Sunday, September 8, 2024

Expired drinks seized


 Chibombo District Council has seized 276 cases of expired soft drinks from several shops at Mwayasunka Market.

Council Public Relations Officer Harriet Chimuka says the seized soft drinks include 275 cases of Coca Cola and one case of Fanta, all worth K31, 625.

In a Press Statement, Ms. Chimuka said the operation was conducted by the officers from the Public Health Department during their routine food inspection exercise.

She said the seizure of the soft drinks was done in accordance with the Food and Safety Act No. 7 of 2019 which prohibits the selling of expired food.

Ms. Chimuka has since warned the shop owners against selling expired foods to the members of the public as it is against the law.

She has also urged members of the public to take precautions when buying consumables to avoid purchasing expired food stuff.



  1. Chibombo District Council you should call the media when you destroy the expired foods PUBLICLY. Otherwise we will all know you have consumed them

    • We have local government bodies that do not even know how to exercise their authority. No wonder delivery of public services by them is so very poor.

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