MMD National Chairman Michael Mabenga says he is ignorant about claims made by republican President Michael Sata that some Chinese companies are funding the opposition party.
President Sata yesterday morning during the swearing in ceremony for Mutembo Nchito as Director of Public Prosecutions alleged that he has information that some Chinese firms are still funding the MMD.
Mr. Mabenga says he does not blame Mr. Sata for such allegations but puts the blame on people who allegedly lie to him in exchange for job favors.
He SAYS it is important that Zambians do not mislead the president as this has the potential to kill the country’s spirit of patriotism.
Mr. Mabenga says even if Chinese companies were funding the former ruling party, there is nothing wrong if they are doing so out of goodwill.
Meanwhile, Mr. Mabenga has cautioned members of the party to desist from making negative statements pertaining to the activities of the party.
Mr. Mabenga says it is unfortunate that some members of the MMD had resorted to washing dirty linen in public stating that this is not only sending a wrong signal to party members but to the world at large.
He has since appealed to all party members to carry themselves in a respectable manner so as to uphold the party’s good image.
And Former commerce, trade and industry minister Felix Mutati has charged that the country is experiencing economic uncertainty.
Mr. Mutati says the delay by the government to announce the minimum wage has resulted in a certain level of economic uncertainty.
He says the industry players are uncertain on the way forward of because of the minimum wage issue.
Mr. Mutati in an interview has noted that it is important that the government announces the minimum wage in order to clear to the uncertainty.
Meanwhile, the former commerce minister says the transformation of Zambia must be anchored on policy consistence and not transaction intrigue.
He hopes that the PF government could come out of the shell and make policies that are focused.
Which PF to make public policies that are focused when they are boat of clueless dry bones?
the ship boat is wandering in deep waters the clock on the ship is dead…..
PF is synonymous to American Shameful “The BridgeTo Nowhere”. Read about it
Insecurity.Just fulfill your promises and people will appreciate.Mutati is spot on.The country’s economic outlook is gloomy.Agriculture Minister has confirmed no bumper harvest this year,this and ofcourse the weak Kwacha(which has made imports more expensive as Zambia is a net importer) will drive inflation up.Lets wait for the first quarter’s CPI.
Gambling with the country and peoples’ lives.Recklessly asphyxiating  the old and ambitious youths whose future and fate is plugged in a quagmire. For how long will God’s people be taken for Granted before they press for self emancipation political and economic? Why has PF lamentably to come up with a single policy 100 + days after a peaceful democratic transition? Are we in Haiti, Somalia, Iraq or Afghanistan to deserve this failure of policy regime? Â
Reuters factbox on Zambia key political risks
Zambia faces a wave of mining strikes and the government in place since September may find it difficult to push laws through parliament in the face of an increasingly united opposition.
Investors have also been rattled by a doubling of base metal royalties in the November budget of Africa’s biggest copper producer, while frequent power shortages look set to worsen problems for mining companies.
Now this is real shameful,we need immediate change of the president’s advisers.So what if mmd is funded by some Chines.Am a Pf supporter but am ashamed at the fact that the president has single handedly taken over all operations,even worse,directing public officers on what cases to pursue.
Zambia is bigger than a coterie of the visionless.Â
zambia, where to with this comedian? Let the PF also reveal the source of their satanic funds
Can the president please get down to work.He has far much more challenges than the petty issues he seems to be concetrating on.
and guy scot thinks the people who will vote pf out of power are not yet born. bakalila ba mambala only to wake up mu 2016 and they are still docked at state house instead of going round the country delivering what they promised.
And this habit of diverting critical attention from deserving issues is detrimental to development he now wants the nation’s attention to be diverted to his witch hunt on HH.
ha ha ha ha Chinese eating with both hands in case the scale tipped the other way!! The president’s style of leadership is too centralised. Where is the rest of the PF cabinet? Apart from the president and Given, we hardly ever get to hear from any body else. Are they too busy at work or conveniently sleeping on the job? The people are interested to know progress on the PF’s development agenda.
Got to agree with Mabenga on this one. So what if Chonchos are financing this dead Party? It`s up to them who they support.
Keep friends close and enemies closer. These tuma Choncholi know what they did with RB and his hung-ons. They were friends. All HE MCS has to do now is keep the Choncho man closer. They won`t go and they now it. Once MMD takes that last breath, China man will have no choice but to become friends with the PF.
My advice to HE MCS is, he should be above this pettiness. He shouldn`t leave himself open to attack even by foolish people. This was uncalled for from the president. I hope his advisors will take note. Let him keep a distance and only talk when he has to. This is a statement which should not be made by a minister.
# 12 development agenda,
My dear take it right here that is a boat of clueless dry bones? Who gets to work and come up with public statement among dry bones. I challenge clueless job seeking PF cadres to articulate any Public Policy from this circus regime other than spitting aimless day in and out.
Got to agree with Mabenga on this one. So what if Chonchos are financing this dead Party? It`s up to them who they support.
Keep friends close and enemies closer. These tuma Choncholi know what they did with RB and his hung-ons. They were friends. All HE MCS has to do now is keep the Choncho man closer. They won`t go and they know it. Once MMD takes that last breath, China man will have no choice but to become friends with the PF.
My advice to HE MCS is, he should be above this pettiness. He shouldn`t leave himself open to attack even by foolish people. This was uncalled for from the president. I hope his advisors will take note. Let him keep a distance and only talk when he has to. This is a statement which should not be made by even a minister.
The boat is wandering in the waters, the crew have no clue, the compass GPS is not working, the captain of the ship is busy giving orders to the fishermen to catch the crocodiles. The crocs are lying low, jaws ready to strike. The pasengers are enjoying tujilijili…..the clock on the boat is also dead….the Hour Has Gone!tick tick tick time waits for no one especially time wasters!
yangu tata is there any job thats been done? Because everybody seems to be talking only…
Sata is behaving like the true boy who cried wolf one time too many. For a president to be so alarmist, it is most shameful. I still recall the “kumbwasuka” of KK stoke piling guns at Sindamisale or that Chitala told him Mong’omba was part of the coup plot. As for Mabenga, he seems to be ignorant about a lot of things, including who killed his daughter. Bukuba bwa Mabenga bu tulile sikala.
Now you understand why RB wept for this country.Mau ya akulu akoma atagonera.
Does Chilufya know if the Chinese who are funding MMD are some of those he was having dinner with not so long ago?
Really PF will take Zambia to hell.
Sata welcomed the Chinese with both hands after he assumed office. In turn, they have become a ‘constituency’ that will be well embedded in the political fabric of the country. They are gaining influence and are reading the political mood all the time and playing the “power game” too to their advantage. They may not actively participate in the politics of the day, but will be in a position to be call the shots from behind the scenes to ensure their investment secure.
# 14 Italian Bunga Bunga (Original). Interesting for once you note a tocken worth of wisdom from MMD. The worry is the elephant in PF living room. I agree with your comment of the president’s advisors rebat commentry from the public and allow him concentrate on more important national issues. However, can your timely positive advice be taken seriously? We have belaboured that ever since PF govt assumed power to establish communication channels in specialist areas of political, economic and legal press statements to reduce confusions and contradictions in press release to the general public.
It`s not the first time I have said anything like this you muggirl! I see things objectively. I am not like you when you were in power. When Ala Bee was opening his gob you had your ta.ils between your legs.
Give pf time.
PK how can you praise RB in the face of what we are going through?Sata is president today largely coz of RB’s incompetence corruption,and lack of seriousness.Most pipo resorted to vote for Sata coz we lost hope in RB.RB is actually responsible for what we are going through coz of his failure to inspire us.
Does it mean when the president say something which takes a few seconds he is not working. Let Sata apeak so that we are kept i ntouch as voters on what these theives are capable of doing. MMD you will never bounce back into gvt no matter what happens.You have been in power for over 20 yrs what have you done to our country..Stealing, Sata has been in power for only 4 or is it 3 moths. We Zambians shall give him time to move this country forward. We know these thieves are having dark coner meetings to castigate every move the gvt takes to show that they are failing but you will fail. PF has been given 5 years to rule Zambia.
Africa’s dullest President.
I wanted change but this is not the change that I wanted. Sata, like RB, does not deserve a second term. Sata still has the UNIP mentality of the president commenting on even trivial issues. What a shame!
Zambia needs two things: effective taxation of the mines, and public funding of elections and parties.
The money ends up with the politicians anyway, why not do it in a way that is overt and transparant.
Taxation is the way to go, and the Windfall Tax is the easiest to implement.
What happened to Mushota? Anayopa ba gestapo about insulting Zedians? Olo anachinja zina che?
Never mind, majority of the boggers belong to the dane of thieves so they cant see the good things MC is trying to do.
People are suffering to today because of slave wages which you imposed through corruption and bogus economic policies. Mutati should be frank with himself, with his policies how many jobs did he create? More jobs were lost than created the whole time he was a Minister.Â
give Satan Micheal a platform to work, he will never do it. he has proved to us Zambians that he is a falure. he cant talk of progressive maters but fight people. the people he challenged in the past election, are still a threat to him.but why, why cant he too find a donnor to fund him, nao mudala. is this gut really normal. time is running out under his administration, i know that the youths voted wisily for this chap. he promised them jobs and money in the pocket, mmmmm manje basata makes me laugh, his hands are ever in the pocket niu guy ayi, no ni ukaponya. get down to work mr presido, we have not seen any thing tangeble from you yet, apart from witch hunt,
Every party has donors…. ala.