Friday, September 20, 2024

Musokotwane should have declared interest – Zulu


Justice Minister, Sebastian Zulu
Justice Minister, Sebastian Zulu

FORMER Finance minister Situmbeko Musokotwane should have declared interest in a transaction in which his company supplied blocks for construction of the Varun Beverages plant in Lusaka.

Justice Minister, Sebastian Zulu said the former minister should not have allowed a company in which he had interest to engage in a transaction with Varun, the producer of Pepsi drinks.

Mr Zulu said this in reaction to revelations that ZamBuild Investments Limited, in which Dr Musokotwane is a shareholder, supplied blocks for the construction of Varun Beverages in the industrial area.

He said the transaction raised issues of morality of a public officer, who was in charge of the Ministry of Finance and National Planning at the time Varun was getting established in Zambia.

And Patriotic Front (PF) national youth chairperson, Chishimba Kambwili has said revelations that Dr Musokotwane’s company supplied blocks for construction of the Pepsi plant in Lusaka showed that there was ‘recklessness’ in the handling of public affairs during the MMD administration.

Mr Kambwili, who is Foreign Affairs Minister, has since advised Dr Musokotwane to resign as Liuwa Member of Parliament (MP) on moral grounds.

He said the former minister should have declared interest in the matter given that he was Finance minister at the time Varun was getting established in Zambia.

“My only advice to Dr Musokotwane is that he should resign as MP because his hands are soiled. Law makers should be above board and as such, it will only be good if he resigns on moral grounds,” Mr Kambwili said in an interview.

Dr Musokotwane said ZamBuild could have supplied the bricks because they were of high quality and that he was only a shareholder in the company.

[Times of Zambia]


  1. MPs should cease from this practice especially if they are gaining in one way or another. I think greed plays a huge part. 

  2. LoL! The issue of morality is coming from who? Late Major Wezi Kaunda, Smart youngest lawyer Richard Ngenda, Cuthbert Ng’uni, Hastings Kamima, Kebby Musokotwane, Nalumino Mundi, Gibson Chigaga and Edward Shamwana must be turning in the Grave that Sebastian Zulu has been sanitized and exorcised by Sata and has found moral platitudes to talk issues of morality Zambia again.

  3. Late Major Wezi Kaunda, Smart youngest lawyer Richard Ngenda, Cuthbert Ng’uni, Hastings Kamima, Kebby Musokotwane, Nalumino Mundia, Gibson Chigaga and Edward Shamwana to mention but a few must be turning in their graves that Sebastian Zulu today has been sanitized and exorcised by Sata as a result he has found moral platitudes to talk issues of morality in Zambia again LoL!

    This is truly a circus no wonder most incompetent lawyer with a failed career, the man today is Minister of Justice. Its only in Zambia such things happen.

  4. The govt needs to make sure these guys get stiff jail time. Boma ni Boma should be used to extract confessions to find all stolen money

  5. Sebastian Zulu why did you not declare interest when you headed the commision on Finance Bank while you owe it 141 million in the Kalomo Branch account. Why didn’t Chikwanda declare interest when he is the agent of De La Rue money printers when he was talking on the fake Kwacha. You guys are silly wankers trying to please the constable

  6. senior citizen . so what has sebastian zulu done in the past that makes him a hypocrite. please inform some of us.

  7. Oh Yeah, Chishimba Kambwili. So far you guys have been pussy footing over how the contract to renovate State House was award to Appollo. Can you please tell the Nation whether Alexander “Mushana” Chikwanda declared interest, especially that it was single sourced even before Cabinet was appointed. The more reason why he should have declined to be appointed Minister on moral grounds.

  8. Sebastine Size Zulu. Stop preaching about morality. You are a disgraced lawyer who was involved in a trucks scandal in the 70s when you were P.S in the Ministry of Transport. What about when you swore a false affidavite with your client Elias Kundiona purpotting that a group of Judges had vowed to pass anti Kaunda judgements when you were defending Kambarage, where were your morals? Did you not do time for that?

  9. # 9 Frequent Flier kamwendo,

    # 11 Bonzo has just touched on the bulky dozier. This is why I’m laughing at this circus. Sebastian Zulu is the worst and incompetent criminal Sata has ever recruited in his league. An incompetent and most corrupt spicies being that has costed lives and our country millions of US Dollars.

    As i write, if anyone or hostile institutions wants to penetrate the PF circus, the easiest subject to recruit is Sebastian Zulu. On crams he could sign up to start delivering every file you want on Sata and the Government even sharing classified details on real time. Sata knows this fact that Sebastian’s hands are dripping with human umulopa. Also he is a lawyer who escorts his clients to jail because of incompetence and lust for money.

  10. Iwe galu Zulu and kolwe Chishimba did Alexander Chikwanda’s company Appolo declare interest in the renovating of State House?You fools.Appolo is owned by Alex .We know that the K45 Billion tender was single sourced hope he will not be dead by 2016.

  11. Latest l heard is that at no time did varun  buy blocks from zambuild,unless the used another trading name. What varun spent buying blocks from zambian companies is worth more than k1billion and no single company supplied any blocks worth over K100m. The is another twist to these stories on varun that a talkactive guy working for zambrew and a guy working for a paper are pushing . 

  12. Mr. Sebastian Zulu can comment on matters relating to law infringement that is welcome. PLEASE don’t let Kambwili and GBM comment on anything period. Those two are in Cabinet due to their financing of the PF. Let Lubinda, and the other leaders like professor Kandu Luo speak. hahahahahahaha.

  13. I woke up to a smile, realising that we finally got rid of MOVEMENT OF MAD DOGS ( MMD). Happy new year all, and May God bless you.

  14. Plus all these ministers being dragged through the mud the created by using Lusaka city council water like the helped build the pipeline to the Kafue river. This is democracy, we finally have a voice again, even HH speaks freely hahahahahahaha.

  15. @#5,6 and 13. Senior Fimo fimo.

    You only rant when you feel you have a point now. The way the justice system was run by RB, even the smartest Barrister in the worrld could have lost cases in Zambia. Infact my fear is, it might continue under the PF governemnt which is a shame because bo Sikota can represent a thousand cases and lose all of them. It`s about the powers that be.

    Dora, Kafupi and a few others are examples of how powerful RB was. And, yeah, there was no corruption under MMD. Deep down you know what you guys did only you were smart and got rid of all the evidence and yeah you voted for removal of some important clause so it was abaleya abaleya! Free for all!

  16. # 9, Sebestian Zulu was given K250M in 1996 by Chiluba to discredit Dr Kaunda and he did just that. At that time the amount was very huge. I personally would rather hear from GBM who is clean than this dirty lawyer who is heavily corrupt.

  17. All lawyers in Africa are corrupt. And like I said, the system doesn`t help either where Presidents are so powerful. Nice example there about Chiluba. Chiluba was in MMD and President at the time.

  18. #13: SENIOR SHI:TTIZEN, you have not answered #9’s question. You just repeat the unsubstantiated allegations. Some of us are objective. Give us data and we might consider. Otherwise, you’re just a frustrated spiteful bad loser. PF rulez. In your face. Senior Shi-ttizen and your comrade who seems to have become extinct, Chief Bootlicker, and the shallow non-engineer from Australia with an American flag to his profile… If you think you annoy us with your comments, made in the comfort of anonimity, well, in some of us you just evoke deep sympathy. It must be a heavy burden to be so hateful and frustrated. Even your LOL is empty because you’re not happy. You’re just hoping it can hurt someone. How pathetic is that. Pity, really.

  19. Ba zulu you should know by now thats how things work pa zed. i will give you tax relief on condition that you give me business. simple

  20. Not this story again,has the Govt gone for a festive break? Boring………………He should have declared interest and he didnt,what crime is there?

  21. Mwamona ba VJ bamudala ala ba PF do not take advice. You have just told them to desist trying people through the press and this corrupt and clueless lawyer is opening his mouth about declaring interest. Then follows the equally clueless Kambwili talking about issues that may end up in court. Mr. President I know it is too early but you need to reshuffle you cabinet. There are a lot of MPs with brains to add value to your governance and not Ba Zulu or ba Kambwili with due respect. Please make it a more inclusive cabinet whilst maintaining the smaller size you have adopted

  22. It is now a question of morals eh? morals morals morals of our times! Never give your concubines and relatives govt jobs if you want to be on the moral side of Right! Never contract your company to rehabilitate govt property like State House when you are a Minister otherwise you may find yourself on the moral side of wrong! Never appoint people who funded your campaign to Ministerial positions because that is on the moral side of wrong. It is tantamount to trading favours which is morally wrong!

  23. Senior Citizen thank you always for your constructive contributions. You are a nationalist who calls a spade a spade and sometimes people must learn to take in critisism as it is on it that one can build an all inclusive approach to situations. Some bloggers just see your name and without reading your posting go into PF defensive mode. What a pity that they also miss an opportunity to learn something from your wonderful advise

  24. “Honourable” Sebastian, not long after he was appointed to his position he tried to defend the Judicary against Post attacks. Soon after that the Post reacted and revealed that the man was corrupt and they in fact outlined a few items from their dossier on him. Today because he is Sata’s minister he has the audacity to teach morals to other leaders? And where are you ba Post, how have you allowed a corrupt person to continue holding the position of minister when you profess to be the champion of Zambia’s fight against corruption? How many more such corrupt individuals are sitting in cabinet today?

  25. When Zambians start resigning on moral grounds, that’s when real development will start. There are a lot of of leaders who have a lot to repent of in that regard.

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