Sunday, September 8, 2024

Government concerned with uncoordinated infrastructure projects


The UPND government has expressed its growing concern over the lack of coordinated planning and implementation of infrastructure projects across the country. Infrastructure, Housing, and Urban Development Minister Charles Milupi emphasized that the absence of a comprehensive and integrated approach to infrastructure planning has resulted in the accumulation of unsustainable debt, subsequently leading to the suspension of critical infrastructure projects.

Minister Milupi’s remarks came during his address at the launch of the National Infrastructure Policy. The event aimed to shed light on the current challenges facing Zambia’s infrastructure development and outline the government’s plans to address them.

Albert Malama, Permanent Secretary at the Ministry of Infrastructure, represented Minister Milupi at the launch and emphasized the need for a more structured approach to infrastructure projects. The lack of coordination has not only affected the overall quality of the projects but also hindered their timely completion, contributing to rising national debt.

The European Union Delegation Head of Cooperation, Claudio Becigalupi, also highlighted the significance of infrastructure development in regional integration. He stressed that improving infrastructure remains one of the key challenges for promoting stronger regional ties and enhancing economic growth.

Additionally, Anne Wagner Mitchell, the German Ambassador to Zambia, underscored the importance of infrastructure development as the cornerstone of economic progress. She emphasized that a robust infrastructure network is vital for attracting investments, fostering economic development, and improving the overall quality of life for citizens.


  1. I thought Milupi is the one whose responsibility is to plan Infrastructure. Who is he blaming now. PF? Two years of building Toilets, Maternity wards and single classroom blocks, while your friends were building roads, Sausage Airports, Bridges, Schools, Hospitals and the Conference Center where you are sh!ting now. The most celebrated CDF was aimed and rewarding cadres and will not yield anything for as long as it is controlled by the likes of Imenda.

    • @kci
      I suppose you have never lived in ” true Zambia” , judging by your demeaning of toilets, maternity and single classroom blocks. For your education, real Zambians need those facilities rather than sausage airports, mishelemuko and some of your mentioned roads( presumably for your Mercedes and Landcruiser).

  2. This is yet another evidence that this UPND led Govt does not have a plan for anything. All they have been doing since they came to power is scratching where it is not itching. Mr. Milupi tell your boss to have a plan since all of you his lieutenants wait for him to give you a plan. Two years in Govt you are still embarrassing yourselves by a blame game. Just tell us what your plan is on infrastructure development in the country. You are boasting of employing teachers and Mefical personnel mainly because you predecessors built the infrastructure. It is a big shame to hide behind the blame game for your incompetence as ruling political party. Just put your egos aside, tame your cadres and follow or adopt the PF infrastructure development plan.

  3. Bo minister, there is total chaos in the projects being implemented under CDF. Even other projects under your ministry are in a mess. We thought you were competent enough to manage this ministry. By your own confession you have failed.

  4. Can you forthcoming about projects in Northwestern province? Money here is being shared left right and centre. Just send auditors to come and check what is going on in all constituencies. You will be shocked. Sowezi Central is the worst . Iam just giving u a heads up.

  5. Was it your idea to have a dual carriage way from Chingola to Solwezi? What a waste of time and money. Sowezi does not need thaat Sir. Solwezi needs township roads . Not these dusty paths we have.

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