Sunday, September 8, 2024

A Tanzanian with 21 others arrested for various drug related offenses


The Drug Enforcement Commission (DEC) in Lusaka has arrested 21 people for various drug offences contrary to the laws of Zambia.

DEC Deputy Public Relations Officer, Delight Haangala, says the commission has arrested Jacob Mzinga, a Tanzanian national aged 49, for trafficking in cocaine which he had concealed in his body through swallowing.

Mzinga was apprehended at Kenneth Kaunda International Airport on arrival from Brazil.

He discharged 104 pellets of cocaine weighing 2.312 kilograms and the process is still ongoing.

And in a separate incident, the commission has arrested Evans Mbulo 32, for trafficking in 36 sachets of Cocaine weighing 2.7 grams.

Mbulo was arrested in Lusaka where the commission is getting a lot of  drug related activities reports.

In another occurrence, the commission has jointly charged and arrested Sharon Kamangila a Zimbabwean national aged 38, Jackeline Lungu aged 39 and Alice Nyoni aged 41 for trafficking in 432 bottles of Benylin with Codeine.

Meanwhile the commission in Eastern Province has jointly charged and arrested Patrick Banda aged 37 and Christopher Banda aged 38 for trafficking in 830 kilograms of loose cannabis.

The contraband was intercepted in   Nyimba  enroute to Lusaka from Lundazi which was  loaded on a truck together with bags of maize

Ms Haangala stated that the seizure is a clear demonstration that the commission has heightened its surveillance measures in a bid to curb the transportation of cannabis from Malawi and Mozambique to Lusaka and Copperbelt.

Further the Commission in Eastern Province has found three abandoned motor bikes in Renamo area in Nyimba District near Mozambique border that had three bags of compressed cannabis weighing 305.5 Kilograms.

Ms. Hangala said the riders of the motor bikes attempted to transport the contraband from Mozambique to the Great East Road in Nyimba for onward transportation to Lusaka adding that the Commission has since seized the three motor bikes.

Ms Haangala told the media at a press briefing that after receiving reports of drug related activities in Chapata’s Navutika Compound, the Drug Enforcement Commission in collaboration with the Zambia Police Service conducted a clean-up activity in the area and 25 persons were arrested of which 14 had committed various drug related offences.

The joint operation was necessitated by reports from members of the public who were allegedly claiming that Navutika Compound was a no-go area for Law Enforcement Agencies.

Ms. Hangaala also disclosed that a Toyota Land cruiser used in the last General Elections has been forfeited to the state following investigations that revealed that the said motor vehicle was actually government property but was fraudulently registered as belonging to a non-existent company and no one has claimed it up to date.

Ms Hangaaala stated that DEC remains resolute in its mission to root out drug trafficking and abuse, irrespective of location or terrain.

The suspects are detained in the lawful custody and will appear in court soon.


  1. Zambia has become a breeding ground for foreign criminal who think they are above the law. There is a need to limit number of foreigners in zambia and implement a biometric ID system to track then and kick them out. Us zambian abroad if we commit a petty crime we will be on the next flight to Rwanda.

    • Corrupting our society yakuti? You seem to thrive on being divisive. If you arent attacking Bembas you are seeking other foes. Tanzanians are some of the best neighbours we have. They are peaceful and they were the only ones that helped us get our independence and they dont sing about it. Anyway you cant expect all 65 million of them to be angels.

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