Untied Party for National Development (UPND) leader Hakainde Hichilema has challenged President Michael Sata to clarify reports that the PF government has already single sourced a company to buy Zamtel following government’s decision to reverse its sale to LAP Green.
Mr. Hichilema said that if such reports prove to be true, then President Sata’s statements that he is allergic to corruption are unfortunate.
He said that the PF has embraced people who had been tagged corrupt, and yet claim to be allergic to corruption.
Mr. Hichilema further stated that the Zambian people voted for the PF to change the way the government was being run by the MMD, but that nothing has changed under the PF government.
He wondered why the PF had failed to fulfill the campaign promises it made to the Zambian people in the run up to the 2011 elections.
And the UPND leader has accused the Patriotic Front of being vindictive in the way it is fighting corruption.
Mr. Hichilema said that the fight against corruption should not be seen to be targeted at a certain group of people but should be widespread.
He has however welcomed the PF government’s investigation of former government leaders in the MMD, while calling for fair justice.
Mr. Hichilema was speaking this morning on Livingstone’s Zambezi FM monitored by QFM radio.
Analyst, you are just PF, that is why you cannot see logic in what HH is saying! What I mean is that you have no independent mind at the moment, you’re too deep in PF. Your comment cannot pass the test if examined by neutrals. What HH has said is correct. I have no doubt that if another person or organisation said this (some of it has already been echoed by others), you would not respond in this manner. Truth is truth whether you like it or not.
Bob yo HH has got illusions. he thinks like he is dreaming..he will never be president. next is chipimo in25years time.
Bob, those are a lot of words, but what is your point? I dont get it
I really don’t mean to be rude if that is what it sounds. My point is that every opposition leader has informers who bring data, and if HH has received data and seeks clarification from PF, what is wrong with that? Let’s put it this way, suppose it was Elias Chipimo who said what HH said, do you think Analyst would respond in the same way? I don’t think so, but that is me, you may think differently. I am just against rubbishing things just because they were said by HH. If anything, the greatest rumour monger Zambia has ever had is our president himself, and I see no need to react like that.
Ba Bob.Whats your point man ? Some bloggers awe.
Bob you are correct in your observations. My sources tell me PF have already signed a deal with some company without allowing for fair play. HH is on to something here and I thank him for pointing out the corruption that is already brewing in the PF camp.
I hope it is not true because then it will mean people were duped in order that PF leaders make their own personal gains.
HH i thought you where in court with LIMA Bank House saga…..Roan Mine liquidation,? So you are around to support Kunda to put more pressure on Sata to make it ungovernable….or are you the Liquidator in Zamtel too? More shall come out..
Rubbish, this is a zero comment!
Under5 will soon be irrelevant to our Zambian politics. He has absolute nothing to talk about now. His dreams of becoming presido are shattered. He is always looking for faults in Michael.That is not the way it is suppose to be. Please HH offer constructive checks and balances. Not at the rate you are doing things. You will soon be irrelevant and history to our Zambia politics if you do not heed our advice.
Mr. Hichilema said that if such reports prove to be true, then President Sata’s statements that he is allergic to corruption are unfortunate.
So why open your gob then if you are not sure?
This is another disgruntled shallow minded guy. He should just resign from politics.
Go HH you are by far better than them all. keep on providing checks and balances to these vindictive oppressive crooks who have miserably failed to effectively grow the Zambian economy to better the standard of living for the people. instead they are hiding their failures in the so called fight against corruption which is a sheer waste of national resources because they have no proof of any thefts or vices done by Rb and his team of thieves. At least Mwanawasa had proof of what Chiluba stole though RB derailed it.
PF is trully corrupt and hypocritical. And you ***** number one what can you tell HH about rumour mongering when your flipflop president is always yapping about rumours in the media. Leave HH alone, he is a Zambian who pays alot of taxes than you kolwe.He is opposition leader whether you like it or not and has all the obligation to keep your confused Govt in check.Dont you think he has informers as well. foolish *****…….stop the hate
***** chikala chobe…what do you know about politics stanyoko….
ama tall …………….ubunono kwati ni uyo usatapo. viva sata we are behind you 2099.
very unfortunate – very bad language indeed – insults are symptoms of dullnes coming from illiterates- why not stick to intellectual factual constructive bloging?
iwe bwalya mukolwe who told to read the comments HH is an imbecile
bazagulisa victoria falls ……
HH, with tour status in society, you should only speak when you have tangible evidence and not kachepa. grow up man!
how can a baby talk, HH is a man one day u need him stop the hate
Both the opposition and govt thrive on rumours…nway there is no smoke without fire!
hey people quiet under baby is talking.
HH continue exposing the rot in this self righteous Govt. They have indeed failed to deliver in 90 days and now do not want to be reminded.
Why can’t UPND find a new leader otherwise this guy will die nechikoko. This bitterness is not good.
There is no bitterness my friend. If PF wants to reverse the sale of Zamtel just to pass on on to the next buyer improperly, whether that buyer pays the right amount or not is immaterial – it will again be repossessed after 2016. PF should not seek opportunities for self aggrandisement but opportunities to correct maistakes of the past regime. I think you are the one that is bitter about HH for whatever reason.
Bob, be objective or shut the f*%k up. Reports from where? We all know that HH is a bitter dude who has been sleeping in the MMD bed for political expedience and for the sake of frustrating PF. At first he was hoping they (PF) do not win the elections. Now he is hoping they fail in their governance. It would not surprise me if he is infact the author of these “reports”. He’s willing to sabotage the country’s development just so that he can be able to say “I told you”. There’s a difference between ‘checks and balances’ and ‘destructive antagonism’.
Ah-ah, @ angry bloggers
we’ve single sourced the Angolan company weh.
HH thanx for the info, now can we hear from PF tomorrow to clear the air, not some of these shallow minded bloggers who cant see what is at stake…..
I thought this guy had some brains>>
HH is not bitter.Why do you think anybody who reveals evils of PF is bitter. Are you saying your president was bitter for 10 years when he was in opposition yapping useless things without substance. Didnt you hear HH criticise MMD when they were in power, was he bitter even then? Leave him to condemn when PF,you hate him because he is the only threat to PF at the moment. My advise is simply deliver your promises and HH will not be a fatcor but should you fail be ready to be ruled by him come 2016.
ba sara mulatobeshako
ever since PF won and left this HH guy shocked jaw down, every time he opens his mouth, only garbage comes out. HH u make a lot of sense when your mouth is closed.
No wonder they are so determined to reposes it from LAP green.Bafuna kudyela po na beve like RB did. You will all be arrested when leave office 2016 go a head blunder but dont cry that you are being persecuted when your time comes.
Am not suprised by all these kolwestan blogs above. HH has integrity and more wise and intelligent than all your leaders. People said Sata will never be president when he started, look whos in office now. Mazoka beat your kolwestan hero FTJ clean without your vote, he got nothing from Luapula and Northern. If God has annointed HH as the next president, some day, no kolwestan can stop it. All tribes are watching you guys and are disgusted by your tribalism, attitude and mediocrity. Just wait kolwestans, just wait. I know I will be insulted by this comment, as usual, but I dont give a damn. The truth shall prevail…. God redeem us from this mediocrity.
Iwe chiwa tule teka whether ulefwaya or not ! waba ichibwamba ..Call us names u simply can’t match up to us..
For now it is a rumour but it is true. Some Zambian businessmen are involved, including the Post Newspaper man. LAP Green is fully aware of it. However much we hate HH, he has been thoroughly briefed on the issue by some disgruntled PF insiders. It is a matter of time….
Iz this the same UPND that waz once led by late vibrant Mazoka? And so this HH iz at the helm of the party now?
HH you are right. Can some Zambians please ready, research yourr facts before you comment. Some of you look so dull for you have no facts aganist HH. other hatred. Period. That hatred will eat you.
Regrouping of thieves! Ni bamobene. Just like changing chairs in a meeting room. Same chairs, you just shift them around and yet no change. Phew!!!
foolish chaps will continue crying,but big boys like HH will be above board.goodness is we are monitoring all moves by this big monkey in the maize feild ,so that it has no chance to steal.it wants to divert our attention @ it has seen a thief in distance ,running away.NO we are not going to loose sight of the maize feild in case its long fingers attempts to snatch our resources.
Even me, like this guy, would be angry at my position being given to “bazungu” (although best thing to happen ever anywhere in Africa- to have a competent VP who is not afraid to challenge his colleagues lower or upper!) and I am nowhere near being in GRZ for another 5 years; I have even ordered my executive to change the 2 term limit to accommodate me nafuti nafuti; I was being touted as a baby cobra but I am really a paper tiger! I am jealous of PF so watch your backs!
HH “Dreams from my Father”
HH, kekekekekekekeke the man doesn’t know what comment can make sense over the pending reversal of Zamtel sale, so in order to make ka headline he cooks up a false rumour. Ba Sata can’t do that Mr. HH. The man is allergic to corruption.
Ka HH continue being a gong at the railroad crossing clanging ever so loudly and vainly as the train goes by like that vague-minded imbecile called SENIOR CITIZEN!!
HH please dont feed on rummers, first research and then open your mouth. I respected you some time back, but now you are just ranting whatever comes in your head. Atase!!!
So who will be responsible for ‘valaution and sell’ this time, who is the new ‘Dora Siliya’?. We know the new single sourced buyers are from Angola but how much are they paying government and how much are they paying the ‘siliya’?
Its sad that the majority of bloggers can not discuss issues but rather resort to insults and character assasinations. A behaviour so common with our politicians.
HH please can you get it that you cant not be our president until you change for the good of the Zambian people we are not all Tongas, but Zambians please get it the Michael is now the President of Zambia.
Michael is the one who still thinks he is in opposition! Why can’t you for once behave like a head of state? We all want him to succeed as president because his success will be our success as Zambians. Please Ba Zambia advise the man – he is Zambia’s president for the next 5 years.
Whether the value of Zamtel is $US 257 million or not is not my concern. Valuation is not an exact science and my knowledge of it is of the meager and unsatisfactory kind. According to Lord Kelvin,” when you can measure what you are speaking about, and express it in numbers, you know something about it; but when you cannot measure it, when you cannot express it in numbers, your knowledge is of a meagre and unsatisfactory kind.” My concern, however, is that LAPGreen a company overflowing with oil riches only paid $US 15 million. What has happened to the balance. Was there a deal?
I am actually glad that HH pulled out of a pact with such a haphazard and mediocre government. It will ultimately prove to have been a wise move. Bad blood cant mix. UPND leadership is too clean to mix with PF. Remember HH even said he will be in office without govt pay? The man is not a write off. He inspires some of us hardworking untribalist Zambians. Kolwestans say musalu wali pesamba…..The same theives have regrouped under a former corrupt leader who vigourously supported a corrupt leader, even forcing a third term down the throat of Zambians. HH is a wise young leader whose contribution to this country is immense. Lets wait and see.
You call yourself “untribalist” and in the very next sentence you refer to some people as kolwestan, and you don’t see how self-contradictory that is. You still wish to be taken seriosuly?
Pf is gradually proving to be the most corrupt and tribal party in Africa
Yaba ba Sata nabo balasata.
PF, Fulfil your campaign promises failure to which you should never rule out HH in 2016. Failure to fulfil promises, HH is in whether you like it or not. Mind you nobody trusts the postnewspaers anymore as they have lost objectivity and duped Zambians to vote for non performing and corrupt Govt. They ganged with PF govt to rape zambians of their resources. Everybody has a price indeed.
HAKAYENDE HAKAYIVOTELE. will never be president in zambia unless Tonga Land.
This rejecty should keep his cow mouth shut,HH will never ever become president no matter how much his tribal supporters want, a tonga vote can never ever secure plot 1
Mr. President I do agree with you when you criticize the ruling PF constructively and you are very free to do that as an opposition. However, am so shocked that you, Hakainde Hichilema, can go to that level of defending criminals indirectly, what do you mean you when you say the PF government is being vindictive, if there is any vindictiveness it is coming from us the voter, we knew from the on set who these thieves where and we cannot approach innocent people today. Secondly, you have vowed to influence your Mps to shoot down any motion of the PF in the parliament especially those that are against criminals. A timely warning Mr president, 2016 is just around the corner and many zambians have some hopes in you, if you are serious about becoming the 6th president of the republic, leave th
These are indeed politicians! Zamtel issue is still hot and dust is still in the air and a leader like HH can spread such rumours of single sourcing.He should emulate BY who stood as an MP after leading ZRP.Perhaps our UP AND DOWN party can have morols. Dont hide in E – media .Come in the open if you have facts. 2016 and Beyond,dont KUBEBA.
HH and his Useless Party of Narrow-minded Dunderheads (UPND) will never be president of Zambia until he changes his strategy, the best you will become is a councillor in Choma or Monze. Money can buy you votes from your clansmen but it will never buy you that seat at State House.
HH – lack of strategy. What you have just said sets your political career of course! Learn to read the mood of the Zambian people and build on their aspirations. Allergy to corruption should be your rhetoric too so that you contribute to the fight against corruption. You cant take the side that investigate corruption is bad. Where that leave you?
HH Again—please concetrate on realigning your political career-you are heading for doom..stop defending MMD thieves that took our hard earned income from taxes…if you continue to defend them then you are going to die with them politically
No 9 and all other *****s who talk about failure within 90 days are the most foolish people.More foolish than George Kunda and Hakainde Hichipuba i have ever seen in this world. Before opening your dirty mouths to bark, ask Rupiah Banda how long it took the MMD Thugs to plunder our economy.
HH, please do a thorough job at investigating this issue before you alarm the nation. What evidence do you have that they have single sourced?
You are now behaving like an ordinary guy on the street and this is so sad. I expect better from you.
@maxwell 41, thus a nice comment.
Please PF forgive us for we didn’t know what we were doing .If you forgive all of us MMD thugs we Promise to quit politics. Especially me Dora Siliya i will even stop Bedwetting
mambala kwena chalikukalipa wabifya napamenso kwati ulenya tawulati lolela mbale.2040 ni lelo.go pa bungee if want to commit kaipaye .you friend ka kunda pwetete pwetete yachaya naka dora kayamba nokwenda ne nkonto.
Thats what Sata did when he was in Opposition (checks and balances)! Continues giving us In Side Information,and you will always be vindicated when it works out to be true…
Job well done!
I feel sorry for HH, after cutting a secret deal with MMD to break the pact, MMD was to rig in the name of split opposition, then reward HH (as veep). HH has since announced that UPND will be working with MMD in parliament to ensure PF fails to govern, and will ensure RBs immunity is not removed, why are you protecting thieves? Wake up and realise that you are a bigger looser right now than RB.You could have been vice by now, ready to take over in 2016. They are trying to use you again. When are you going for convention?
HH. Your frustrations and bitterness are driving you mad. There are still a lot of issues surrounding the sale of Zamtel now, and no sane govt or person can source for a buyer at this crucial moment. You are really a frustrated politician HH
Hakainde Hichilema Hademanda Haclarity, this is another chap using any means he can find to attack the government. Senseless and sickening talk makes everyone see just how bitter this Tonga Bull is.
53. William Mulenga – Good comment, let me just add – No sane buyer would even engage in such a transaction. And if such a thing happened, the buyers and govt would ensure everything is above board or they risk the same fate
This was one of the items on the agenda when the second vice president, KK, took an apology to Angola over Zambia’s siding with Savimbi during that bitter war. The PF led gvt promised Dos Santos that Zamtel would be given to an Angolan Company once repossesed from Lap Green. Wait and see. It is not HH but ask KK he will tell you.
I don’t see the point of asking forn clarification and then concluding something else at the same time. Ni ka underfive zoona aka kamuntu.
HH we also demand clarity on how you acquired your wealth…. You will go down with the likes of Mutati…. Give the people back what belongs to the people…
Go Go HH!!!!!!! Kolwestans do not own Zambia. Wake up Zambians…SATA will lead this nation to a decline. He talks useless against Angola (Zambia supported IMPLA staff) against Libya (Killing of Gaddaffi), puts Zambia in an awkward position with Malawi (Zambia pleading with Lilongwe)…..2016 will cast him off the throne. like it or not! Barotseland will speak, North western will speak, central will speak, Lusaka and Tongaland will speak. We need a think tank and young man to redeem Zambia!!
In your dreams tong bull,in your dreams
Iyo kwena ba Chapman muli chisushi. Typical kolwestan. No intelligent argument…
Mwaba ilyenu Ba HH 2067. You will only rule dull tongas in 60 years to come as a councillor
Mwanya bafikala hh thought bembas are dull we neve vote u 55% we bembas and 45 u share 2banda 2milupi 2hh efwe bane muyayaya mukali mukanaka
Mwaba ibuju Ba HH
Instead of fighting poverty and suffering of the Zambian populace this is, things appear to be going in reverse gear. first it was farmers not being paid, typhoid/cholera out break now its fuel shortages:
Mansa has four filling stations.
Traffic came to a standstill along the Mansa- Kawambwa road forcing motorists to use alternative routes as the queue for fuel increased at the filling station.
GOO HHH GOOO the lone Voice one day Zambia shall surely find a selfless leader like HH .. PF is useless. They cheated us during campaigns
HH you just needed clarity and these bemba fools from muchinga province are insulting u and yo tribe,shame on u all HH hater’s God wil judge u and your grandfather sata,we all know that evil dwells in your blood,u wil b judged like Gaddafi it cn b nw or after 42yrs bt am 100percent sure that sata who is allegic 2 corruption and other tribes wil not rule for 10yrs.
The question to ask HH is “reports” by whom? He does not himself clarify the source of his so-called reports and expects the PF government to clarify his own rumours! I thought an educated person like HH would base his comments on something he is very sure of. But he is living like any ordinary person by basing his comments on opinion or half-baked truths. We deserver better from opposition leaders if they have to unseat the PF government in the next election.
I wonder how many of these bloggers will say something after the so called rumour proves to be correct. Instead they will find something else on which to pin HH. Sound like bloggers hate HH but i don’t see the real reason. I am hopeful though that as we tread the five year run of PF rule, the issues will make themselves clear for everyone to see. I would only caution that even as we fight corruption, which is a genuine cause, the PF government should not forget to put systems that prevent corruption especially in the civil service. Otherwise every government that comes in will start unearthing skeletons for which previous leaders will be prosecuted and cry persecution.
Everytime HH opens his mouth he draws all the tribalistic bloggers like flies to fieces. HH say something again so you minions can feel alive!
Basankhwa na bakaintu listen to me……..you were saying sata cant be president but today he is our president……now you are saying HH cant be presido…..came 2031 he will be our presido infact he will be the right age 70 plus
Tuleteka bane HH and tonga land shut up
Reading this article and then the Post, makes me wonder whose interest HH is serving. The Libyans got Zamtel for a ngwee the real value of the company was marred by political influence. Sata (as the Post article hints) is preview to alot of information as President that HH may not have insight to. Notice that he is hinting so that “due process” maybe followed. I think commenting generally without being precise is reckless.
HH, HH, HH, HH, HH, HH, HH!!!!!!!!!!! the biggest threat to government as he always talks sense. He makes a certain team of people uncomfortable. Be realistic people, the young just wears the tribal tag but he is more than capable. We will try him and see what actually will be of Zambia. These insults are not worthwhile, Mandela did not insult to be a hero, KK did not insult to be a hero, Samora did not insult to be a hero, Mwanawasa did not insult to be a hero. Who is insulting to be a hero, HH or MCS??? time will tell!
Im not a tribalist,but i think HH is a typical Clown loser,he thinks working with losers and thiefs will improve his political career.
I believe he is trying to employ the same political strategy that Sata used when he was in opposition that is one of confrontation…or always having an opposing view on GRZ, some call it “checks and balances”. Only difference between HH and Sata is that, Sata has served in GRZ for decades so he understands Zambian politics better, secondly Sata’s intel was usually spot on becoz of his long service and connections within the civil service be it OP, ZNS, Ministries etc. I am not saying the PF GRZ is doing a fantastic job but I question your IQ if you voted or expected the PF to deliver promises in 90days… continued…
I voted believing in 90days PF would have sparked into motion the achievement of those promises before 5years is done. (BA64 theres Comm of Inq, New tax band for formal employment means more money in the pocket, making us more liquids meaning more to spend on services, the multiper effect should trickle down to masses marketeers, taxi drivers, vendor, maids and the famers etc, tax on mines increased, education and health services to be fee to some degree…if anything HH engage GRZ to give clear roadmap on how GRZ will achieve these social services without compromising on quality or standards…if I rated PF GRZ now I give them utmost 55% pass rate which means they still have work to do…but less than a 3rd of a year and you calling for blood is just plain stupid. Continued…
My advice is HH your strategy of taking on the PF GRZ and using the same tactics MCS used to make him popular are premature “perhaps no wonder you’re called under five” 90days after elections when HH opens his mouth it’s all doom and gloom makes you sound like a “sour puss” political maturity is being able to read the mood and capitalize on that! Right now Sata is still very popular and you bashing PF only makes you very unpopular, calling it a failed govt in less than 4months grow up HH! continued…
HH is far much better than PF as a party. This time my vote is on HH, i wish i could withdrawal my vote from Pf. I feel been cheated as a youth, i was promised a job,only to be told to go and do vending in the streets. HH is the incoming republican president whether you like it or not. You will come and tell. At the moment things are not going on well in the country. I think HH is the man.
Strategy-read the mood feel the people on the ground, take a leaf from Sata…when we had fuel shortage he has at Total with a jerrycan queuing up, when he was visiting a rural area he also jump on public transport “truck” and cried foul to GRZ about poor state of roads and transport services African politics is about the poor masses and engaging them at their level. Most of us blogger are just loud months that don’t even vote or are in the Diaspora. By all means engage PF on all these matters Zamtel, BA64, Corruption etc BUT strategy too early to be yelling murder…advise & offer solutions you’ll come out mature and not sound like a “sour puss” agitating for confusion!
Ba president ba Bantustan, You always talk on the PF promises during campaign is that the only thing you thinking Sir. They have heard you clearly, and they are working on them but they have done something which in MMD was difficult. You can run your ZWD and tell the world that MCS is dying, the MMD members can talk on ZNBC freely unlike that time when only GK was on TV every day. Isnt that not an achievement. Promises were made and the term of office is not ending tomorrow ba HH.
Only Bembaz are insulting HH. I told you earlier on that only fulfillement of campaign promises by PF will make it tough for HH to be president of Zambia in 2016 or else be sure that Zambians will kick you out of power. And why is it that when a Bemba is President all bembaz talk like they are presidents. What inferiority is this? Ati this and that tribe will never rule,only us Bembaz will rule,what complex is this? Your rulership has never developed this country because you are lazy and are thieves even Kaunda confessed on this.Unfortunately even supposedly educated people(Bembaz) like Miles Sampa are in the fore front of this lunacy. Are you sure there are 55% Bembaz in Zambia. Waht manner insults are these on your fellow Zambians. Just a reminder you are not GOD.
Just eat some more lizards and sleep, the world goes on without you
if tongos were smart group of pipo where havent they produced a president up to now,just shut up you haters
Firstly, never say to anyone “you will never be President of Zambia”, unless the Lord showed you this.
Secondly, can we stop prefixing our Government with a political party name, as if there are other political party governments operating in the nation. Why can’t we just say the Zambian Government?
Let us take pride in what we have, and seek to make it better, just as HH is doing by asking questions.
Hapana Hapana will never be president. He is illiterate just like you
You people might be careful. It is possible this Sata could use a shell company to purchase Zamtel with your money. Believe me, this is a gangster government. The sooner you wake up the better for this country.
#83, are you insinuating that all Bembas support Sata and PF? Let me assure you that that is not the case. There are many objective Bembas who do not swallow what Sata and his PF say hook, sinker and line. The few Bemba scoundrels who blog supporting Sata and insulting HH all the time should be seen to represent views of all Bembas.
Sorry, the llast line @86 should read: The few Bemba scoundrels who blog supporting Sata and insulting HH all the time should not be seen to represent the views of all Bembas.
If HH continues like this, even his own ‘tonga flock’ will abandon him – alternatively, someone might just stick a bull’s horn up his A***S$
to shut him up!! I wonder why his wife Mutinta can’t advise the husband to quit politics – anyway HH looks sooooooo arrogant that he listens to no one!! maybe his mistress can have more influence over him
if one was still in doubt of the existing trbalism in this country, one has to go through these comments on this blog. it is like TONGAS and BEMBAS are hell bend to outdo each other through insults. how shameful indeed.
LT since when did condenming tribalism need moderation. like i have stated before your reporting is skewed and not in the interest of zambia. we need to condenm this TONGAS vs BEMBAS syndrome and nip it on its back for the future of this country. and you bring in moderation. let them bloggers read and condenm. not you.
With his
political calibre, HH will never be president
The PF govt and Sata have placed themselves on radar watch within the party and outside their party. Any information that will be hatched on corruption schemes will be leaked to the opposition parties whether Sata likes it or not. The satelite servo-mechanism is in place everywhere and will dock to any information available. We await what HH has requested over clarifications on single sourcing, not only on Zamtel but many other steps PF govt has undertaken.
Who is HH to talk about privatisation and single sourcing?
People of poor memory, selfish stupid *****ts like that with first comment reduce your hateful comments so that you have another wagon when HH rules boy, you sound a full time politician whose stupid, reserve yourself guy i feel you can be useful to HH one day, remember the late Kafupi everyone voted for it but it was the waste, You think the incarmbant is best NO
Its true that Zamtel is up for grabs once more. PF Kaponyas want to dwamo also. Ni dwamodwamo bakamba. After all MMD and PF are made of the same stuff. I am also sure that the next government will also sell Zamtel as many times as they will be broke. This is just the beginning of the spiral wave of activities at Zamtel. Even HH will sell this company many times if he becomes president – God forbid. I end here!
A stupid blogger always analyses issues by region and names of people and cheks for HH condemns, be real and responsible Zambia we Tongas and Bembas Living together in Zambia, Prove your untribalism ba guy do you speak Tonga No Iam married to a Bemba from Kasama, She speaks tonga and i speak bemba we are in Nothern visiting Man, tubantu tumo u re not zambian cos pazed we respect other tribes cose we are many tribes
…PF had failed to fulfill the campaign promises it made to the Zambian people in the run up to the 2011 elections.
Don’t panic HH, PF has 4 and some months to go to say that.. we shall tell you us the voters… don’t mislead pipo on the media… you can’t say PF has failed the promises in few months…
come 2016, it will be Zambia versus bembas. u have become foolish and taking other tribes for granted, mwanya!!!!
HH has never said any thing that came to be prved to be true or have some wisdom, but always rubish and tribalism.This time dining with corrupt MMD and he thinks we can not see through him.HH is the most foolish politician i have ever seen in the world.
HH chill,loser.If the UPND was a woman,she could have been a professional prostitute by now ,probably contracted AIDS.UPND is the only party that has slept with all the parties in this country but still fail to make it,why?The answer is,they either change the party name or the leader and sop prostituting,maybe,just maybe,otherwise UPND is proving to be a good example of how not to run a political party.
HH Ulicisushi sana
#72,yo name yu broke my ribs,yu have made my day 2012 thus far.
Is this what they call checks and balances? This is pure rumour mongering!
Reports from where? We all know that HH is a bitter dude who has been sleeping in the MMD bed for political expedience and for the sake of frustrating PF. At first he was hoping they (PF) do not win the elections. Now he is hoping they fail in their governance. It would not surprise me if he is infact the author of these “reports”. He’s willing to sabotage the country’s development just so that he can be able to say “I told you”. There’s a difference between ‘checks and balances’ and ‘destructive antagonism’.
Bembas for sure are worried about HH.Iam not a Tonga but these pipo are principled.They are the only offering checks and balance.What is happening with Mwetwa Choma MP he is very queit.HH allow your man to speak on issues.
At least we know HH is still active. Landeni ba HH, chalo chilemimfwa!
The problem with my elder brother and name sake (HH), is that he is too arrogant and he thinks, he is very educated despite having done a chikwakwa course. Come down the high horse my brother, look at all the five presidents we have had ,they all started from the grass roots then ascend to presidence. Believe me if Mazoka was around UPND would have been in power today…. the man was down to earth and he started from the grass roots….
u are on a right direction sir.keep it up.the time for UPND will surely come and the better zambia we dream of will be a reality.we and thousands others are 100% behind u.
Bemba chaps so proud that you think you shouldnt be criticised, ‘blurri’ *****s
#106 GILBERT LUBINDA —— give us only 1 reason why Bembas can be worried about HH as you put it.
#1 Your president is the biggest rumor monger in Zambia ………
#108 … thats the problem when you can comprehend facts ……… and continue to live a world of assumptions.
Sata oso speaks without tangibo evidence, so dont crucify HH unless u dont no sata
The president has no powers over the sale of zamtel, but in zambia the president can tell police who to probe, and how to do it. IM not aware the re-take over of zamtel has met all court proceedures and is already on the market.
Ba HH bala mpena
HH remain a tribalist.Please keep your bantu stan along do not disturb the progress PF is making.You pulled out of the PACT alone.
HH is true that you played arole in privatising Livingstone Intercontinetal hotl but later found yourself as chairman under new owners?? If so, is that good coorporate governance or it breaches principles of conflicts of interest and leaves you amenable to be accused of underhand dealings??? A date with a combined team of security wings investigating plunder would not be a bad idea, after all!!
hammer the dunderheads mr.President..they are not going anywhere..they have no clear cut policies to rule..viva HH……..
Zambians wake up from your slumber!!!The man is saying the truth.
Hate-Hate has a problem, he thinks is intelligent when is not. He talks like a under-5 with a small brain and small mind. Simple advice ba guy grow up,
be like a man, you are so immature. Take your time. Otherwise, you are finishing yourself and the party you inherited (UPND) badara. Remember your party is dieing, but in your little brain you think, its growing. I feel pity. You are so dull and unwise.
They will be sanity one day when all this rubbish governments will the the thing of the past in Zambia.what good can a preident do when he is busy working towards his retirement home.