Sunday, September 8, 2024

Bus Fares Increased Following Fuel Price Hike


In response to the recent surge in fuel prices, bus fares in Zambia have been officially raised, following approval by the Road Transport and Safety Agency (RTSA). The fare adjustments have been implemented to help transport operators cope with the escalating fuel costs.

According to the fare chart released by RTSA, there are varying increases depending on the type of route:

Intercity Long Distance Fares have been raised by 8%.
Copperbelt Local and Other Towns’ Bus Fares have gone up by K1.50.
Inter-Mine and Peri-Urban Bus Fares on the Copperbelt have seen an increase of K3.
Lusaka Peri-Urban Bus Fares have risen by K2.50.
These fare adjustments took effect on September 7, 2023, as confirmed by Mukela Mangolwa, the Acting Head of Public Relations at RTSA.

The decision to increase bus fares follows the recent hike in fuel prices by the Energy Regulation Board (ERB), which raised petrol prices by K3.85 per litre and diesel prices by K3.52 per litre, effective August 31, 2023.

The fare adjustments aim to help transport operators cover their increased operational costs resulting from higher fuel prices, ensuring the continued availability of public transportation services for the people of Zambia.


  1. What ever happened to the formula for reducing the cost of fuel!! Was the big man lying to us voters? I have tried to shake my head ati maybe I am still in my dream..!!

    • Tikki then his formula was very wrong . Any learned person knows in such a formula we need variables . He needed to factor in world recession. I wonder how many wrong things are at play now. I’m scared..if we a being ruled without knowing staff then we are in trouble. How was lazy lungu managing kansi. It seems ecl is far more wise and intelligent. That’s what I’m getting tikki

  2. He did a presentation on how to reduce the cost of fuel. It has not manifested.
    Then he gave us graphs…….we rejected them.
    Then he started exporting the maize stocks that ECL had managed to build from bumper harvests. Shortages of the staple food hightened- He blamed it on the congolese.
    He tried to bring Kenyans to start growing maize in Zambia …..What?
    He increased the price of fertilizer ……and then called us lazy(We are failing to grow maize).
    Ni muntu wa bwanji uyu kansi??

  3. The cots of collecting maize from the Depots will go up. The cost of distributing fertilizer will go up.
    What do think will happen to the cost producing mealie meal?

  4. Global prices are up everywhere, yet lazy pf f00ls magically expect the prices to go down. Very laughable. Those complaining the most here are actually based in diaspora where the price of gas has gone up too.

    • The laughable one is you who has PF in your head 24hrs a day. Zambia has 20m people who are free to comment just like you. Why do you assume every person is PF. Just get a life. If you have failed just return backM Zambia.

    • Don’t insult KK by using his initials to spread nonsense and support a party which has caused all the challenges we are facing. Return back zambia to who? You are a mad man

  5. No more subsidies. Transport is not a human right. If you cannot afford to drive then save the environment and walk. This ain’t pf

  6. He ignored or pretended not to know about global trends. He portrayed himself as a man of tubili tufume mumufuko abracadabra.
    He was not prepared for anything else apart from fighting for the highest office in the land. Forgive him for he knew not what lay ahead of him.

  7. Bally! Bally!Bally!Bally! wamu ya ya ya! Bally will fix it kaili. I don’t blame him, we should blame ourselves for overhyping individuals. The Zambia we want can only come from us not outsiders or some fake microeconomics made up by people who are long gone.


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