Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Chushi Kasanda fired


President Hichilema Announces Ministerial and Permanent Secretary Changes

President Hakainde Hichilema has undertaken significant changes at both the ministerial and Permanent Secretary levels, reflecting his administration’s commitment to effective governance and the pursuit of national development goals. This is contained in a Press Statement issued by Clayson Hamasaka,
Chief Communication Specialist,State House.

In accordance with Article 116(3)(a) of the Constitution of the Republic of Zambia, President Hichilema has terminated the appointment of Honorable Chushi Kasanda as Minister of Information and Media.

Exercising his authority under Article 116(1) of the Constitution, President Hichilema has appointed Honorable Cornelius Mweetwa as the new Minister of Information and Media.

Additionally, President Hichilema has initiated changes at the provincial level by transferring Honorable Credo Nanjuwa to the position of Minister for Southern Province. Simultaneously, he has appointed Honorable Princess Kasune as the new Minister for Central Province, in accordance with Article 116(1) of the Constitution.

Furthermore, the President has taken steps to enhance administrative efficiency. Dr. Anna Songolo has been removed from the position of Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries in accordance with Article 270 of the Constitution.

Mr. Kennedy Kalunga, who served as Permanent Secretary at the Ministry of Information and Media, has been transferred to the Cabinet office. President Hichilema has, in accordance with Article 184(1) of the Constitution, appointed Mr. Thabo Kawana as the new Permanent Secretary at the Ministry of Information and Media.

In an effort to strengthen financial oversight and accountability, President Hichilema has exercised his powers under Article 249(1) of the Constitution to appoint Dr. Ron Mwambwa as the Auditor General of the Republic of Zambia. This appointment is subject to ratification by the National Assembly.

These changes in key government positions reflect President Hichilema’s ongoing efforts to enhance governance, improve service delivery, and promote national development in Zambia.


    • Chushi Kasanda was a fine brain and level headed for a Minister of Information. It is unfortunate that her own party ganged up against her. She articulated issues very well and delivered. If world Food and oil prices go beserk, it is not only the Chief government who should bear the cross. The entire government must be explaining these things to the people. Dont blame one person

    • @Jairos. What else did they expect the poor woman to do? Reality is that life has become unbearable in Zambia. Unless her party has got the ability to turn nice words into cheap food, then we can say she failed. I wish the appointing authority can also resign instead of trying to look good.

    • Chushi Kasanda a fine brain? Yaba! Anyway HH has finally effected his plan of awarding an equally fine brain, Thabo Kawana, the job he promised him: that of PS. Civil Servants usually take 15 years to rise to the position of PS but in Zambia you just need to belong to a ruling political party and you will get it inside 15 months from being appointed Director Spokesperson, itself an unknown job. Iam sure the Director of ZANIS has been waiting to be promoted to PS for longer than Kawana.

    • Profile of Thabo Kawana from the web: Mr. Kawana’s only experience in formal employment was when he worked as a driver at YWCA and it is doubted whether he has a Grade 12 Certificate.

  1. She was way over her head. Surprised she lasted that long. Kasanda even allowed the thieves PF run riot all over the media without a response most of the time. UPND needs to take back the initiative and control the narrative, lest we forget why PF and Lungu were rejected by the masses. The prospect of another 5 years of PF thieves and incompetence coming back in 2026, makes me shudder. That people are even contemplating it worries the hell of me. Can you imagine what would happen in the markets, bus stops, government coffers? Because next time, if given another chance, they will be 10X worse because they’d fear no one. WE WOULD CRY FOR HH LAMENTABLY all because of the failings at ministry of info and media.

    • Whether Kasanda was unable to articulate or not is not the cause for despondency in the nation. You think sweet talking can bring down the price of mealie meal and other commodities. Mweetwa admitted that he’s destroying the PF and would call that efficiency,?

  2. She was inefficient but she is also a soft target. Looking at the replacements and appointments seems what I feared is gradually coming to pass.

    • That’s all the PF clique and their supporters see………

      Tribe in everything GRZ does………

      Put tribal lenses away, you corrupt tribal bigots and look at appointees as Zambians………

      Appointments and shift and ebb towards different people with different tribal names.

  3. My beautiful friend I warned you about working for that tribal government and party. You have been replaced by a tonga just like Anthony. I will call you today.

  4. He’s constituted a team of propagandists to spread more lies. Just wondering, how many Permanent Secretaries is he going to appoint at Cabinet Office? It might seem that some people aren’t working yet it’s the appointing authority that’s got no direction. If you throw a stone into Cabinet Office, it’s likely that it’ll land on the head of a PS. It’s the dumping ground for useless Bembas. Where is Mucheleka and what is he doing?

  5. In UPND they pick and choose who should be fired…depending on where you come from…Kakubo was caught red handed receiving bribes….Anthony Bwalya was quickly removed from the corridor of state house….slowly UPND Cabinet is becoming fully fledged Southern and Western province Cabinet….Some in UPND are untouchable

    • ……..

      That is all the tribal supremacists bigots from the PF and the clique see………

      Tribal inclinations everywhere……..

      To them everything GRZ does is seen on a tribal level……

      Should GRZ sack someone…..they look at tribe

      Should GRZ employ some …..again its tribal……

      Should the police investigate someone, again its a tribal thing according to them……

      Should the president make a speech……..they think he has aimed at one tribe……….

      You are all very petty with small minds.

  6. Chushi Kasanda was the best Minister of Information ever. She was sober minded and responded where necessary and that is professionalism contrary to beliefs in the underdeveloped world like ours that the Minister of information must always be saying something all the time which we don’t see in developed countries. She goes down in history as the best, she did not fail on anything, infact all ministers must be able to defend government and ministry positions and policy, and this cannot be left to one person.

    • ” which we don’t see in developed countries” Ask yourself why you dont see that in developed countries. Its BECAUSE THERE ARE NO MINISTRIES OF MEDIA, BROADCASTING OR INFORMATION IN DEMOCRACIES! Controlling the media by the government goes against the norms of a democracy because that is interference with freedom of speech. If such a case was to be brought before the constitutional court the ministry would be declared void.

    • Why should the government defend itself and from what and who? All they need is do the right thing and action will speak louder than words.

  7. …….

    Those saying kasanda was good should look at the tenure of Dora siliti…….

    Now that is how you run an information ministry

    And ofcourse you need a very vocal and present ministry of information……..

    This is third world Africa……….not western Europe.

  8. 1. The fundamental primary job of a president is ” making decisions. “ You are presented with facts and advice. And your job is to weigh them and make decisions in the best interest of a nation and “not” for a single person, which we have been seeing for a long perion.

    In government getting Key Performance Indicators KPI’s can take time, due to too much complex-interconnections. However, you don’t have to wait for KPI, when Ministers are failing badly at Conceptual Level.

  9. I think we should have Tongas for the next 27 years plus.
    We had that boy…, my first born as Zambia, Buchizia for 27 years.
    After all it was the Tongas that paid for the trip to London in 1964.
    My second born as Zambia was Chiluba and so on.
    And not, bamwendaple and they call themselves as Leaders. Well, it is true that nefipuba nafwo, they have Leaders.

  10. ……..

    The PF tribal supremacists and their clique supporters are indeed strange creatures…….

    It seems half of their brain is wired to see tribalism everywhere………

    While the other half is wired to steal and loot……….

    How can a country develop with such a section of its population ???

  11. Way to go if ministers are failing, next time HH should also consider to check minister of labour and her Labour Commitioner

  12. I have respect for Chushi Kasanda on any day. The vibe that she was not ably articulating and defending government policy is simply not true. She was effective all the way, love her or hate her, the lady was adequate

  13. Why is the Supreme leader Ayatollah Bandit Hakainde Hichilema hiding…let him just come out in open and fire all northerners and Easterners and replace them with Southerners and Westerners…KAUNDA WARNED ZAMBIANS ABOUT HH…NOW IT HAS COME TO PASS

    • He can fire anyone he wants fired…….

      That’s his prerogative……..

      Learn to accept being ruled by a tonga cattle herder from bwengwa

      Forward 2031…….

      And beyond

  14. Izula muyangana….Gary nkombo…Kakubo…Mweetwa…Jito…Hamasaka…Jack Mwimbu….Imenda…Kawana…Liswaniso….these are the untouchables in UPND but if you’re a Musonda…Phiri….Ngulube…Bwalya your neck is already on the chopping block waiting to be chopped for any slight mistake

    • Naimwe……stop helucenating

      What crimes have those committed…?

      Was it not lungu who told us that out of 10 of you….7 are theives ?

  15. Same old Zambia… no strategy. Just fire, chop, recycle and reshuffle and expect different results. Never thought HH and his government would turn out exactly like MMD and PF.
    Thabo Kawana guy, how could he be in charge of the civil service as PS when he has zero experience in public service? And why do we even have this ministry anyway? Cut the # of ministers and PSs and save money.


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