Wednesday, January 15, 2025

National Day of Prayer and Fasting: A Call for Unity and Reflection


The UPND government has issued an invitation to all citizens to participate in the National Day of Prayer, Fasting, Repentance, and Reconciliation. This important day on the national calendar, which also marks a public holiday, serves as an occasion for unity, reflection, and seeking divine intervention.

The Acting Chief Government Spokesperson, Makozo Chikote, reaffirmed the significance of the National Day of Prayer, Fasting, Repentance, and Reconciliation. Falling just six days before Zambia celebrates 59 years of independence, this day holds a special place in the hearts of all Zambians. It is a day to recognize the stability and unity that has prevailed throughout the nation’s journey, even during transitions from one government to another.

Mr. Chikote attributed this stability to the favor and love of God, which has blessed Zambia with peace and unity. The National Day provides a moment to reflect on God’s love and Lordship and how it has benefited the nation.

At the national level, a special church service is planned at the Show Grounds in Lusaka, commencing at 09:00 hours. Members of the public are warmly invited to join this service, which will bring together leaders from various backgrounds, including religious communities. This collective prayer and thanksgiving will focus on how the Lord has safeguarded the nation.

The day also presents an opportunity for the nation to seek God’s divine intervention and guidance in building a stronger Zambia. The event will be mirrored at provincial and district levels, where people from all walks of life will come together to commemorate this important day.

Under the theme “Building Zambia for Greater Development through Prayer, Unity, and Hard Work,” Zambia will observe the National Day of Prayer, Fasting, Repentance, and Reconciliation on October 18, 2023. It is a day to reaffirm unity, gratitude, and the importance of spiritual reflection in the nation’s journey towards a brighter future.


  1. Do us a favour, de-gazette this day as we don’t need it. Zambia’s economy is too weak to support so many useless holidays. We must be productive. In fact the department of labour must consider to increase the maximum number of man-hours from the current 48 to 56 in a week.

    • After receiving EU envoys yesterday, the president has hibernated. Last year, he hid at his Namwala farm. All in the name of avoiding the ‘useless day’. So unfortunate.
      It has taken him 2 years to realize monthly fuel revision is detrimental to Zambian economy. Perhaps he needs 5-6 years to see the value of National Morality, Prayer Reconciliation. Next, we see him in Monze at Gonde for Lwiindi where they sacrifice food to gods for good rains or Shimunenga shrine in Namwala dancing and laughing.
      Very superstitiously spiritistic

    • As a Christian I ask why the day isnt on a Sunday. Otherwise it is an excuse for staying away from work

  2. Some people never cease to amaze me. UPND zealots are the ones who don’t like this day because it is a PF brainchild. If you hate someone, abhor everything about him.
    In fact, Prayer Day prepares Zambians for Independence Day. Tell me, what does Youth Day (12 March) and
    Unity Day (4 July) do to Zambia’s economy? Nothing. Zambia should up socially, culturally and spiritually and morally. Economy isn’t everything. Surely, there are other days to scrap off the calendar list than Today.

  3. This is the day that the Lord has made, we will rejoice and be glad in it.
    I have worked for organisations that have selective holidays that they observe through the year, so I think it should be up to individual organisations to observe today as a holiday or go to their offices.
    I see nothing wrong with the day of prayer. I’m even happy that this government is slowly acknowledging that prayer is an important aspect of rulership.

  4. In fact we should abolish all other holidays except for the Independence and New Year’s day. We can’t afford to laze around in an economy projected at 2.4% growth rate. The PF used this day to pay themselves and their Pastors hefty allowances. There’s no Christianity in the manner they fornicate and plunder our resources. Zambia needs honest and not prayerful individuals. It shouldn’t be the business of the Government to lead people to salvation or to determine where and how they worship. What authority did a philanderer have to declare Zambia a Christian nation? Kutumpa uko

  5. For those without money it’s prayer and fasting everyday not by choice but by circumstances so this is just another normal day for them.

  6. ……..

    Black Pips are the only people who would buy a factory, convert it into a church , and……

    Pray for jobs………..

  7. When people suffer from a disease called poverty of the mind, they tend to proclaim useless things like day of prayers, day of salvation and soon we will hear some one proclaim a national day of mourning.

    • Chief Mwewa has asked the education minister to ask his government to quarantine itself from Luapula so that the rest of the country doesnt catch the disease of poverty of the mind

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