Tuesday, March 11, 2025

President Sata Directs OP to actively Contribute to the fight against Corruption


Zambia Intelligence Services Chief Regis Phiri
Zambia Intelligence Services Chief Regis Phiri

President Michael Sata has urged the Zambia Security Intelligence Service (ZSIS) to contribute to the fight against corruption. Addressing the ZSIS senior officers’ conference today, on the theme:“Efficient and Effective Intelligence: Key to Enhanced National Security, Sustainable Economic Development and the Fight Against Corruption,” President Sata directed the intelligence service to fight the scourge with renewed vigour.

“The Patriotic Front (PF) government will spare no effort to fight corruption which the previous regime had embraced. As government, we are aware that corruption has been a major factor hindering national development and service delivery to the majority of our people,” President Sata said.

“In this fight, you should not be swayed by attempts by some elements who are deliberately misconstruing government’s efforts in order to gain political mileage. These elements have gone to the extent of promoting tribalism and regionalism to further undermine the government at the expense of national unity, peace and stability.”

“It is this same corrutpion we are fighting which has given birth to the tribalism and regionalism they are trying to use to divide our people in a bid to protect themselves against possible prosecution. Our people lack essential services due to corruption and no wonder we are very resolved to fight this scourge,” the Presiden said.

The President said he was aware that the PF’s ascendancy to power has heightened the expectations of Zambians who had lost hope under the previous regime.

“Whereas our government is working hard to live up to people’s expectations, some opposition groups and their sympathisers are sowing seeds of discord in our people by discrediting the efforts by the government towards the realisation of its goals of devlivering to the people,” President Sata said.

The Head of State and Commander-in-Chief directed the ZSIS Director-General and his senior managers to ensure close monitoring and negation of these manoeuvres which border on subversion.

“The theme for the conference for the could, therefore, not have come at a better time than this one given the subversive activities being hatched by some elements that are bitter about having lost the September 20 elections,” he said.

President Sata reminded the gathering that as senior managers, they carry the responsibility of ensuring that the service remains a noble institution by setting high standards of integrity and professionalism.

And ZSIS Director-General Mr Regis Phiri pledged the intelligence service’s total loyalty to the Head of State, the Government and the people of Zambia.


  1. A good speach and good move. Ba shushu please go and sleep under Kundas bed, may be he can review to his wife where he is keeping the billions he has stolen.

  2. This president is taking us for a ride i tell you, the fight against corruption is just a smoke screen for his incompetency. Is that all he is going to do while in power?

  3. @#3 corruption is big enemy and hinders development.Most Government projects could have been very succesfull and the poor would benefit if this corruption was reduced. The president should put more effort on this fight. Even if it takes him 5 years to achieve, let it be.This is the biggest task Zambians gave SATA, to fight and reduce corruption

  4. Mr President wil never be distructed by fake tears,your voices wil fal on deaf ears,mwalapapa saana guys.Go Sata Go,he warned you.

  5. What subversive activities are being ranted for here? The danger of too little or no education is not only an affront to society  when its at leadership level but is more a self humiliating attribute making Sata sound more of a parody than a Head of state. 

    • which ***** would use a racist slogan used by white people in America against blacks? A typical Zambian Dumb I.diot! Copying something he does not understand! Do you even know why Rush Limburgh uses the term CoolAid?

  6. ba presido stop day dreaming,find out why we are stealing.we come from poor families and this is the only time have at least to live a life we dreamd of.its not even your money we are stealing its our money because you are not developing the country bamambala.

  7. Regis Phiri must be a very frustrated and embarrassed DG to keep being exposed to such an overzealous but disillusioned President daily misunderstanding service briefings. 

  8. These are the same officer sata accused of leaking elections. I would like the president to apologise for the ridicule he subjected these honest intelligent officers. They are so professional more than any other profession on earth i have ever met.

  9. Though certifiably Sata is a disillusioned  Despot feebly Masquerading as a democrat yet he is vainly trying to asphyxiate dissenting voices. The man stands to face challenges ponderous in magnitude because in democracy oppositions are a release valves of public wrath. Using a variety of subterfuges to manage or undermine the democratic space could soon overwhelm Sata. Evidently his task is facilitated by the lack of a broadly accepted practices of ‘democracy. He should ask his brother in Syria, Egypt, Tunisia if these antiquated sound bites of alarming the people with subversive acts work against a self respect seeking people. 

  10. # 3 Read DEAD AID ” BY DR MOYO” . Corruption is a crisis in ZAMBIA. Ask yourself how come neighboring countries like Namibia. Botswana , SA are more prosperous. Because the levels of Corruption are reasonable and controlled. The Future and Success of that nation is being able to Fight Corruption. Let Government Regulate and Control the playing ground. There is a need for an aggressive campaign and hire more Lawyers and Judicial Overhaul. Why is the US and the west successful. Yes there is corruption but the laws are tough too!! We shall continue to speak against this inhuman act. How many of your relatives are poor??

    • Ba Mwape, we all know that corruption is a hinderance to development, but there are other things that urgently need addressing like uneducation, health and many more. What I was saying is the president doesn’t seem to have a plan for anything else. All he talks about it corruption this corruption that. Have we heard him outlining a clear economic, foreign, health or education policy, the answer is NO. Fact is we are being led by a man who wouldn’t even be considered as a councillor in the countries you mentioned above

  11. The Democratic society world over know that virtually every government tyrannical ones such as PF included wants to be seen as a democracy, but many as Sata is doing resist allowing the basic tenets of democratic order that would make democracy meaningful because that might jeopardize their grasp on power. Instead, governments use a variety of antiquated subterfuges to manage or undermine the people they know very well they cannot subdue come what may. Mubarrak, Gadaffi, Mobutu, Romanian Dictator Nicolae and Elena ceausescu where too powerful yet people power got them fixed. Beware of your delusions Sata there are no acts of subversion but quest for dignity and a democratic order.

  12. Constitutionally we have separation of powers in Zambia it becomes a circus if the Executive is the accuser, arresting officer jury, prosecutor etc. We abhor corruption but the anti graft should be institutional and not a scheme of aberration through hatred and malice planted in tabloids before due process of the law.  

  13. So why all these Intelligence Officers busy selling information just to make a quick buck?

    First of all, Sata should have addressed this meeting behind the doors without announcing – if he has to lead by example and become a good the boss to the Spy Boss and all his officers.

    Sata has reduced the level of intelligence because he is too quick to announce anything that these guys are working on. What sort of this non-entity is he talking about?

    Sata needs to zip his mouth, let Given Lubinda become the Government Spokesperson and announce issues at the right time when all has been said and done.


  14. .
    There is too much paranoia being manifested from Plot One. The nation is spending Hundreds of Billion Kwacha’s on silly enquiries when we have teachers that have just retired which are being told to come back for their Pension after two years.

    Is this now the – “Less Money In Your Pocket” he is preaching to the nation.???

    So far K200 Billion has been spent on these Scheme Frizzed Wild Goose Chases & Enquiries that can pay teachers per head, going by statistics from the Ministry of Finance.

  15. Mr Regis Phiri, do not sit on your laurels. These are vicious people who will soon do to you what they have did to the Service Chiefs, Kanganja, Media Heads and others. Just a friendly warning.

  16. The philosophy and virtue of governance is clearly missing in the president. Focus is on a perceived enemies of state, all Zambians not with PF. A graet nation is being moved to defend itself. This is not what Zambia was expecting. A bigger picture and opportunity is missed by the president. Poor and desperate Zambians are waiting for service delivery and the PF govt has disconnected itself with the poor Zambian masses.

  17. I am mauless…….. what is the intelligence service having this  conference for? I thought their job was primarily to gather intelligence and to look after our national security outside of the glare of media and politicians. This sounds like a hastily put together “pledge of allegiance” to Mr Sata and his  program loosely termed “the fight against corruption”.  This so called fight against corruption appears to be at best an unimaginative attempt to copy the late former president Mr Mwanawasa. Beyond the rhetoric and the vilification of former leaders, I have yet to see any substance in a genuine committed attempt to uproot the infrastructure that causes corruption to thrive from the smallest house to dare I say the highest …. 

  18. LT why do you allow this man calling himself senior citizen to insult the President and ry foul Commander in Chief of the armed forces of Zambia. Are you going to cry foul if you are put off air or regulated to an extent that you will loose business. You know for sure that insulting a President is an offence going by the constitution of Zambia. To the OP officers, trace this man and apprehend him on entry into Zambia. Enough of his insults.

  19. The President need to talk to him because one day he will go there to campaign when election comes in 2016.It is not good to denouce the Litunga like that he sold Tonga land and some other land.And that he uniform from somewhere.Is he not creating defferences with the litunga and how is he going to develop Barotseland with such statements.The Pipo there are really sober and shocked with such statements.One zambia one nation is our moto but it looks no body is advising the president correctetely.Litungaship is not a person but the entire pipo of Barotseland.It is not like in some chiefs where they have subjects the litunga has no subjects it is the Kuta which does things for the pipo of Barotseland .The litunga is a king like the qween of England.The qween does not make decisions it is the

  20. oh God when will we have a president who will talk about job creation.Do we have a one minded president with only corruption as his only agenda for the whole nation. This country has many problems  jobs for the youth, infrastructure development,the free falling kwacha and many more other issues…cannot believe a short sighted man is in state house. lord please help this country 5 yrs is too long for this one way train thinking government.

  21. @ MWAPE thank you my mbuya. I have always said there are a lot of intelligent and truly wise Bembas that speak when need be like now. You are the Bembas that should be allowed to speak, not some PF and MMD Mutati, Nevers Mumba, or Kateles. We want the Mwenyes( Bemba) the honest ones to carry dialogue.

    Thank you president Sata for this, for I have always said intelligence wings are a protection of the people. Though the people themselves are to initiate selve preservation by following Jehovah first.

  22. 19’ INDEPENDENT OBSERVER. As usual you come up with good points
    The K200 Billion is just the tip of the iceberg. PF has hired foreign investigative agencies to search for money in UK, Canada, USA, Brazil and Turkey. It was Sata and Chiluba who hired Scotland Yard to probe KK for stealing $6 Billion Dollars that was rumoured to be Swiss Account. The Zambian government spent million of Dollars on these Bazungu’s and found nothing (Zero). History repeats itself.

  23. What is Sata’s economic agenda for the country? Everyday corruption, corruption…….Its too much. By the way, they should publish the audit reports for all the embassies not only Canada. Thats why his actions are suspect.

  24. More witch hunting.He will use OP to go after his percieved political enemies PF will be in power by hook or by crook for 10 years using this state suppressing individual rights agency.this OP agents will the best rewarded people in service, for propping up despotic regimes.

  25. More witch hunting.He will use OP to go after his perceived political enemies PF will be in power by hook or by crook for 10 years using this state ,suppressing individual rights, agency.this OP agents will the best rewarded people in service, for propping up despotic regimes.

  26. Unless a big name goes to jail for a long time,the people of Zambia will never believe in the fight.Corruption will never be won by the government but by the people.It is a culture in zambia to support and praise thives.Even when I was young most of the people we knew as great people or should I say rich people were stealing from the government.Show me a rich Zambian and I will show you a government department that was exploited.It goes without saying that there is little on no talent in Zambia to generate more money.All the big companies have failed or are in the process of failing,this is because of lack of talent.CEOs have no vision for growth.Look at soccer,the only real talent we ever had is Kalusha Bwalya in my life time.We need more that 40 kalushas to win a real trophy.

  27. You haters, tell me what did Mwanawasa even achieve in the fight against corruption in 90 days or even in his lifetime? Some people can’t stand to see the country move forward, just like villagers na “majelasi” you would even poison your neighbour because he has a good harvest

  28. Whereas our government is working hard to live up to people’s expectations, some opposition groups and their sympathisers are sowing seeds of discord in our people by discrediting the efforts by the government towards the realisation of its goals of devlivering to the people,” President Sata said.

  29. We are right behind your Mr President, we know who is who and what is being planned to try and cause havoc in our national, as a matter of national security we shall take them out by any means Sir. To those saying why do we have to know comrade Phiri?? Its public knowledge who the chief of the CIA ,MI6, Germany SIS etc is because they are leaders, what you civilians will never know are officers like me, l could even be married to your sister, drink with your and even be a woman, you just won,t know l am working for GRZ 24/7, but work we do for mother Zambia and have people world wide, even among the trouble makers we know you

  30. Either Sata is stuck on stupidity or he has failed to come up with any ideas on how to move the country forward. The only word that seems to be coming out of his mouth is “corruption”, how about dealing with high unemployment, bad health system, education, infrastructure, high inflation rates, agriculture, immigration, social welfare and last but not least….Chinese employers abusing their employees. Corruption can only be minimized if you improve conditions of service. One thing he has also to learn is Corruption, like Spam, cannot be stopped completely but can be prevented. So him focusing on this alone at the expense of other issues is a waste of time.

  31. can anyone tell me what changes, IF ANY, that we have witnessed since Sata took over? If you can come up with anything other than the “percieved” fight against corruption, I will wire $100 to your account straight away, am serious!!

  32. @tuvi, he has renamed the airports and fired alot of people with immediate effect. Has has also instituted commisions to make Zambia the only corrupt free country in the world. There, when are you wiring my money.

    • mmm but kwena where is this country going? The head of state is making it difficult for the op to do their job effectively. I neva heard of a past president adressing the op in public and iam pretty sure this conference is a annual thing.

  33. Zambia needs a president to address all issues not this one trick pony who is only specialized in the “fight against corruption” He should step down and head an anti corruption division or something.

  34. Mwanawakwitu! Thank you and Can I say something, that’s so true bro! I can remember if Zesco, ZNBS, WORKCOM or some of the major companies have recorded a major profit or even seen growth or expansion. The only major corporation we see with growth are foreign owned, banks, mines etc. There could be a few Zambian owned and you can count them with your fingers. Most of dysfunctional companies collect debt in the newspapers. What ever happened to the Good governance policy? I relate this corruption syndicate to the AIDS epidemic. This Battle can only be fought by people themselves. To change the way we govern, do business!! Denounce it publicly and thanks to Lusaka Times for this space. The Ordinary Zambian has suffered for too long. Is this the Independence we wanted from colonialists??

  35. Chi Senior citizen stop insulting our president. LT why do you allow this pea size brain of a plastic tinted Zambian to post his puke and you know that is criminal offence 2 insult the Presido. @ the moment we a @ crossroads. Even where u a u can never insult Obama or Cameron this only shows that you a backward and try 2 show the world that U chi Senior citizen u a typical savage who has been tot to read only and masquarading as an intellect. Grow up cimoneni.

  36. No country would develop in the world with this level of corruption in Zambia, fighting corruption is a development on its self, so let sata and his government fight corruption. which country tolerates people burying billions of money underground? only zambia.

  37. # 43 Walasa. Think of it in terms of the cost of business! How much hands do you have to oil? I think the only solution is to TOUGHEN THE LAWS! PASS A NEW ANTI CORRUPTION LAW!!

  38. Ba senoir citizen you are just exposing your dullness and stupidity. which developed country tolerates corruption? ask the federal governement of America where you are they will tell you how you would go to jail if found guilty in corruption cases.

  39. All these dodgy investors coming into Zambia to steal our resources without paying back in kind, the thefts of public assets and resources with impunity, corruption at the highest levels of government etc would NOT happen if our ZISS had not gone to sleep, and had been apolitical.

  40. Fighting corruption after you have stolen and amassed alot!!!!!!. What happens to the cases that are in the Auditor General’s report from days of Stubbs Nundwe…………to Anne Chifungulwa, these are people’s money. Some people are stinking rich with stolen government funds, today they are the ones fighting corruption!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  41. The true colours of the tyrant that were hidden under his sleeves are now being fully expressed. Sata began with sweet-talking that even attracted the loyalty of Sebastian Zulu, Bob Sichinga, Mwakalombe, Masebo, Mpombo, Joseph Lungu etc to Mr. Sata’s PF. This order to the OP may seem to be ostensibly directed at members of the opposition, but cryptic details will also include scrutiny of some prominent PF members. This is a revival of fearful days we experienced under FTJ Chuluba’s rule. GBM, Masebo, Kabimba and Lubinda are not exempt when the OP spies go into operations. The Year 2012 is the beginning of the worst to come.

  42. Same old story,*yawn*, same old songs, same ways of thinking and it will take Zambia another century to develop, yaba, even Chipolopolo are making better progress than such stupid politics.

  43. # 45 you are right. Like it or not Sata is OUR President. Go your excellency and fish out corrupt elements. All those idioots insulting him are MMD trying to frustrate the PF govt. Prison awaits you. Foools.

  44. # 42 & 45,
    Keep your myopia to your PF circus and then you help to avoid exposing yourselves as ignoramuses. Where have i insulted? And what corruption fighting are ranking about when your Injustice Minister is Sebastian Zulu, Defense Minister is GBM, President is Michael Merzf Sata, Home Affairs is Sekeni undelivered Mansa OP building Contract deals, Commerce is Bob NCR Computers Sichinga, HC to Nigeria is George Fuel Crisis Deals Mpombo, Ambassador nominee to China is Mike RDA Contracts deals Mulongoti? Is this anti Grafti drive to your myopic heads?

  45. We would like to see a new law passed. New regulations even for accountants, and all professional bodies and agencies. We have too may people that call themselves, Accountants, Economists, Bankers, Lawyers, Police, Marketers without even having a current professional membership!! ZICA, BAZ, ECZ , LAZ, Federation of Employers! !! we need fresh minds and an institution that can check upon the CODE OF ETHICS or CONDUCT OF THE “PROFESSIONALS”. If you don’t follow rules you are stripped of your license and stripped of a license to practice in your specialty!!

  46. Sata is corruption, corruption is Sata, he is the beginning and end of corruuption so let the fight in action not songs start at Plot one…. Sata and FTJ use to say you can steal as many times as you want but you should not be caught..

  47. ZDL you are spot on. Intelligence work is actually more dirty than politics. Intelligence officers operate everywhere and they have to be discreet. Some senior officers are known but the operatives can be you or even Senior Citizen! This is the rule of the game in some instances not even your husband or wife knows exactly where you work. Remember, these people are military personnel. I can assure you that Zambia has got a very competent intelligence system and I am proud of them. No government will be successful in trying to intimidate these people. Keep on protecting our country! Yes. 

  48. OP is a misleading nomenclature because the connotations and assertions suggest that they work for the president. I prefer ZSIS as it is a holistic terminology and more collective and national. Of course within ZSIS there are different branches and hence the use of diverse names. Regis is professional and no matter what will happen a lacuna in leadership will never be created. We may have some cracks in the political leadership but this will have no effect on the intelligence system. Yes.  

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