Sunday, September 8, 2024

DEC says drug problem critical in Zambia


The Drug Enforcement Commission says the drug problem in the country is huge and needs concerted sensitisation to address.

Speaking at the 95th Agriculture and Commercial Show in Lusaka, DEC Director General Nason Banda said the drug problem is big and that the show is one of the big catchment activities to use and interact with the people.

 Mr Banda said the DEC will be using available platforms such as the Agriculture and Commercial Show to educate people on the dangers of drugs.

He explained that the show has given the commission access to a number of people who have been sensitized on drug related vices.

“As DEC we have decided to be part of the show so that we can take advantage of the large cloud and sensitize people on the dangers of drug trafficking. And I must say that it has been successful and our prayer and hope is that people have learnt one or two things from that,” said Mr Banda.

Mr Banda shared that the general public have been sensitized on different topics such as how they should prevent themselves from this vice and also what they should expect of them during and after counselling.

“We have a number of activities lined up at the show and I must mention that different topics have been lined up while entertaining the people with different entertaining activities such as dancing and poetry among others.” Mr Banda noted.

Mr Banda explained that people who visited the DEC stand at the show grounds were also being enlightened on how they should prevent themselves from being hoodwinked by criminals or drug traffickers.


  1. To say the truth it’s more worthwhile to grow weed than the much talked about maize….of course you must pray you are not caught.

  2. Cannabis is a gateway drug. Once a young person is on it, they’re more likely to accept more potent drugs. It’s that simple. Please listen to expert advice. No to cannabis, period, fullstop, case closed, end of story.

  3. These drugs have destroyed our children, who feel good when they smoke. More and more school going children indulge in the device. Us parents have spoken and spoken but to no avail. its good DEC is coming out strong on drugs, cannabis inclusive.

    • Your children? That means you are to blame. Its not the ganja that calls children to come and smoke. Its the parent that doesnt discipline his kids

  4. Mr Banda…… have you ever done any searches at Parliamentary motel? Have ever wondered why some of the MPS debate the way they do and behave strangely at Parliament? We encorage you to do so and only will you tell how big the problem is.

    • Because there’s nothing wrong with it unless you consume more than neccessary. Same with Nsima, beer, cigarettes, alcohol in your bottlestore, nicotine in your supermarket

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