And President Michael Sata has welcomed the decision?by the MMD’s decision not to discipline its members who have accepted to serve?in the PF Government.?
Mr Sata said in a statement released by his Special Assistant for?Press and Public Relations George Chellah that he was grateful for the?political maturity exhibited by the national secretary of the MMD.?
The president said the appointment of deputy ministers from the MMD into Government was done in good faith and in the interest of the country.?
“It’s good that Major Kachingwe has withdrawn the former ruling party’s threats to expel MPs who have been appointed into Government.?This is how it should be,” he said.?
Maj Kachingwe, however, said the party would find it problematic if the?MPS appointed into Government shifted party allegiance to the PF.?
He said during a Press briefing in Lusaka yesterday that the former?ruling party would not take disciplinary action against the MPs unless?they shifted their allegiance to the PF.?
Maj Kachingwe last week said the MPs who had been given positions in the Government had been given enough time to reflect on their action and that the MMD was now going to take disciplinary action against them.?
Maj Kachingwe had said the MPs should decide whether to join the?PF or remain MMD members.?And Maj Kachingwe has maintained that party president Rupiah Banda?would not contest the party presidency at the party convention.?
He said Mr Banda would hand over the presidency to whoever would emerge victorious at the convention.?
[Times of Zambia]
Good job! We need to serve some money that could have gone to useless by-elections!
Very adult of them.
Why the question marks? Indeed, this is a fair decision. The problem is with the system and I hope the new constitution will not allow the president to appoint ministers from the opposition. Yes.
we really need a new constitution very fast. i mean NOW. ba kachingwe mwaina sana. hope you never dipped your dirty hands in the national coffers.
Mr. President these threats would not have come about if you had the courtesy to consult with the MMD before effecting these appointments, Bushe fyonse ni bulldozing? Have some regard for other players in the political arena of the country. Maj Kachingwe you should also hold you fire at times. Mr. Sata has said he will not attempt in any way to weaken the opposition for all bills PF will present to parliament shall be progressive and for the good of the country. That is if you can bet on the sincerity of the president
No. 6, Please understand that the constitution on this part of appointments does not ask the president to consult any opposition party, It is just the presidents decicion to deligate some jobs to who ever is a member of paliament. Thats why they are voted as MPs is to work with the goverement of the day. Some guys don`t really think before they pass comments. Study hard!
this man the president, cant even talk about salaries for us civil servants. is it a dont kubeba slogan?
@6 and @7, the president can only consult the relevant MP if he /she wants to take up an appointment or not. It is up to the MP to accept or not. take the case of Sarah Saifwanda, she declined because she wants a higher position and the appointment was given to someone else.
its time for the affected MPs to serve under the leadership of PF.they will definitely deliver and help the PF when it comes to numbers in the house.And there jobs r more secure than those in PF who cant rebel against the party.Keep it up President Sata
@8 citizen, just shut up. you are a bore.
So its true that PF is in a PACT with thieving MMD! simple reasoning, MMD through its MPs is part of PF government….hahahahahahahahahah!!!!
ours is the inclusive government-we are not in a pact with thieves,its not everyone from MMD who is a thief.Good for democracy where divergent views are included in the governance system
The thieving by MMD is very alarming and many a time outrageous. Which president worth his salt and in his right mind can accept Nigerian Banks? Knowing RB now, there can be only one answer.-kick backs or the means through which to extenuate forex. Seriously speaking, the two banks must be closed before it is too late. Â