Friday, October 18, 2024

President Hakainde Hichilema Announces Major Shake-Up: Dismissal of Lieutenant General Collin Barry as Zambia Air Force Commander


In a swift and decisive move, President Hakainde Hichilema has made significant changes at the Zambia Air Force. The President, in accordance with Article 270 of the Constitution of the Republic of Zambia, has terminated the appointment of Lieutenant General Collin Barry as Zambia Air Force Commander.

The President expressed gratitude for Lieutenant General Barry’s service to the Government of the Republic of Zambia and extended best wishes for his future endeavors.

Taking charge immediately is Major General Oscar Nyoni, who has been appointed as the new Zambia Air Force Commander. President Hichilema, exercising the powers vested in him by Section 165 (1) of the Defence Act, Chapter 106 of the Laws of Zambia and Article 91 (1) of the Constitution of the Republic of Zambia, has also promoted Major General Nyoni to the substantive rank of Lieutenant General.

Swearing in of Major General Oscar Nyoni as ZAF Commander

Concurrently, Brigadier General Arthur Kalaluka has been appointed as Zambia Air Force Deputy Commander, with a corresponding promotion to the substantive rank of Major General. These appointments and promotions are in accordance with the provisions of Article 91 (1) and Article 92 (2) (c) of the Constitution of the Republic of Zambia.

President Hichilema, during the swearing-in ceremony at State House, emphasized the importance of teamwork and efficient service delivery within the Zambia Air Force.

Addressing Lieutenant General Nyoni and Major General Kalaluka, President Hichilema stated, “Leadership is a pyramid, management is a pyramid, there should be no confusion at all, what citizens expect is teamwork. But more importantly is service to the people of Zambia, they are our bosses.”

Lt Gen Nyoni is a seasoned pilot on a wide range of transport aircraft including the MA-60, BE1900 D and the Y-12. He has held several appointments in his 35 years of military service, notable ones being Vice Chief of Operations, Air Officer Commanding Air Transport Support Command (ATSC) now Tactical Air Mobility Command (TAMCOM), Chief of Operations, Director International Sports Council and United Nations Liaison (CISIM) and his immediate past appointment Deputy Zambia Air Force Commander and Chief of Air Staff (COAIRS).
He has a Master’s of Science Degree in Defence and Strategic Studies from Madras University of India among other military and academic qualifications.

Major Gen Kalaluka is a seasoned fighter pilot and Qualified Flying Instructor who has held several appointments among them Director Foreign Training, Vice Chief of Training, Air Officer Commanding (AOC) Air Defence Command and Chief of Operations.

Swearing in Ceremony of the new Zambia Air Force Commander, Major General Oscar Nyoni, and the Deputy Air Force Commander, Major General Arthur Kalaluka.


  1. OMG why the Air Force ??
    Minister of Police, Judical, Min of home affairs, are far more lacking and are more important to our way of life.

    • Barry has been sacrificed. He was the one that exposed the plane that was involved in the Gold Scandal. There is a powerful person behind the scandal who is very close to HH. This is the why Ms Chishu Kasanda when she was GRZ Spokesperson made a statement that – ” if you get involved in scandals, you are on your own and HH will not protect you. These guys involved in the Gold Scandle will walk free. Already the Egyptian Pilot has been let go. UPND is start to rot. We did not fund UPND to see what is going on. Its despicable.

    • @Tikki

      I also agree with you. We have ministers completely failing that need to be kicked out. The president wants YES MEN, which is always the root for corruption.

    • HH is a failure. He forced his way into the Zambia presidence for his own gain just like he did with the Mines.

    • The Civil Aviation responsible for non military air space has not receive this major shakeup. The Airport Corporation in charge of that hanger where the plane parked isn’t targeted. How can the goldgate be reason for his dismissal? We aren’t that naive to believe GOLDEN story version.

  2. Spare us the parlance, the ZAF commander visited a retired general a few days ago and I am SUSPICIOUS someone doesn’t like our retired soldier. General Barry has been working tirelessly since his appointment. One thing is that unlike the boot lickers who always open their address with UNDER OUR HARD WORKING PRESIDENT HAKAINDE HICHILEMA blah blah, the General just goes the point…. maybe another reason for the removal?

    • Yayi General Barry was a very politicised soldier whom HH nepotistically appointed from nowhere. A pity you have killed all your investigative media in Zambia cos the real story needs some digging up.

  3. It shows you how incompetent HH is…..HH wants to work with Praise singers and Barry probably was very professional…doing what he knew as an accomplished Airforce man….now the new Airforce commander and his deputy will grab all the Airforce contracts and give a huge percentage to HH…..

  4. HH wants to work with people he can micro manage so that he can steal without being questioned… sure you know why he has Musokotwane as Finance Minister…

  5. Whatever the reason for his dismissal, the fact that it’s been effected few days after he visited Zambia’s celebrated fighter pilot and pioneer of ZAF Peter Zuze sends a clear message that the appointing authority wants to work with zombies that can’t think on their own. When wrong people are in charge, the nation can’t move forward. Mweetwa has told us that everyone in government is singing the President’s hymn. Another Zambian has died in the hands of Buju in Mongu and our great leader isn’t moved. They’re doing a very good job

  6. @Ayatollah
    Yes he has replaced Hardworking Collins Barry with two useless Zombies and within few months those two Zombies will be one of the richest Zombies in Zambia…..first thing is grab on the ZAF tenders and give ZAF contacts to family members and friends and of course 50% goes to HH

  7. Appointment of new ZAF Commander is a normal jurisdiction vested in the National Commander-in-Chief. All senior ZAF personnel are well-trained in various engineering and technical fields that drive the Zambian Airforce. No tribal affiliation can be attributed to ZAF personnel changes because Colling Barry does not belong to any tribe in Zambia. Therefore, speculations linking the High Command in ZAF to the “GOLD SAGA” at KK International Airport (KKIA) cannot hold water. In South Africa, an event when a private aeroplane carrying the GUPTA Family for a wedding session landed at the Airforce Base with permission granted by authorities in President Zuma’s Office. Hence, the “Gold Saga” at KKIA bears some resemblance to the behaviour of the Guptas in South Africa.

    • First… you are wrong on the general not having a tribe in Zambia. His mother is Zambian and is from a tribe which takes up a mother’s tribe and clan.
      Second.. don’t confuse the airport saga with the firing of the general….if it’s then the whole chain of command must be fired starting from the Commander In Chief himself
      Please stop apologizing for someone who won’t appreciate anything.

  8. The dismissal of one honest individual can’t be described as a major shakeup. Honest people don’t last in this administration. It’s a blessing that he’s been relieved. He should gracefully accept his predicament as Godsent. Checkpoints are back after contraband is already gone

  9. The airport saga revealed that the General was not in control of Zambia’s airspace. PERIOD. It was an embarrassing event indeed. We need people who will be on top of things. I hope the two appointees will rise to the occasion or risk being fired also. But when Nyoni will be fired, that is if he will be fired, I know the Easterners will cry tribal foul. But now the Easterners should praise and sing HH for appointing one of their own.

    • You are wrong @patrioticzambian about this Nyoni being easterner! He belongs to a small group of Ndebeles who settled around the Livingstone area and is practically a southerner.

      Ofcourse there are similar groups in Eastern Province and elsewhere having descended from the same migrating Shaka people of the Nguni/Ngoni tribes …

  10. A real shame that such a hardworking and respected man by his fellow officers and troops was ousted for basically telling the truth, doing the right things needed for the airforce, he spoke the truth and always had the country’s needs at the forefront of his mind.
    We have to question that just because he couldn’t be corrupted, and although Zambian by birth, he was still regarded as a muzungu by some! Is our great country slipping back to its old ways? With the kwacha the weakest it’s been in years, what is the government doing….
    Let’s get back on track and support those who really fight against corruption,but if we did that we wouldn’t have many to support as the majority of govt officers are corrupt.

    • HH doesn’t want honest people especially those who look and act more intelligently than him. If you are intelligent play dumb if you are to survive his jealous cutlass.

    • @DeJavu
      Yes exactly and thats the reason he promoted those two dimwitts Nyoni and Kalaluka…HH feels comfortable working with thieves

    • Who recruited Colin Barry in the Zambia Air Force? Who trained him? Who promoted him? It’s those same people you’re despising. We will never know why HH has fired him. You’re such an embarrassment.

  11. This is what happens when the abnormal becomes normal…..HH can’t work with normal smart people no wonder he couldn’t work with KBF…..HH wants to work with ” yes boss”kind of people and Collins Barry is not one of them…he is actually my neighbor in Livingstone

  12. Something is really wrong….The usual practice is to move the retired General into diplomatic service.
    Barry had a stellar career in the Air force.
    So sad it had to end this way.

  13. @Independent
    Now you’ve realized “something is wrong with HH”……Remember HH has a history of corruption and illegal deals and Collins Barry doesn’t fit in….

  14. What I’ve come to realize is that in Zambia once you try to do the right thing then they will get rid of you…Baldwin Nkumbula resigned from MMD because he couldn’t work with corrupt leaders starting from FTJ and Baldwin died mysteriously…Paul Tembo was assassinated…Dean Mungomba was poised in Jail….Ronald Penza was assassinated and now HH fires the hardworking Airforce commander for refusing to be used as a vehicle to loot our natural resources

  15. In 2031, it would be great if any of these Zambians can become president of Zambia and i mean true patriots and inclusive leadership. According to me these can make good respectable presidents that can lift zambia up in all spheres i.e Edith Nawakwi, Miles Sampa, Edify Hamukale, Felix Mutati, Muhabi Lungu, Wilbur Simuusa and Dora Siliya

  16. HH fired Collins Barry for refusing to steal and he refused to become a UPND cadre… watch Kalaluka and Nyoni convert into UPND die hard cadres

  17. ……….

    Just look at the merchants of doom above with all manner of speculations……….

    From the wild to the silly, it’s all above……..

    Also Ain’t it bizzar that the same merchants of doom above are not jumping of the tribal appointments as they always do ???

  18. You are the merchant of Doom yourself. You sounded “wise” on the removal of police checkpoints together with one Kaping’a. The road blocks are back within a fortnight and you have ducked. We told you that your party was ferrying some precious cargo on someone’s behalf, you didn’t believe.

    • Rubbish………

      If membe or any other one of you merchants of doom had information on those trucks……….

      Why did you not stop them and search them ?????

      Citizens have the power for a Citizens arrest………..

  19. The discourse in this forum is very shallow and disappointing but not surprising. Nkani yamu kachasu innuendos anchored on tribalism, nepotism, theft, corruption without facts to back up the opinions or shall I say slander. I wonder what has led to this govt controlled media (always praising govt)has always been extreme opposite of private media (always criticizing/sensational). The end result is that we (readers ) are left without facts and rational arguments. We end up with innuendos and sensational outbursts. It’s not for Zambia. Kenya which is in my view more politically polarized than Zambia has better media ethics and standards.

  20. Just analyzing the President’s speech is team work may be there was some disconnect among the three top generals.

  21. At this rate HH will be a one term president.
    How many convictions has DEC/ACC done……a big fat ZERO
    UPND don’t change Thiers methods they too will be a one term party.
    President elect Kalaba to be the next president, he has my vote

  22. ha ha ha ha kkkkkkk yama yama what is and were are we going look at the replacement just the names tells a story.mmmmm yama yama no one from the Bemba land. mmmmmm yama yama.

  23. You mean This “MAJOR” reshuffle was only about our non existent air force? This could have been announced within the barracks. No need for alarming the nation. Where is the presidential “expert” communication assistant?

    • Hehehe, you have made my day. Most probably that’s why his appointment has been terminated, it’s all in the name lol.

  24. HH is one the most wise president you have ever had…..It’s only that his level of thinking is much higher than most of us hence we don’t understand him…. Take for instance,he says we should be buying tractors unlike the the latter…. What he meant there was that we should endervour to invest and ripe later….. Anyway from a tractor you can buy plenty luxurious things….So ba Kembo format your brains and accept that alipamupando and you will live longer…He has the right and powers to fire anyone and at anytime powered by the constitution.whether you like it or not…..


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