Friday, March 7, 2025

Trouble brewing in MMD


MMD National Secretary Richard Kachingwe
MMD National Secretary Richard Kachingwe

Trouble is brewing in the MMD ranks of North Western Province following calls from there, for the dissolution of the party’s National executive committee.

The discontented call is from North-Western MMD Provincial Youth Chairman Stafford Mulusa, in a statement to ZNBC on Friday.

Mr. Mulusa says the NEC members are incompetent and have failed to account for funding and materials supplied during the September poll.

He also says the selection of the next party president should be through an extra ordinary convention and not by the current NEC.

Mr. Mulusa says despite being defeated in the September poll, NEC members have continued to be arrogant and punishing whoever has suggestions for the way forward.

Mr. Mulusa says during campaigns the NGOs mushroomed and spoke on behalf of the party making it difficult for the party organs like youths and women to look into the affairs of the party.

But MMD National Secretary, Major Richard Kachingwe says members should stop finger pointing and accept the defeat of September 20.

He also says the current NEC should not be blamed for the loss and called for discipline to prevail even in defeat.

Major Kachingwe says people should know that time was too short for NEC members who took office in April this year to propel the party to victory.



  1. major kachingwe u better open your eyes and hears, MMD is sinking coz of people like u who

    are not able to see and judge. Hon Mutati in his statement has highlighted major points on why a mini convention is necessary OR sell it to Nawakwi

  2. Why is this guy called Major? Was he in Zambia Army? Of all majors that were in Zambia Army, why does he still keep this rank as if he is on secondment?

  3. if he is a major then he is a useless one. thank God we have never been at war. these are the chaps that take to the heels at the sound of gunfire.

  4. Its not a case of using who is left. It is even more important now to chose people who are right for the job.Members of NEC think and tink very hard. You are the wrong people for the MMD. Call a convention and allow new blood to pick up the reigns.
    To explain further, look at what has happened since 1990, you managed to frighten off all the good and bright guys. There was only sycophants and YES men left in MMD. Now if you dont bring fresh blood, all you are looking for is certain death.

  5. Wrong policies,wrong execution,wrong leaders and just about everything is wrong with this party.I hope theres life after death coz they seem dead to me.How does a minister steal K2.1 billion and the president and party top brass dont know?Can they ressurect?GOD BLESS ZAMBIA.

  6. To defend the Major shall I inform you bloggers that he is one of those pushing for a convention! If you have no information simply google his interviews and opinion on the way forward.

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