Tuesday, October 8, 2024

George Kunda defends the sale of ZAMTEL


George Kunda and his wife Irene

The former government has defended the sale of Zamtel saying it was transparent, above board and according to the law.

Former Vice President, George Kunda has disputed the preliminary outcome of the Commission of Inquiry appointed to investigate the sale of Zamtel to Lap Green of Libya, which established that the transaction was fraudulent and illegal.

According to the former Vice President, the transaction is well documented at the Zambia Development Agency (ZDA).

He has however, endorsed Government’s decision to table the Zamtel report before cabinet saying it is supported by law.

Mr. Kunda warned that a prospective reversal of the Zamtel transaction is a threat to foreign investment in the country.

He has described the setting up of commissions of inquiries, as unprecedented and stage-managed by the current Government.

Mr. Kunda, who is a lawyer, is saddened that the terms of references for the commissions of inquiries seem to be predetermined.

He has advised the Patriotic Front (PF) to inherit all liabilities and assets that were left by the previous government saying it is a norm of governance.



  1. #Mo taim

    You must be one of the dull PF cadres in town who follows blindly. What investigations still going on when there commison of inquiry was set up and it has concluded its findings and given the report to the president all that remain is to table it before cabinet and make a decision.

    So what investigations are you talking about. mule nashako  Ubu tutu pa blog, please we are sick and tired of reading mediocre post from your kind. I can’t wait for Mushota to come and finish you off.

    • Please don`t be stupidi.Learn how to choose your words wisely.I wonder why some of you chaps are always in the habit of insulting people you don`t know.Just because you don`t agree with my statement or my understanding of things doesn`t give you the right to insult my intelligence.It seems internet has made some of you chaps to start thinking through your back hole.Learnt how to criticize wisely…basop.

    • Chande Beu,
      Well said. Just because someone voted for PF does not they have to defend everything Sata does. Which investigations is Mo Taim referring to? These are blind followers of the blind….

  2. And what other answer do you expect from someone who was part and parcel of the Rupiah Banda’s corruption?

    This is the man who encouraged corruption by giving his fellow thieving ministers cover to steal with impunity by rewriting laws meant to curb graft among govt officials—–and people like Dora the “Bum, Bum” took advantage. So how do you expect such a man to flip so soon?!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. # 2-Chanda Beu-Please don`t be stupidi.Learn how to choose your words wisely.I wonder why some of you chaps are always in the habit of insulting people you don`t know.Just because you don`t agree with my statement or my understanding of things doesn`t give you the right to insult my intelligence.It seems internet has made some of you chaps to start thinking through your back hole.Learnt how to criticize wisely…basop.

  4. why should a company to evaluate Zamtel involved in its sale as well?
    why single source the evaluators
    what was RB’s son and Dora always hanging around with evaluators?
    we don’t need a financial consultant to see that Zamtel was sold cheaply.
    fixed assess alone can cost the amount that these so called buyers paid.
    this is a monopoly company whose business can never go down.
    there is no way it can be sold that cheaply.
    we need to reverse it to teach future investors to make sure they are paying fairly without getting involved in corruption to buy public properties as such decisions can be reversed. 

  5. To hell with thieving investors. We can do without them. Genuine investors are NEVER in a HURRY to buy companies like LAP GREEN and FNB. If you know what is good for you Kunda shut up.

  6. There is nothing sinister about ZAMTEL. It was done well

    Stop these petty stories!

    I doubt MMD did anything suspicious.

    Why dont you people start searching jobs at Monster so that you can earn as much money as some of us and drive as good cars as we drive

    As you commnting on this I am start my thesis on my PHD .

    Be progressive and learn from me. It took me only 7 years I had an MBA, CIMA and ACCA.


    • Yes, 7 years and you have MBA = Mistress of Bended Arseholes; CIMA = Childish Imbeciles Major Anima; ACCA = Are Chicks Constantly Arrogant? and now working on your PhD = Panties Hanging Down.

    • @Zulu, your response was totally uncalled for!! Mushota with all those qualifications what exactly do you do, in an old blog you once said you did something to do with nutrition?? you left that out on the list of qualifications so far!!

    • All these you are mentioning are not necessary. What profits a man who gains the whole world, wealth and riches but looses his own soul? My dear talk about knowing Jesus Christ then you have everything to boast about, NOT Worldly riches. Will you go with them when you are dead? Think about it. Who as ever been buried with MBA,CIME PHD, CARS, HOUSES etc when they are dead? Think about it and boast in the Lord.

  7. Mo tain, you are right. thats not the way that chap was supposed to answer. he answered as if its to irritate you.he is as fool as those who support mushota.

  8. Mushota you need to go back to Grade 7 first before climbing the ladders you are talking about which you even don’t know. Silly girl. And the Micra you are alleged to drive is not the best of cars if you are in six figures as you claim. you are so inconsistent that it is easy to see through you. Shut up for once and concentrate in preparing for you civil ceremony using the money from the nursing home.

  9. Mushota you are really an uneducated chap. there are people with decent qualifications who dont say muvh but anyway, we know u just create this personality of yours so that you provoke rather senseless discussions. If I was editor i would censor your postings. Get a life and go back to your kantmba at Buseko market and sell your cheap hardware products to unsuspecting people

  10. Foreign investment will come to a Country which has no corruption,Only CON Investors will not come to Zambia, Real investors will come and do business in Zambia when they see a clean House.Mr.Kunda the Govt you served under was full of corruption even the honest business the Banda Govt did is looked upon with doubt.Your hands are dirty Sir.

  11. No where in the law does it say offload a company way below the market price!!!

    Mushota…”…it took my 7 years i had an MBA, CIMA and ACCA” I HAD????? I guess you don’t have them anymore neh?!!!!!

  12. Ba Mushota give us your epistemological and ontological standpoints of your proposed project. Moreover, give us a synopsis of the theoretical perspectives that underpin your proposed research. In the same vein, could you outline the methods for your empirical work. I am very much interested in the way you shall contribute to knowledge. By the way Mushota I am a Grade 7 failure. Thank you.

  13. Let’s also not forget that RP Capital Group that evaluated ZAMTEL is the same group that undervalued our mines decades ago!!

  14. Mushota may be getting all those qualifications she has mentioned not because she loves being behind the desk-she is probably dragging herself to study because things have now changed here in the UK-if you are a foreign student, you have to keep yourself in university failure to which you invite the UK border agency police on your door step for a fast foward track flight (deportation) to your country of origin. Actually univesities keep registers for all foreign students which you have to sign for every week and any unexplained absence from classes is passed on to immigration officers. So many just keep studying to stick around here-not that they have got a heart for books but for the mere sake of putting imigration officers at bay-it is trick and tough being a student in the UK!!

  15. Ba his life.Zambia! This kunda is alive and tuned to this life. I wish one would hang this mXXher FXXXker alive.This ia another waste of human flesh

  16. Whoever, was involved in the sale of Zamtel should be investigated, also they investigate the Solicitor General, who was reporting everything to Bwezani Banda, he equally played a role. Now that he is still in office,(Mubanga Kondolo) he should not be left out. He knows a lot about this saga.

  17. I cannot believe he believes the bull shit that comes out of his mouth. But then again, he only knows corruption and he cannot tell the difference between transparent deals and open curruption. I am glad he is a vanishing breed.

  18. “He has described the setting up of commissions of inquiries, as unprecedented and stage-managed by the current Government.

    Mr. Kunda, who is a lawyer, is saddened that the terms of references for the commissions of inquiries seem to be predetermined.”

    GK has said it all….Some of us already know what will be the outcome of the remaining commissions i.e Chongwe,Chanda and Kabimba.

  19. As much as we differ in our views we are all Zambians. Openly minded the sale of Zamtel was wrong. What will Zambians remain with when we keep giving companies to other people on silver plates and yet they employ majority of their own. Where have you head that Zambians have bought a company in the manner finace bank, Zamtel and many others were bought? Lets protect what belongs to us and stop crying on everything that SATA is trying to correct. Lets protect what is ours as we dont eat investment.

  20. ba kunda sureeeee!!!! These are fake investors who can go at any time.We dont need corrupt investors.

    Mushota !! wat is your problem??? You think people on this blogers have NO papers,dont drive, have no posh cars, dont eat good break fast etc.I thiink you better check you head.

  21. Mushota, naiwe walikwata abakukumbwa kwati ilishilu li Chanda Beu hahahahaha. Kwena muli fipuba. There is no PhD thesis. Its a PhD dissertation, wekalishilu we. How are we going to read about Monister Job Search Engines this year when the damn thing was there when the earth was still cooling after falling into the sea? That means mwaiche, vinabwela mochedwa to you. Uleyikalafye panshi ngataukwete ifyakulanda.

  22. Handcore, it doesn’t matter even if it performs better as long as Zambians don’t have jobs and are not having their fair share from it. What that means is that the crooks who bought it must be siphoning a lot of money out of the country. People ownership through GRZ should have been maintained at 51 % minimum and not 25 %. Ownership is very important ba Handcore. Even the mines, if we had higher stakes, then the issue of windfal tax would not even arise.

  23. Well, I will be damned to take this patient’s legal advise. I mean, is he not the one w billions of govt funds prosecuting Chiluba in the UK only to turn around and surpport the govt’s refusal to register the verdict in our High Court? Is he also not the one who claimed in parliament that the Police were within their rights to shoot unarmed civilians in Mongu? Is he not the same chap who claimed in parliament that M’Membe is homo, when he has no such evidence to support the accusation and faild to repeat it outside of parliament knowing a summon will land on his door steps. Besides, Malila stated Dora’s actions were a “nullity” and unless Kunda also does not have a clue about the meaning of the word, h should just shut the f**k up and let HIV ravage his stinking soul. Damn!

  24. GK! Is it also a NORM that you do wrong things to benefit yourselves because the incoming gov will have to enherite liabilities? Lets face it guys, you benefited and had pecuniary advantage over the sale of Zamtel. There are a lot of things surrounding this sale eg the optic fibre, engagement of RP Capital to name but a few. You benefited instead of Zambia benefiting but its only you guys and your children

  25. This isfunny now. OK George it was legal but it has been investigated and the vibes are different.

    GK everything you did was OK. There was no corruption in MMD. Nothing at all.

    The net is coming baba! Toot toot toot!

  26. kamushota is really a silly girl.i dont have those qualification but you cant beat what i earn. come where i live you will obvously propose me for marriage. zambia is good wether you are too educated or not there is cash mwana.shut up.

  27. #9. Ka Mushota Ka sushi period. I wonder why people even bother to respond . Why does Mushota visit this site if we are pathetic ?it is obvious he/she is an attetion seeker. Please stop responding !!

  28. Plis pipo argue positivly not jast time wasting,remember the sale of finance bank of zambia was found fraudlently sold and facts were tabled bfo his excellency and it was jast in a blin time of an eye the presdent reacted wich you and I know,sudenly facts for the sale of zamtel its two weeks now since they were submited and its now cabinet so wait and see who is who otherwise your other comments describs education and mental capability of the auther,you are welcom bt b real and dont bring your hunger into this work hard brothers and sisters.

  29. Mushota is an intersting chap but i think he is a male. ACCA and CIMA are mere diplomas which you obtain in 2 years six months. Once you have one, you can get exemptions to get the other in les than a year. In short you can obtain these two diplomas in less than 4 years. As for zamtel, I can only say the deal STINKS!

  30. My friend is an Engineer and he obtained ACCA without ever going into class. He did it in the shortest possible time. ACCA is just a glamourised diploma.

  31. The Zamtel sale had corruption written all over it. Privatisation usually has massive government intervention and that leads to several malpractices. Kunda must keep mute and dissociate himself from a transaction that did not involve him directly. But I guess, the guilty talk a lot.

  32. That is what happens with wrong doers. They always justify their wrongs. Sorry GK that you are seeking for justification of your wrongs in such a silly and stupid way by giving such a statement. That was wrong baba.

  33. Zamtel was performing better than Zampost.The current Gvt is also watching zampost is being plundered.When are they acting on ZAMPOST management

  34. Right on… Any new government should be prepared to take both assets and liabilities of the previous government 

  35. #31 I am start my thesis on my PHD by Mushota, where on earth do you start the thesis for the PhD without a Topic? I think Mushota is fantansizing. and an attention seeker, seems NICK does not offer much attention as she desires

  36. George Kunda and Company received K190m from the proceeds of the sale of zamtel. He must declare interest and shut up

  37. In every privatisation nationalist sentiments arise. But there seemed to be a case for selling Zamtel at teh time. Like, it was making losses, it was overstaffed, needed massive recapitalisation etc etc. The usual problems with parastatals. It is politicians that ruin State companies. Even if the sale was not as transparent, Zamtel should still remain in private hands. Otherwise it will be a politicians’ play ground, like Zesco, ERB etc.

  38. Ba Ice Road Trucker naimwe, ZAMTEL is a strategic company. Even the security of the nation depends on it. How do you give a company like that to foreigners? Ngenkondo nga yabuka, how will the army etc communicate? We are currently without security and thats a nightmare.

  39. @Sharp Shooter, 27. You’re right. ‘All unprecedented, stage-managed and with pre-determined terms of reference and results.


  41. Ba wesu telling the truth could have saved you from this mess. You thought RB will choose you as successor but had RB won definitely sakwiba was to be VP. Look now your name can not even be mentioned among those to lead the mmd. Ba mfumu katulokuya kwi lala kwa ka Finda.No need to defend Dora Siliya the way Lucy changwe was defended. Lucy apemena pa zero pantu she got ifigayo also and she bought a house from a former CS which was built using council funds.

  42. Former veep you always get it wrong.Kashiwa Bulaya and the most useless NCC what is wrong with your head iwe mudala what kind of lawyer are you.Just wait more is coming and we have to take back this company to its rightful owners we the people of Zambia.Mulekwatako ne Nsoni to sell Mwembeshi just for a song.we need national security and we cant trust the security of the nation to Lap Green its wrong move.

  43. so imwe bonse saying ba sata is witch hunting , can you give a good reason as to why liato had 2.1 billion kwacha on his farm , nga dora bum bum and red lipped snake or bwezani how much do they have!!! time for reckoning

  44. Kunda and his firm directly benefited from the sale. How can a justice minister directly involve himself in such a deal?
    Am sorry Mr. Kunda, Mutati, Siliya and all those involved in this, you are likely to go broke and get imprisoned.
    I think there has been no privatisation as dirty as Zamtel. It is involving many former ministers to an extent that even ZDA says it knew little about the details of the deal!

  45. its a shame that sure a leader like george kunda can try to talk about the sale of zamtel,

    he has betrayed the zambian people, the law must visit him. shame on you kunda. wait for SATA he likes people like you, he will soon visit you.

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