Sunday, September 8, 2024

Justice Minister Addresses Compensation for UPND Members Arrested in 2017


Justice Minister Mulambo Haimbe has dismissed any insinuations of impropriety concerning the compensation awarded to five members of the United Party for National Development (UPND) who were arrested and prosecuted on charges of treason in 2017.

Minister Haimbe asserted that there is nothing sinister about the compensation provided to the individuals in question, emphasizing that their case was unique and warranted special consideration due to the gravity of the charges and the unusual circumstances surrounding it.

Speaking during a press briefing held in Livingstone, Minister Haimbe addressed concerns raised in the media regarding the compensation. He emphasized that the government’s actions are entirely consistent with the legal provisions of the country.

“The compensation of individuals who have been wrongfully detained and unlawfully prosecuted, even when it may appear to be substantial, is a necessary measure to discourage similar miscarriages of justice in the future,” stated Minister Haimbe.

The Justice Minister’s remarks come amid public discussions and media coverage of the compensation awarded to the five UPND members. The case had drawn attention due to the seriousness of the charges against them and the subsequent legal processes.

Compensating individuals who have been falsely imprisoned and subjected to unjust prosecution is a means of rectifying past injustices and upholding the principles of justice and fairness within the legal system.


  1. It’s one of the many frauds that are being committed by the UPND. The amounts involved aren’t supported by any Law. Therefore, it’s criminal negligence on the part of the Attorney General not to defend the nation as the Treasury is bleeding money. Those involved must be mindful that these decisions will be revisited in future. These consent judgements are a fraud.

    • 1. Compensate Ba Ester Lungu immediately, ok lets say next week on Monday.
      2. How much has Mumbi Phiri compensated so far?

  2. Young Haimbe personally I don’t expect you to admit that there’s an anomaly. Let’s wait for the future no matter how long it takes.

  3. We dont have the funds for this sort of nonsense
    cadres earning petty salaries being awarded millions
    Yet bus accident victims battle to get anything

  4. While Lungu was carelessly and openly awarding his cadres, the Upnd are doing it veiled in court compensations and CDF to award their members.

  5. Education is very important. There is a poor reading culture in zambia especially when it comes to pf sympathisers and thugs. The justice minister has explained clearly with the backing of the law. Go and read or keep quiet

    • It is called compensation, which is part of case law. Go and read the judgments and ask those questions to the judges. When you are wronged, it is part of natural justice that the offended should be redressed or receive damages. The problem with your pf cadres is that you have farts in your brains. No substance just hot smelly air

    • I’m sorry, both you and Haimbe are wrong.These people were before a competent judiciary malicious prosecution does not arise.They were not acquitted. They can always be brought before the court if or when further evidence becomes available. Until acquitted,compansetion is not a remedy for nolle prosequi cases.This applies to your people.

  6. When we say UPND is worse than PF when it comes to theft and incompetence….this is stealing with impunity and how on earth does a Justice Minister justify theft…how many Zambians have been in prison….when you’re in Police custody it means there’s probable cause for you to be in Police custody and after investigations or court appearance if you’re not proven guilty or acquitted the state is not supposed to compensate you only if you’re sentenced and serve time in Prison and it turns out the conviction was wrong…there’s no compensation for awaiting trial prisoners otherwise the government needs to start paying millions every day…..UPND HAS VERY BAD INTENTIONS FOR ZAMBIA

  7. This is the worst government we will ever have. HH and his thugs committed a crime in Mongu. Lungu also should not have agreed to white people who are now have their puppets running the country.

  8. Someone here is telling us that poor reading culture is making us fail to understand what the so-called minister has explained.
    A lawyer will represent a person who who killed another person. He win that case by taking advantage of the same law this Chankalale is claiming to back these payouts.
    Common sense supercedes law but it never wins. Craftiness always wins.

  9. SO WE HAVE A JUSTICE MINISTER WHO DOESN’T KNOW THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN “WRONGFULLY DETAINED AND WRONGFULLY INCARCERATED”….these are two different issues….if Police detain you with a probable cause whilst conducting investigation…that detaintion cannot be be wrong for as long there was a probable cause….its not rocket science Mr Justice Minister….HH HIRED CADRES NO WONDER THEY’RE ALL INCOMPETENT….I think they know what they’re doing they just want to steal from the Government

  10. Those complainants should have demanded more than a mere $300,000 in Kwacha.In more advanced countries where human rights are sacred Governments can pay out tens of millions of doliars.You just cant maliciously pick up any body detain and torture them even for a day.Those people where nowhere near the crime scene. They were picked up just to teach and instill fear in other UPND cadres
    Its only retards like DejaFool and company who think humans can be treated like dogs.I can even sense some jealousy in some bloggers.They wish they were also detained

  11. Tarino.
    Those complainants should have demanded more than a mere $300,000 in Kwacha.In more advanced countries where human rights are sacred Governments can pay out tens of millions of doliars.You just cant maliciously pick up any body detain and torture them even for a day.Those people where nowhere near the crime scene. They were picked up just to teach and instill fear in other UPND cadres
    Its only retards like DejaFul and company who think humans can be treated like dogs.I can even sense some jealousy in some bloggers.They wish they were also detained

    • #MuZambian. What jealous? On the contrary it appears your wish to get into government was not to serve but was motivated by jealousy.

  12. DejaFooool.Yes,everyone is broke these days.Who wouldnt want a b bit to spare.You also would like some,dont be shy to admit

  13. By Law and according to the Zambian Constitution the Police have the authority to detain you when there’s a Probable cause for you to be determined…plain simple…..even here in the USA if you ‘act’ suspicious and theres a Probable cause Police can detain you and put you in custody….once they’re through with their investigation then they can either keep you detain or cut you loose but it all depends on the outcome of their investigation…if people are being compensated for being detained then we all should have been millionaires….if you have a a Police Friend you can just ask him to lock you up and after a few days cut you loose and get paid millions….HH PLEASE STOP YOUR NONSENSE

    • Kolala.If it is proved that your detention was malicious and unreasonable, you can sue for compensetion,I dont know which part of the US you are but police powers are not absolute.Officers can also be sued in their personal capacities If the state has no reasonable defense due to the gravity of the charges and the unique circumstances surrounding as is the case,it can route for a consent judgement in which it can negotiate for a lesser payment in compensation which would otherwise be higher if litigated in’ normal’ courts. Those people where not anywhere near the crime scene. What defense could the state have offered.And remember it is the aggrieved that moves the court and not the state to sue itself and then compensate.

  14. Julia Mashele spent 9 years in Prison in South Africa awaiting trail…and when she went for trail she was acquitted and definitely there’s no compensation….even when you go to Prison there’s location for awaiting trail Prisoners and they normally wear their own personal clothing…and once you’re sentenced then they move you to a different location where convicted Prisoners the housed and thats when they give you the Prison uniform….Dean Mungomba spent almost 2 years in Prison awaiting trail and how much did the Government compensate him…..

  15. If what you are doing is credible please extend the compasetion to the families of those people you always talk about who died under the police brutality.
    What is happening in this government is total robbery to the government coffers , looting is the trajectory of this government people should forget about any meaningful development under this evil government , nothing will work because the resources are being chanelled in wrong directions..
    This government is a failed project an aborted project yes indeed that is we should all call it .

  16. Am not even surprised this is what you get when you vote for Criminals ….The Supreme leader Ayatollah Hakainde Hichilema is a known Privatization criminal and you put him in charge of the country…expect massive looting

  17. So now anyone can get into the way of the presidential motorcade deliberately, spend a few minutes in police custody and go out to be compensated.

  18. Hon Haimbe beware. Just as you are twisting the law to your advantage, the next government will also ” create” cases against you. Unless you are confident you forever be in government.
    Tomorrow is not ours until it becomes today.

  19. I like the way these people support each other. Their support system is next to the Jews and Indians. They don’t let each other down no matter how grave or wrong one might be.

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