those acceptable infrastructures called markets.”

He also claimed that the country has enough markets to accommodate people selling in the streets.

“We are very much delighted by the move taken by the Government through the Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development, in the sense that they have made the right decision by removing all street vendors. The Government has been spending colossal sums of money on those buildings called markets,” he said.


  1. The streets even look clean and feel safe when they are free from vendors. But claiming that there is enough space for all vendors in the markets, may not be true. There is definitely not enough space to accommodate everyone at the markets but this is a good start to clear the streets and hopefully find them space where they can safely trade and conduct their businesses. Motorists and road users should also stop entertaining these vendors by completely stoping buying in the streets, buying from them is actually encouraging them to continue. It should now be illegal to buy from street vendors in as much as it should be illegal to sale.

    • Buying from street vendors is already illegal. In Kitwe a number of people were arrested for the offense. But cases didn’t go anywhere, thanks to the Upnd which has a heart for the people.

  2. All well meaning Zambians must support this. And we need to construct more large markets within certain areas. It doesn’t make sense that everyone was rushing to CBD to buy stuff.

    • @Chiza dont be misled. This clearing of street vendors has been happening ever since I was in school in 1988. The vendors always come back.
      The Ministry of Local Government has successfully cleared street vendors from the Lusaka town center????I seriously doubt.

  3. It’s true this exercise should be extended to all districts especially Kabwe where an *****ic former mayor by the name of Prince Chileshe closed a major road and allocated it to street vending so that they can call it prince Chileshe market.

  4. I doubt anything will come out of this. Street Vendors have been playing hide and seek with government for ages. They are Schwarzeneggers. They will be back.


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