Sunday, September 8, 2024

Police round up 39 junkies in various parts of Lusaka


39 junkies aged between 17 and 40 years, have been arrested in an operation conducted in Kanyama west, Makeni villa, Kanono Ligoms, Petroda area, and part of watchtower area in Lusaka.

Zambia Police Service Spokesperson, Rae Hamoonga,  confirmed the development and said that Kanyama Police conducted the operation starting from last evening around 19:00 hours  and ended in the morning of Sunday July 23, 2023  in a routine junkies operation.

He said that the operation was mainly conducted by use of motorized and foot patrols with the support of the Zambia Police Reserve wing and members of the crime prevention unit in the area.

He said 39 junkies and idlers were apprehended during the operation.

Mr Hamoonga said the operation was  intelligence information led covering Kanyama west, Makeni villa, Kanono Ligoms, Petroda area and part of the watchtower area leading to the apprehension of 35 males and four females aged between  17 and  40.

Mr. Hamoonga added that those arrested have been charged with different offences which include Robbery, Assault as well as idle and disorderly.

“Amongst the suspects, six males are already facing charges of robbery and assault,” he said.

Mr Hamoonga said all the suspects have been remanded in custody as further screening and charging for various offences in readiness for court proceedings.


  1. African governments are only good at reacting to problems and not being proactive. The same way we tell them to legalise gay rights before it is too late, yet they are busy sleeping. When the gays stage the biggest riot in history they will not know what hit them

  2. This is a disaster, arresting them is not the answer, I think the government should immediately step in to help here children.

  3. I really pity the police. It’s sad that we even expect them to solve a social problem that society has failed to deal with. It’s not fair.

  4. Very laughable. The police have now become social workers. Where are the parents? Here in the UK this would have been a headline news and people would have lost jobs over this. Zambians are too relaxed and careless. Sometimes I think it is even better to have the British rule us again for 10 years so sort out this mess

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