Sunday, September 8, 2024

ZANAMA calls for modernising of markets


The Zambia National Marketers Association (ZANAMA) in North-Western Province has called on the local authority to modernize and standardize markets to attract both traders and buyers.

In an interview with today ZANAMA provincial Chairperson Smith Kalota said mostly people prefer to buy from the streets due to the poor hygiene standards and lack of parking spaces.

“When you go to most of our markets they are not clean, worse still during the rainy season most people do not even want to enter inside and for those who drive they don’t even have enough parking spaces” Mr Kalota said.

The Provincial Chairperson has however commended government for doing away with street vending as it will bring sanity to the country.

“If you look at Lusaka right now the city looks beautiful and there is even sanity as it should be” Mr Kalota stated.

Mr Kalota has since called on the street vendors in Solwezi to utilize the free spaces in various markets to conduct their business.

He said it is not just unhygienic but also dangerous to conduct business on the road sides where it is open and vehicles may lose control at any point.


  1. If you look at Lusaka right now the city looks beautiful. Really? Zambians no longer know what is beauty
    They have really lost their sense of beauty after living with street vendors for the past 30years. Lusaka needs cleaning up, fresh paint, mended potholes, kempt greenery. Howabout some fountains? Has any of you been to Addis Ababa? And walked the city garden there? Cant you politicians encourage such creativity?

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