Sunday, September 8, 2024

Energy Regulation Board Pushes for Urgent Expansion of TAZAMA Pipeline


The Energy Regulation Board (ERB) has underscored the pressing need for the expansion of the TAZAMA pipeline, emphasizing that it is a matter of utmost urgency. This vital initiative was discussed during a meeting between ERB Board Chairperson Reynolds Bowa and the Chairperson of the Energy and Water Utilities Regulatory Authority (EWURA) in Tanzania, Mark Mwandosya, held in Dar-es-Salaam.

Mr. Bowa confirmed that ERB has initiated discussions with its Tanzanian counterpart to strategize and plan for the much-needed expansion of the TAZAMA pipeline. He expressed optimism that by April next year, a comprehensive plan comprising budget estimates, project timelines, and an official project name will be finalized, facilitating the commencement of the expansion works.

Furthermore, Mr. Bowa unveiled Zambia’s aspiration to establish a natural gas pipeline connecting Tanzania to Zambia. Such a project holds significant potential for enhancing energy access and promoting economic growth in the region.

During the same meeting, Professor Mwandosya, Chairperson of EWURA, affirmed his institution’s unwavering support for the expansion of the TAZAMA pipeline. He expressed a commitment to ensuring that the pipeline is modernized with advanced features that will significantly enhance efficiency and security in the transportation of finished petroleum products to Zambia. The planned upgrades aim to streamline the movement of vital energy resources and boost energy security for the nation.

In addition to the discussions surrounding the TAZAMA pipeline expansion, Professor Mwandosya expressed EWURA’s keen interest in learning from Zambia’s experiences in managing its hydroelectric power plants. The exchange of knowledge and best practices between the two countries is expected to promote mutual growth and collaboration in the energy sector.


  1. This government is failing in all standards of economic development, including infrastructure development. We in pf set the bar for infrastructure development

  2. For the entirety of its existence, TAZAMA pipeline has never been declared inadequate for the conveyance of crude or co-mingled feedstock. The need for expansion has arisen because of the UPND’s criminal decision to close Indeni and and instead use the pipeline to wheel finished products. They can’t use the same pipeline to transport both diesel and petrol as the two will contaminate each other. So they want to hide behind the expansion lie. Just reopen Indeni. It’ll be transport finished products using the pipeline

    • That pipe line was a mess from day one its only saving grace was there were far less vehicles on the road, there were leakages there was vandalism and the buffer salt water caused issues as well
      so lets not speak with such authority when we dont know its past history

    • Even a person caught red-handed will try to find a good explanation. The UPND flushed out the crude from the pipeline and never talked about leakages. They tried to pump diesel which resulted in the loss of over 1 million litres when a bulldozer damaged the pipe in Tanzania and never talked about the leakages. Now that they’ve been caught pants down they want to bring in leakages that never existed. We have lunatics in government


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