Friday, March 7, 2025

Malawian government describes relation with Zambia as cordial (UPDATED WITH PICTURES)


The Malawian government has described its relations with Zambia as cordial.

Malawian Information Minister Patricia Kalyati says the warm relations between the two countries have existed for a very long time now.

Ms. Kalyati said whatever happened in the past should be forgotten so that the two countries could forge ahead.

ZANIS reports that Ms. Kalyati was speaking at Bloemfontein Military base shortly before President Sata’s departure to Johannesburg today.

The Malawian Information Minister said the warm relations could be seen from the interaction of the two Presidents whilst in Bloemfontein.

She, however, appealed to the media to report on issues responsibly.

Ms. Kalyati said the media should be in the forefront of bringing harmony between the two countries and not strife.

President Sata and his Malawian counterpart Bingu Wa Mutarika embrace each other at Bleomfontein Military Base in South Africa
President Sata and his Malawian counterpart Bingu Wa Mutarika embrace each other at Bleomfontein Military Base in South Africa
President Sata talks to Malawian President Bingu Wa Mutarika at bleomfontein Military base in South Africa
President Sata talks to Malawian President Bingu Wa Mutarika at bleomfontein Military base in South Africa
President Sata with Malawian President Bingu Wa Mutarika at Bleomfontein Military Base in South Africa
President Sata with Malawian President Bingu Wa Mutarika at Bleomfontein Military Base in South Africa
President Micheal Sata with other African Heads of State and Government during ANC 100th anniversary at free State Stadium in Bleomfontein in South Africa
President Micheal Sata with other African Heads of State and Government during ANC 100th anniversary at free State Stadium in Bleomfontein in South Africa



  1. Thank you for setting the record straight Minister. Now what has the ngombe watchdog going to say about this?????, More lies l guess

  2. Get the message clear Mr Sata has/will never receive any apology from Malawi. You will wait for that news for ever as said before, one has simply to swallow their pride and behave normally among normal people. We await to see who will be embarassed between the two.

  3. @3 Muna Dekhane,

    It is Mbingu who will be embarrassed because president Sata has already forgotten about the issue and want to move forward. President Sata has done what the Bible teaches about vengeance. As far as Sata is concerned, this is a long forgotten issue and his conscious is very clear. He can go to Malawi any time and freely interact with Mbingu. but the corrupt Mbingu will ever be tormented for failure to simply say, I am sorry my Friend we made a mistake.

  4. @ 4, Kanjimaano,
     That was not a personal matter, Sata went to Malawi to work for his party and being the largest opposition party in the country, the Malawian gvt was supposed to respect him since he had a big following back home.It was very disrespectful of them to treat him like that. He was not a criminal and did not commit any criminal offence in Malawi to deserve such treatment.

  5. This can not be said to be a personal matter, our President was mistreated hence the need for Malawi to say sorry we CSM t force them, after all they needy boss more than he does. In this HE MCS 10 Mbingu 0!

  6. Bingu is very sharp he never issued any word at this controversy. It was Sata who kept beating the bush. I think Sata has learnt a big lesson. Silence is wisdom that is what Bingu has taught the police constable.

  7. A great step towards regional integration! We can’t afford to quibble over trivialities. Forward we march.  

  8. two clowns heading two countries; voted into power by a majority illiterate population; have some beef and we’r all supposed to be affected. politics is bull shit, worse still, African politics… and now they are hommies… so we are supposed to forget their differences and get along like the two of them. what do they take us for????????????????????/

  9. is this yet another u-turn from our beloved leader? Consistent in his inconsistencies as usual. BA is a legal document but now it isn’t, Chinese are infestors now they are our friends……….

  10. I presume our old man is still waiting for his much demanded apology from the Malawian Government for being declared a PNG.

    Has his much sought after apology he ordered should be done publicly hit Headlines of Zambian State Media?

    Who is fooling who is this egoistic crusade to nowhere?

    Has someone just realized that its better to confine the personal of motor-mouth in domestic arenas only otherwise you internationally look a humiliated species being?

    Hope this is a lesson that our importance is not to everyone.

  11. its not about sharpness on the part of Bingu but foolishness failing to accept a wrong, the good thing is that MCS has chosen to live above petty differences.

  12. In this world forgiveness is never a virtue but a vice, a sign of weakness – many of the blogers above seem to suggest so – In forgiving Mbingu Sata has become weak and inconsistent – but our President is being true to himself and living according to his first pronouncements, “To rule this country on the basis of THE TEN COMMANDMENTS” I see his actions as the fulfilment of Consitututional declaration of Zambia as a Christiam Nation.

  13. in the picture of presidents,our man seems to be yapping loudly to the annoyance of everyone who seems not to pay attention but irritated

  14. Mr Bingu wa Mutharika should never issue any apology to this man ever.What has Sata done about issuing apology to those he hurt with his many lies over the years just to win plot one?Does he ever sit to think how many lies he told about MMD? His presence at plot one is built on a foundation of 90 day lies.

  15. @cruel man . you are right on the spot. all presidents in the picture look dignified.ours proper KAPONYA .He was talking to that lady who seems very ,very, reminds me of him being chased by Mrs Mwanawasa in Chipata and Justice Sakala refusing to shake his hand in church……lol. we have a kaponya in state house.

    • Voted by us Kaponyas, the majority in Zambia; we are so proud to have made a change that ba some of us could not make because you are divided. Why should a Western dress code be more dignified than a Chitenge Shirt? Ever wondered who set the dress code? Why could you tell that a person has dressed like a Western African? I guess Kaponyas are more relaxed in their actions.

  16. Some of you haters are going to get heart attacks caused by your jealous and envy for our president. HE MCS is the one you said could not fly, yet he is SA invited by their govt to celebrate 100 years of ANC. Haters please take care of your hearts because HE MCS has a full 5 year term to serve, in which time you will be stressing your poor hearts and such can cause strokes and heart attacks, as you well know PF is in power till 2031 are your poor educated mutimas going to handle the strain, if not you hearts will give in, making you unable to vote for your 3 times REJECTY(HH ) thus reducing your tribal vote further, Please take it easy so we can watch you cry alimwi in 2016…God is blessing HE MCS even more, seeing the hatred and evilness you have for our president

  17. Zambians Utunwaaaaa, ???? Have respect for your President what is wrong with his dressing, this was casual day Itulo, that’s you always want to wear suits when flying you can’t even be comfortable. Learn to appreciate what you have.
    I totally disagree with most of you negative bloggers. SATA at least looks relaxed and better than fima suit for nothing?? Did you Zuma in a suit on that day?? YOU VILLAGERS. It was Smart Casual occasion??
    Apologies from Malawi for what?? Sata never asked for One????? Learn to move on and respect elders you Evil minded Zambians

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