Friday, March 7, 2025

Cases of Gender Based Violence on the increase


The Young Women Christian Association (YWCA) is working with government to stop gender based violence in the country.

YWCA Executive Director Patricia Ndhlovu told ZANIS in Lusaka today that cases of gender based violence involving spouse battering and killing in Zambia have increased.

Mrs. Ndhlovu said cases of women being killed as a result of domestic differences with their husbands have increased.

She said her organisation was working hard to sensitise the public against gender based violence while empowering the victims of the same.

She further said spouses should learn to dialogue as opposed to resorting to violence.

Mrs. Ndhlovu emphasised the need for victims of gender violence to report to the police and other relevant authorities so that perpetrators are brought to book.

She said the total number of gender based violence cases in the first quarter of 2011 was 2,028.

Out of this number, 462 cases were of child defilement, 64 were rape cases, 645 were spouse abuse and 12 cases were of murder involving
female spouses.

Mrs. Ndhlovu has since urged members of the public to actively help fight gender base violence and ensure a zero tolerance to the vice.



  1. Typical of the dirty drunk Zambian men imposing their frustrations on the women that is why I choose a scottish man for me it is always hugs and kisses and no punches.And when I become president death penalty to all the abusive men.Thanks excuse me

  2. am doing a research in this feld because i want to see change.lets help women in this country.and help then learn that they are ways in preventing such issues.

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