Thursday, October 24, 2024

Senior Chief Ishindi Advocates for University in North Western Province


Senior Chief Ishindi, of the Lunda people in Zambezi district, has voiced a compelling request to the government, urging the consideration and establishment of a university within North Western Province. The traditional leader emphasized that the province is ripe for a university, which would alleviate the financial burden of sending students to institutions in other regions.

Speaking from his esteemed Mukandankunda royal palace, Senior Chief Ishindi passionately articulated the need for a university to foster local education and provide accessible opportunities for higher learning. He underscored the potential benefits, such as boosting educational attainment, encouraging local talent, and driving regional development.

Additionally, the chief proposed a strategic move to further equitable development within Zambezi district. He called on the government to consider the delimitation of Zambezi East Constituency into Zambezi North and Zambezi South. Such a step, he argued, would facilitate a more even distribution of development initiatives throughout the district.

These recommendations were shared during a meeting with Local Government and Rural Development Minister Gary Nkombo, who visited Senior Chief Ishindi’s palace. The discussions took place in anticipation of the forthcoming 38th Lunda Lubanza Traditional ceremony of the Lunda people in Zambezi district.


Gary Nkombo at the Mukandankunda Head Quarters Zambezi District


  1. The best feeling in world is waking up next to my boyfriend cuddled in his strong arms as he strokes my hairy chest. Bliss

  2. I totally I agree with HRH Senior Chief Ishindi on the need for a university in the region, in fact there should be more vocational training institutions as well. However I don’t agree with the call for delimitation of constituencies. We don’t need send more idlers to Lusaka. We should instead advocate for more wards and the transformation of CDF into a Ward Fund as that’s what will enhance development. The current setup isn’t fair, especially for rural constituencies.

  3. How will a University in North Western Province help ease any problems? Why not push for a general hospital, a food processing plant for the abundant fruits, a railline to Ndola

    • At the moment students are being sent to the CBU that’s currently overwhelmed and can’t provide decent accommodation to all. Even those sponsored by the mines have to make own arrangements for accommodation. By the way, the push for a university doesn’t dilute or make the province forfeit other developmental projects. His Royal Highness has just in fact reminded government about the promise it made to build a university in the province

  4. It’s a matter of priorities. North West does not need a university right now. It needs crafts colleges to produce artisans. Whats needed in the province is construction construction construction
    We don’t want to spend decades discussing this. We need to spend decades constructing.
    Universities are overrated. We don’t need to produce academics disproportionate to the population. Botswana had no university till the 80s but it’s doing better than Zambia.

    • We need General hospitals and universities in all provinces as a minimum. You don’t need to introduce new ones but just extend the current good ones to all provinces. NWP could be school of manufacturing, Western, School of medicine, Southern, school of accounts and so on.

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